Instructions: Cover page. (1 Page) Body of the paper (4 full pages to 6 full pag

Cover page. (1 Page)
Body of the paper (4 full pages to 6 full pages long) 12 font, 1-inch margins.
Work cited page. (1 – 2 Pages)
Plagiarism will be checked by the program “Turn-it-In”
The format of your paper will be typed single-sided, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins (on all sides), normal type, 12 font, font style in Times New Roman;  If any pictures are used they must be in B& W (grayscale).  Pictures, tables, diagrams, etc… do not count for the amount of typed information required for these papers.
A separate Title Page: (Centered on the page, 16 font)
The title of your paper
Your first and last names,
Summer 2023 Human Physiology Lecture
Your Instructor
Your Due Date
The Body of the paper:
The body of the paper will be no less than 4 full pages and no more than 6 full pages in length.
The construction of the content should follow this order:
1. Write an introduction section opening with a paragraph or two about the general information of the condition you are writing about. (about 1/6 of the body of the paper)
2. Write an anatomical component about your topic discussing wherein the body anatomically this topic affects the person. Write what changes a person may have anatomically due to this condition. (about 1/3 of the body of the paper)
3. Write a physiological component about your topic discussing how and what alterations in the person’s normal function of their body occur due to this condition, illness, or disease. (about 1/3 of the body of the paper)
4. Write a conclusion section discussing who in the population is at risk to have your topic, any preventative measures, incidences, onsets, treatments, cures, outcomes, mortality, your personal comments about this topic that you have drawn in researching it, etc… (about 1/6 of the body of the paper)

Work cited Page:
You must show at least four resources that you referenced in your work.
1. Minimum of two from printed/online professional books or journals, such as medical encyclopedias, pathology books, medical or nursing journals, etc…. (textbooks from our science department do not count for your resources).
2. Minimum of two professional resources from the internet, examples include Medline, Medscape, professional journals, national disease institutes researching these diseases, National Institutes of Health, etc…
3. Use a standard format like the MLA format to show your references. Pick a format and have consistency for all in each of the two categories listed above.