Over the course of the term, students have been collecting materials and wodraft,post,For thdraft

Over the course of the term, students have been collecting materials and working towards the creation of a research proposal that concludes with a specific, testable hypothesis. A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles must be used for this assignment (these should be the same five that were used in assignments 5). These articles must be evaluated throughout the literature review portion of the PowerPoint, clearly articulating how these articles support your hypothesis. This final project will take the form of a student-created PowerPoint presentation that will be delivered to the class (or submitted online for online sections). Consider this document the specific rubric of the items that must be included within the PowerPoint presentation.
It is highly recommended that you refer to the feedback given for the outline assignments (assignment 4 & 5). Remember: you are turning your information into a PowerPoint, and NOT a paper. Please do not include paragraphs of writing on each slide. This final project will have the elements of a larger paper, but presented in PowerPoint format. See grading criteria below.Power Point Grading Criteria – 50 points
Presentation General Notes
Should look good. (-5 for sloppy slides)
Be professional.
No crazy transitions (slide animations)
Avoid Dark Blue / Brown.
Don’t have wall of text. 10 – 15 words per slide. Short blurbs. (-5 for massive word chunks)
Can use notecards / notes.
Title Page – Title, Name, School (just like a paper) (-5 for general APA issues)
Slide order: Title >> Abstract >> Intro/Lit Review >> Methods >> Hypothetical Results >> Discussion/Conclusion >> Ref Page
Specifics and points per portion:
Abstract (5 points)250 Words or Less
Rough overview
Hypothesis / Participants / Procedure / Hypothetical Results
Introduction / Lit Review (10 points)Reasoning Behind Research (Why is there a need to do it?)
Information that reader may need (Basic info about topic)
Lit Review – Give information that backs up your hypothesis. Write as if you don’t know results yet.
Keep short (2 -3 Minutes)
Methods (15 points)Talk about your methodology (focus heavily on this)
How will you get your participants?
How many?
What will your sample look like (race, age, gender, etc.)?
What will you have them do?
Deception or straightforward?
Hypothetical Results (10 points)These do not have to agree with your hypothesis
Describe Demographics here if not included in Methods
Report main results
Conclusion (5 points)Limitations
Implications for future study
Conclude – What it really means and where to go from here.
References (5 points)Full APA Format
I will send you the example of how the powerpoint should like
and ill send you the assignment 5 this is the topic . there is some comment in yellow you should see them by click on the yellow hand to see the comment and fix it

Part 1. For the case study presentation, students are asked to select any todraft,post,Ovedraft

Part 1. For the case study presentation, students are asked to select any topic/concept related to the study of the religions of the world and write a 1-2 paragraph reflection. Here is some information to guide you:
The case study is graded on fulfillment, which means if you complete the assignment, you get the full grade allocation.
For the case study, you are being asked to demonstrate how your thinking about religion has developed considering this course.
For this, you are asked to specifically refer to an example from one or more religious traditions as you express how your thinking about religion has developed. For example, you might want to pick a ritual practice, religious tradition, or theological/sacred concept to reflect on. In your reflection, please indicate why you think your chosen topic is interesting and important for the study of world religions, demonstrate how this class has informed your interest/emphasis on the topic and how your study of religion this semester shapes your understanding of the topic.
Use your example to reflect on how this class helps shape the way you think about religion, here are some questions your presentation should address:
What things are you noticing and thinking about in relation to your chosen topic that you did not notice or think about before?
How do the course readings/discussions affect the way you understand the nature of your religious example?
How does taking this course shape the way you evaluate and interact with the religious example?
Why is the religious practice/ritual/concept you have chosen important/relevant to the study of religions in contemporary contexts.
Part 2
Microsoft Word document, 2-3 pages (double spaced, New Times Roman, 12-point font), include a work cited or bibliography page with at least 3 academic sources formatted in MLA style. All sources must be listed on a separate work cited or bibliography page and attached to the back of your paper. The work cited or bibliography page does not count toward the 2–3-page requirement. Papers less than 2 complete pages WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to draft

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
The Final Project is a stepwise process, and its goal is to leave you well-prepared by the end of this course to execute on your qualitative research study plan.
In Week 10, you will complete Step V of the Final Project. Step V allows you to develop your skills in selecting the right coding strategy for your study approach and in reporting the appropriate codes and categories for your study. In this Assignment, you will complete Step V.
Submit the following:
A draft Analysis Plan (which you will continue to revise later in the week)
A summary of the codes and categories you identified in your transcribed documents
A 2 to 3 full page paper comparing your hand-coding experience with what you researched on QDA software
A final analysis plan, with feedback from your peer debriefer integrated into the document
You will need to have completed all 4 tasks in order to be eligible for full credit on this Assignment. Be sure to allow adequate time for each task as you structure your week. A suggested schedule is included here:
Draft your analysis plan, including steps based on the research question, chosen approach, and sampling criteria.
Note: You’ll be posting this to your Workshop thread in order to receive peer feedback.
By Day 5: Summarize the codes and categories you identified in your transcribed documents.
By Day 5: Draft a 2 to 3 full page paper comparing your hand-coding experience with what you researched on QDA software.
By Day 6: Integrate the feedback you received from your peer debriefer.
Requirements: 2-3 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.
Please be sure to use credible or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.

