1. What is the purpose of public health agencies? (75-100) 2. Describe the major

1. What is the purpose of public health agencies? (75-100)
2. Describe the major issues in the discourse about healthcare in the United States. (75-100words)
3. How would you characterize the current conversation about healthcare in the United States? Utilize examples to support your argument. (75-100 words)

Instructions Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field of social work.
Explain what can happen if social workers fail to exert policy leadership, allowing others with less commitment to client well-being and less dedication to improving the human condition to shape the social welfare and human service delivery systems.
Explain how policies at all levels of a social welfare system can impact service accessibility and service delivery. Provide specific examples. Refer to Social Work Disposition #12: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society when responding to this prompt.
Explain why policy advocacy can be a unifying theme for the social work profession.
Describe the intersecting, multi-level roles (micro, mezzo, and macro) of a policy practitioner centered around analyzing social problems, developing policy change solutions and strategies, formulating and implementing policies and related programs, and evaluating the impact of policies and programs.
Use specific examples to illustrate how a social worker might bring about policy change at each level of social work practice.

Instructions Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field

Explain what constitutes a policy leadership role within the field of social work.
Explain what can happen if social workers fail to exert policy leadership, allowing others with less commitment to client well-being and less dedication to improving the human condition to shape the social welfare and human service delivery systems.
Explain how policies at all levels of a social welfare system can impact service accessibility and service delivery. Provide specific examples. Refer to Social Work Disposition #12: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society when responding to this prompt.
Explain why policy advocacy can be a unifying theme for the social work profession.
Describe the intersecting, multi-level roles (micro, mezzo, and macro) of a policy practitioner centered around analyzing social problems, developing policy change solutions and strategies, formulating and implementing policies and related programs, and evaluating the impact of policies and programs.
Use specific examples to illustrate how a social worker might bring about policy change at each level of social work practice.

The purpose of this 12-15 slide PPT is to highlight FDR’s (Franklin Delano Roose

The purpose of this 12-15 slide PPT is to highlight FDR’s (Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s) ethical leadership during his Presidency which took place from 1933-1945. Please see example attached.
Your PPT should:
1. Be aesthetically pleasing
2. Every slide (except for References slide) should have 1 or more clear pictures and/or graphics
3. Every slide (except Title and References slide) should have 5-7 bullet points
4. At least 2-3 references
Your PPT should be designed like this:
Slide 1: Title
Slide 2: Timeline of FDR’s Presidency (With a timeline graphic)
Slides 3-4: Ethical Leadership displayed in term 1 (March 4,1933- January 4, 1936)
Slides 5-6: Ethical Leadership displayed in term 2 (January 4, 1936 – January 20, 1941)
Slides 7-8: Ethical Leadership displayed in term 3 (January 20, 1941- January 20, 1945)
Slides 9: Ethical Leadership displayed in term 4 (January 20, 1945- April 12, 1945).
Slide 10: Overall Presidency ethical Leadership challenges
Slide 11: Overall Presidency ethical Leadership victories
Slide 12: References

Essay (Respond all parts of the ONLY following question in 6000-7000 words or 20

Essay (Respond all parts of the ONLY following question in 6000-7000 words or 20/25 pages)
Dr. Deborah Stone’s Policy Paradox, discussed the issues of
a) policy goals (Equity, Efficiency, Welfare, Liberty, Security);
b) policy problems (Symbols, Numbers, Causes, Interest, Decisions);
c) policy solution(Incentives, Rules, Facts,
Rights, and Powers) which are broad types of policy instruments
governments can use to solve problems.
d) She further added that policy instruments
are not just tools, each with its own function, and its own suitability
for certain kinds of job. The task of the analyst is to figure out with
is the best tool to use, and then fix mistakes when thing don’t go as
e) Discuss critically (think yourself as a
policy analyst), how these policy goals, problems, and the instruments
of solutions can be creatively used to solve the major public policy
programs (Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and other government
supported programs like Housing and Food Stamp/SNAP etc) in the United
f) In your writings, discuss and debate the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its implications as a major public policy
change in the United States. In this context discuss the ACA Repeal
& Replacement attempt by Trump as a President and restoration of ACA
after Biden Election in 2020. Also discuss how the ACA should be
addressed especially in the light of current political environment in
the country. Also provide a broader understanding of the health care
system & ideas like Universal Health Care System around the
developed world (e.g Canada, UK, France and Germany), and how these
ideas be addressed in American context.
g) Lastly, You must have studied both the text
books rather thoroughly and by now must have pretty good idea about
all the chapter themes from both the books, particularly the chapters we
have discussed the most in the class. Additionally, I also emphasized
that you need to be well versed about olicy issues debated and discussed
in the news media. In this context, you critically analyze the
Infrastructure Investment and Inflation Reduction bills passed by the
Congress and signed by President Biden. How these imporant bills will
impact America’s roads, highways, carbon reduction and taming inflation
in the long run.

Branswell H. Why Covid-19 vaccines are a freaking miracle. One paragraph on what

Branswell H. Why Covid-19 vaccines are a freaking miracle.
One paragraph on what you think about this.
CDC + Wurtz. Guidelines for Large Scale Vaccination Clinics, version 3-2024
Summarize where you got your COVID vaccinations and how it compares to a mass clinic described here. One paragraph.
Lovett S. DNA bought online could be used to create dangerous pathogens, experts warn
One paragraph on what you think about this and whether the smallpox virus could be recreated using this approach.

