For this discussion board, you will reflect on and discuss what you have learned

For this discussion board, you will reflect on and discuss what you have learned about economics learning experiences for young children.
1. Explore Connecticut’s Social Studies standards for teaching economics concepts and skills to preschool and kindergarten children.
CT Early Learning and Development Standards: What children, birth to five, should know and be able to do. CTELDS: Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards. (2014, April). (Pages 50 – 51)
Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Curriculum Framework. CT State Department of Education. (2015, February). (Pages 9 – 18)
2. Choose preschool or kindergarten children and research the economics standards from your state’s website.
3. Respond to all of the following:
If you are working in an early childhood setting:
Indicate your state, choose 1 standard, and write it at the beginning of your post.
Please discuss if and how you currently encourage this Social Studies content learning in your classroom.  Describe two specific activities.
Explain new insights to improve current practices for incorporating this Social Studies content in your center. These new insights/activities/lessons must have a direct connection to your selected standard listed above. Please explain the connection.
If you are not working in an early childhood setting:
Indicate your state, choose 1 standard, and write it in the beginning of your post.
What two activities might you develop in the future? For example, how can you use this information to enhance the classroom’s socio-dramatic play center?
These activities/lessons must have a direct connection to your standard listed above. Please explain the connection.
*Course Connection: Struggling to think of activities? Look at your unit 3 theme web for ideas!

For this discussion board, you will research a particular ethnic group in the Un

For this discussion board, you will research a particular ethnic group in the United States of America (it should not be yours).
According to the US Census, the categories of ethnic groups in the USA are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native Americans and Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, two or more races, or some other race.
Research the history and current issues relating to this group.
Review curricular materials to see how this group is represented (or misrepresented or not represented) in curricular materials. Critique these materials. Examples of curricular materials could be classroom textbooks/media materials, library materials, posters, etc.  Additionally, if you have been in a classroom or similar setting where you have experienced a lesson or seen instructional materials, please feel free to share your critique of those items.
An example of misrepresentation might be only focusing on African American historical figures during the month of February (Black History Month).
Share three ways you will/would incorporate this ethnic group into your classroom activities.
With peers:
1. Share your knowledge of different ethnic groups.
2. Provide thoughts about curriculum ideas.

“We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona experience was

“We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona experience was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate, and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature.”- Sonya Renee Taylor
Cultural, health, political, and economic uncertainty has transformed and changed our lives over the years. Children are also trying to make sense of the world around them. What is your perception of the world today?  How does it impact or how will it impact your work in the future: as a college student, teacher, parent and/or citizen?

In Unit 4, you will submit your Social Studies Thematic Lesson plan. Use your Un

In Unit 4, you will submit your Social Studies Thematic Lesson plan.
Use your Unit 2 Theme and information from your Unit 3 Theme Web.
Read and use the template, example, and detailed instructions to complete your lesson plan.
Complete the chart and sections provided on the attached template form.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.  You may find it helpful to view a lesson plan example.  A former CHS252 student gave permission for Post to share her thematic lesson plan.

In the early grades, young learners develop their personal identities in the con

In the early grades, young learners develop their personal identities in the context of families, peers, schools, and communities. Central to this development are the exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups are alike and how they are unique, as well as how they relate to each other in supportive and collaborative ways. Please use the following website:
National curriculum standards for social studies: Chapter 2—The themes of social studies. National Council for Social Studies (NCSS).
Review themes 1: Culture, 3: People, Places, and Environments, and 4: Individual Development and Identity. 
Find a children’s book that will help you guide a lesson or discussion on one of these concepts. Please link the book and explain in 8-10 sentences how you will use it. Remember, you are only discussing concepts from themes 1 or 3 or 4.
For more thought-provoking articles, videos, and book resources that may help you when formulating your post, please check out the articles in the supplemental resources section of the Unit.

Attached Files: File CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf –

Attached Files:
File CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf – Alternative Formats (219.72 KB)
File CHS252 Theme Web Template.docx CHS252 Theme Web Template.docx – Alternative Formats (63.487 KB)
File CHS252 Web Theme Example 2022.pdf CHS252 Web Theme Example 2022.pdf – Alternative Formats (142.199 KB)
In Unit 3, please find the Theme Web Template to help you plan your theme.
The theme is based upon the age or grade and the social studies theme you chose in Unit 2. 
The social studies theme-related activities you brainstorm for your theme web will help you in Unit 4 as you create your full lesson plan.  Remember that we have been examining and discussing developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive practices and anti-bias goals and curriculum.  When planning theme-related activities, be sure to include both.
Please review the theme web example in the Unit provided for guidance on this assignment.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.  Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3.
Note: Many resources have been provided (Unit 1, 2, and 3) which can help you understand and brainstorm ideas about developmentally appropriate activities.
Watching segments can help you brainstorm your own ideas and activities for the theme web and planning form.  Here is one video you may find helpful.  Observed how cultural influences affect children’s play.

Unit 3 DB: Four Anti-Bias Education Goals For this week’s discussion, we will fo

Unit 3 DB: Four Anti-Bias Education Goals
For this week’s discussion, we will focus on anti-bias education goals.  You will learn about and apply one of the four (4) anti-bias education (ABE) goals: 1) Identity, 2) Diversity, 3) Justice, and 4) Activism.
1. Read the article:
Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J.O. (2019, November). Understanding anti-bias education: Bringing the four core goals to every facet of your curriculum. Young Children, 74(5).
2. View the video:
Anti-bias curriculum engages preschoolers in discussions. Education Week .

3. Select one (1) of the four anti-bias education (ABE) goals:  1. Identity, 2. Diversity, 3. Justice, and 4. Activism.
4. In your own words, describe the goal and your understanding of what teachers will do and what children will do.  Keep in mind always that parents and families are their children’s first teachers and advocates.  Use the following format:
      Goal:  _________________________    (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Activism)
Describe the goal.
Explain what parents and families will do.
Explain what center-based teachers and/or family child care educators will do. 
Explain what children will do.
Give an example of how you would apply this goal in a center, a family child care home, or your own home.
5. Peer Response:  Using your own words, describe how a classmate/instructor’s post has helped to validate and/or expand your understanding of the ABE goals.
Write a substantive response:
Provide explicit details.
Include specific information from the NAEYC Young Children article and the children’s book you assessed.
Make it relevant to your own professional and/or personal experiences.
Your post should contain a minimum of three to four sentences.
3. Select one (1) of the four anti-bias education (ABE) goals:  1. Identity, 2. Diversity, 3. Justice, and 4. Activism.
4. In your own words, describe the goal and your understanding of what teachers will do and what children will do.  Keep in mind always that parents and families are their children’s first teachers and advocates.  Use the following format:
      Goal:  _________________________    (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Activism)
Describe the goal.
Explain what parents and families will do.
Explain what center-based teachers and/or family child care educators will do. 
Explain what children will do.
Give an example of how you would apply this goal in a center, a family child care home, or your own home.
5. Peer Response:  Using your own words, describe how a classmate/instructor’s post has helped to validate and/or expand your understanding of the ABE goals.
Write a substantive response:
Provide explicit details.
Include specific information from the NAEYC Young Children article and the children’s book you assessed.
Make it relevant to your own professional and/or personal experiences.
Your post should contain a minimum of three to four sentences.