To write a report about the Hershey Company, you need to include the followingdraft,post,Pledraft

To write a report about the Hershey Company, you need to include the following questions and have data and references. 800~1000 words
Read the latest Annual Report, 10K, 10Q
Listen to latest quarterly conference call, Earningscast.com
Morningstar, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Marketwatch articles
There are questions:
What is the market size of the industry and growth rate?
Does the company have a higher growth rate than the industry and competitors?
Is the company gaining market share?
What are competitor growth rates, market shares, and their profitability trends?
Is Price, Volume, or Services growing? What are the cost trends, SGA trends?
Individual product lines: pricing vs unit/subscriber/user growth?
Does the company have higher profit margins than competitors?
Are operating margins expanding or contracting?
What are working capital and capex trends?
Does the company need to invest more in the future?

Create a robust Student Record Management System in Java to empower admdraft

Create a robust Student Record Management System in Java to empower administrators with efficient tools for handling student records. This system should encompass functionalities such as adding new students, updating student information, and viewing student details.
Student Data Storage:
Use individual variables to store student information such as name, ID, age, and grade.
Student Management:
Develop a set of logically separated methods/functions within a dedicated classless structure, employing static variables for storing the total number of students and the student list.
Administrator Interface:
Display a menu with options to add a new student, update student information, and view student details.
Prompt the administrator for necessary inputs and perform the requested operations using the StudentManagement logic.
Error Handling:
Implement error handling to manage cases where the student ID is not found or invalid inputs are provided.
Provide comprehensive documentation.
Include instructions for running the program and interacting with the administrator interface.
Remember to use appropriate variable names and follow coding best practices.
Submit the assignment in MS Word or PDF file.

For this assignment you work at an organization where: The leadership team is draft,post,I hdraft

For this assignment you work at an organization where:
The leadership team is asking you to implement a diversity program for the organization. They feel that they do not represent diversity well within their recruitment/retention strategy and overall within the organization. You are tasked with implementing a Diversity Council in your workplace . Please prepare a Power Point presentation proposal addressing how you would plan to implement the Diversity Council and address the following with a minimum of one slide per question below.
Why is this needed?
Goals of the Council and how those goals would be measured
What departments/positions should be part of this council?
How you intend to find members for the Council? What will the selection process look like?
How often would they meet?
Member expectations
Other things you find would be relevant to the creation of this Council
For this assignment you will use information from Chapter 9 of the book (High-Impact Human Capital Strategy: Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Today’s Organizations Face by Jack Phillips and Patricia Phillips) as well as conducting some external research. You will need a to cite at least three sources (your book can be one source) and include a reference slide. Citations must be used. The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about how to address one of the challenges organizations face today within HR.

There is a picture of the work that needs to be completed. There is also a fidraft

There is a picture of the work that needs to be completed. There is also a file of the 12 transactions needed to complete this work.
12 transactions classified as either operating, financing, or investing. Then make a statement of cash flows using the 12 transaction.

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocatdraft

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Learning Outcomes:
Describe decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally. (C.L.O :1.1)
Demonstrate decision tools and employ appropriate analytical business models to break down complex issues. (C.L.O :2.2)
Analyze ethical issues and dilemmas that businesses often face and employ ethical standards in all manners and circumstances. (C.L.O :3.2)

Case Study:
Saud works for a XYZ company as an administrative officer. He has been working there for more than fifteen years. He is considered one of the most experienced employees of the company. Saud is a graduate and has not upgraded himself in his tenure. His performance is satisfactory in the routine work but has shown no interest and active participation in changing the existing environment.
Hussain Alghassani is a Chairman of Company. He is a kindhearted person and always has a soft corner for his employees. He has not fired a single employee from the company on the basis of poor performance. He gives a good raise in salaries to those employees who perform well and keep upgrading themselves. Saud is a middle-aged person having three school going children. He is a bread earner of his family and the survival totally depends on his salary. Due to his below average performance his salary has not been raised since the last few years. Hussain knows very well about Saud and his family.
Tarique has recently joined as a Director, HR and Administration Department. He has got a vast experience in HR departments of different well reputed universities. The meeting of the board of directors is held regarding annual increment in the employees’ salaries. Evaluating each employee’s performance is one of the meeting agenda. The meeting is chaired by chairman, Hussain. When the discussion comes to Saud, the board gives suggestions not to raise his salary due to his poor performance throughout the year. Tarique is against the board and its suggestions. He says that not raising any employee’s salary for many years is unethical and cannot be justified. He supports Saud by saying that he has given more than fifty percent of his professional life and he deserves promotion as well as increment. Tarique suggests the chairman, Hussain to fire Saud or promote him. Tarique strongly believes that not raising salaries is a demotivating factor and has a negative effect on employee’s behavior and performance. Tarique suggests Hussain to love or leave him.
Read the above case study and answer the following questions:
1.Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 1]
2.Write all the information present in the case that would be helpful for decision. What other information should you gather, that would be helpful to know before making decision? Identify alternative choices for decision. [Mark 2]
3.Weighing the alternatives [Marks 2]
When weighing the various alternatives, how well each alternative fulfils the variables to consider can be expressed as scores. A different rating scale will be used to assess each alternative:
+2 very suitable
+1 quite suitable
0 neither suitable nor unsuitable
-1 not quite suitable
-2 not suitable at all
Note: Positive numbers (+2 or +1) indicate that the alternative is able to fulfil the variables, whereas negative numbers (-2 or -1) denote the opposite.
4.Draw a decision tree based on the case study for decision making, [2 Marks]
5.As chairman of the XYZ company, How will you manage this ethical dilemma? what will be your decision regarding Saud? [Mark 2]
6.Write the conclusion and overall assessment. [Marks 1]