Instructions Assignment Instructions: Begin with a one-page Executive Summary to

Assignment Instructions:
Begin with a one-page Executive Summary to introduce and summarize the six top legal issues that organizations face as listed below.
Next, using the SOP template provided, you will select the Stark Law option and two additional issues of your choice, for a total of three from the six issues listed below. You will prepare three SOP documents to address the Stark Law plus the two additional issues you choose from a policy and organizational resource allocation perspective. Create SOPs that will provide policy and processes to prevent violations for each of the three issues. Each of your three SOP documents will be 1-2 pages.
Choose Stark Law plus two more from the six issues below:
Stark law
Fraud and Abuse
Equal Employment Opportunity laws
Anti-kickback laws
Medical malpractice
Changes in reimbursement
Length: 3-6 pages, plus a 1-page Executive Summary
References: Include a minimum of 3-5 scholarly resources to support the content of your SOP documents.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly and reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2018). National health expenditure data: Historical.
Fitzgerald, M. P., Bias, T. K., & Gurley, C. T. (2017). The Affordable Care Act and consumer well-being: Knowns and unknowns. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51(1), 27–53.
Review the resources from the Course Resources link, located in the top navigation bar, to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.sources,

Guidelines/Rubric for assignment: Requirements for original responses: Original

Guidelines/Rubric for assignment:
Requirements for original responses:
Original responses are due on Friday (by 11:59 pm) of the week they are assigned.
Paragraph 1: intro/a clear thesis statement, which directly addresses the question(s) posed and gives readers an indication of the argument you plan to make;
Paragraph 2: direct reference to the assigned materials (to illustrate your comprehension of the assigned materials);
Paragraph 3 and 4: (2 bodys) a body of factual examples/evidence that supports your thesis and develops your argument; To be clear, you MUST reference the assigned materials using direct quotations, or cited, paraphrased passages, in order to receive full credit for your submission. Responses that don’t have substantial and significant references to the assigned materials (readings and/or videos) will receive a grade no higher than a D.
Paragraph 5: a coherent paragraph structure that emphasizes the main points of your argument and college-level English; and,in other words, you should have multiple paragraphs
Paragraph 6: a succinct concluding paragraph.
These responses do not need to be lengthy essays, but they do need to be substantial and thoughtful and demonstrate your attempt to understand the cases and materials. If it appears that you are Googling answers or taking any other shortcuts (anything other than reading the materials and undertaking independent research), you may not receive credit.

Prompt: Week 5 Discussion Board33 unread replies.33 replies.As we begin to delve deeper into policymaking, it should be interesting to consider the career paths available in this field. Thus, for your discussion this week you will research jobs in policy analysis.1. Visit the following websites and review the various employment opportunities and internships available at these think tanks.

Job Opportunities at AEI

2. Summarize the kinds of skills and education a policy analyst would need to have in order to obtain a job as a policy analyst.
How does someone become a policy analyst?
Do the varied think tanks look for different qualities in their prospective policy analyst? Discuss the qualities preferred by at least two different think tanks. Why do you think the preferences of the think tanks differ?
**Please remember to use what we have learned from the readings this week AND your research on the websites above in your response. Your answers are your opinions, but they must be rooted in the concepts presented in the readings and materials assigned.
Please be sure to CAREFULLY read through all of the discussion board guidelines before you begin. These posts are meant to be mini-essays with multiple paragraphs and proper citations. Many students have submitted work in the first few weeks that do not include sources or references or citations, and do not make any attempt to connect their answers to the assigned materials. As explained in the instructions (reposted for your convenience below), responses that do not make substantial and significant references to the materials will not receive a grade higher than a D.

Guidelines/Rubric for assignment: Requirements for original responses: Original

Guidelines/Rubric for assignment:
Requirements for original responses:
Original responses are due on Friday (by 11:59 pm) of the week they are assigned.
Paragraph 1: intro/a clear thesis statement, which directly addresses the question(s) posed and gives readers an indication of the argument you plan to make;
Paragraph 2: direct reference to the assigned materials (to illustrate your comprehension of the assigned materials); Paragraph 3 and 4: (2 bodys) a body of factual examples/evidence that supports your thesis and develops your argument; To be clear, you MUST reference the assigned materials using direct quotations, or cited, paraphrased passages, in order to receive full credit for your submission. Responses that don’t have substantial and significant references to the assigned materials (readings and/or videos) will receive a grade no higher than a D.
Paragraph 5: a coherent paragraph structure that emphasizes the main points of your argument and college-level English; and,in other words, you should have multiple paragraphs
Paragraph 6: a succinct concluding paragraph.
These responses do not need to be lengthy essays, but they do need to be substantial and thoughtful and demonstrate your attempt to understand the cases and materials. If it appears that you are Googling answers or taking any other shortcuts (anything other than reading the materials and undertaking independent research), you may not receive credit. —
Prompt: Week 5 Discussion Board33 unread replies.33 replies.As we begin to delve deeper into policymaking, it should be interesting to consider the career paths available in this field. Thus, for your discussion this week you will research jobs in policy analysis.1. Visit the following websites and review the various employment opportunities and internships available at these think tanks.

Job Opportunities at AEI


2. Summarize the kinds of skills and education a policy analyst would need to have in order to obtain a job as a policy analyst.
How does someone become a policy analyst?
Do the varied think tanks look for different qualities in their prospective policy analyst? Discuss the qualities preferred by at least two different think tanks. Why do you think the preferences of the think tanks differ?
**Please remember to use what we have learned from the readings this week AND your research on the websites above in your response. Your answers are your opinions, but they must be rooted in the concepts presented in the readings and materials assigned.
Please be sure to CAREFULLY read through all of the discussion board guidelines before you begin. These posts are meant to be mini-essays with multiple paragraphs and proper citations. Many students have submitted work in the first few weeks that do not include sources or references or citations, and do not make any attempt to connect their answers to the assigned materials. As explained in the instructions (reposted for your convenience below), responses that do not make substantial and significant references to the materials will not receive a grade higher than a D.