In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:
Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease that can result from it.
Perform library research about the selected disease, and explain its physiological effects on a person’s body.
Describe the relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Use the questions below to guide your response.
Does research indicate that a lack of specific foods/nutrients increase a person’s chance of contracting the disease?
Are there specific foods/nutrients that should be avoided by an individual afflicted with the disease?
How do specific foods/nutrients work physiologically within the body to help combat the disease?
Evaluate nutritional recommendations to help combat the disease.
Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page

Below I will provide you with the professors recommendations on every part of th

Below I will provide you with the professors recommendations on every part of the paper. Please make the corrections. Attached is the paper and rubric. Thanks for your hard work!
Feedback Week 4: Capstone Case Entry: Relevant Health History, AMQ
please include alcohol history.
Feedback for Week 5: Capstone Case Entry Relevant Diet Hx, and HAQ score and MSQ
Michelle- excellent- agree- need to know type of fluid intake especially w/ symptoms that may be associated with diabetes
Feedback for Week 6: Capstone Case Entry Relevant Diet Intake
Michelle- good diet intake synopsis. Place your dietary recommendations later in your therapeutic plan section of the capstone
Feedback for Week 9: Capstone Case Entry Lab Tests
Michelle- good selection odf testing.
Also consider adding a fasting insulin level to rule out insulin resistance.
Consider a Vit C level Vit C is needed to produce proline and proline is neede to make connective tissue for healing.
Feedback for Week 11: Capstone Case Entry Treatment/Therapeutic Plan
Michelle- excellent comprehensive therapeutic plan. In agreement w/ diet and supplements/actiuvity/stress management.
Stress also ^’s hepatic glucose release.
Feedback for Week 12: Capstone Case Entry Progress/Outcomes/Reevaluation Parameters
Michelle- good job
what about adding a food diary for tracking?

Please continue the outline you provided for me previously and elaborate on the

Please continue the outline you provided for me previously and elaborate on the points you suggested. I will post the information here as well as attach a word document. Thank you! Please write directly in the word document in another color so I can see the work. Thank you again
2. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion (DIND)
I. Overview of DIND
A. Introduction to the concept of drug-induced nutrient depletion as a common yet often overlooked complication of pharmacotherapy, specifically with prolonged metformin use.
II. Nutrients Affected by Metformin
A. Detailed enumeration of nutrients that metformin has been documented to deplete, focusing on Vitamin B12, Folate, and Coenzyme Q10 as the primary examples.
VII. Evidence of Depletion
A. Synopsis of evidence from clinical studies and research that substantiate the depletion of these nutrients, referencing the duration and dosage of metformin treatment that correlates with significant decreases in serum levels.
VIII. Physiological Mechanism of Depletion
A. Explanation of the biological mechanisms by which metformin interferes with the absorption and metabolism of these nutrients, such as the alteration of gut microbiota or interference with intrinsic factors for Vitamin B12 absorption.
IX. Clinical Consequences of DIND
A. Exploration of the potential health implications of this nutrient depletion, such as neuropathy or anemia from Vitamin B12 deficiency, and the importance of monitoring and managing these conditions.
X. Management Strategies
A. Brief overview of recommended strategies to mitigate DIND, including dietary supplementation, dosage adjustment, and regular monitoring of nutrient levels in patients on long-term metformin therapy.
3. Herb-Drug Interaction
I. Introduction to Interactions
A brief introduction to herb-drug interactions, emphasizing their potential impact on the efficacy and safety of metformin treatment.
II. Common Interactions
A. St. John’s Wort
Exploring possibility that St. John’s Wort may trigger the activation of enzymes that break down drugs, potentially diminishing the effectiveness of metformin (4).
B. Ginseng
Discuss how ginseng may affect blood glucose levels and potentially alter metformin’s blood sugar control (4).
III. Mechanisms of Interaction
A. Enzymatic Induction
Examining how certain herbs can induce metabolic enzymes, thus accelerating metformin clearance (5)
B. Alteration of Drug Transport
Assessment of how herbal compounds may interfere with drug transporters, affecting metformin absorption and distribution (5).
IV. Clinical Outcomes
A. Risk of Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia
Evaluating the risk of altered glycemic control due to herb-drug interactions.
B. Modification of Treatment
Considerations for modifying metformin therapy in the presence of significant herb-drug interactions.
V. Evidence and Research
A. Case Studies
Summary of case studies illustrating real-world examples of metformin and herb interactions.
B. Research Findings
Overview of research studies investigating the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of metformin when used concurrently with specific herbs.

Please respond to this students discussion post, use at least two references. W

Please respond to this students discussion post, use at least two references.
What is your diagnosis/assessment?
Evaluation of this patient, and their lab values, exposes that they have high blood sugar and hyperlipidemia. The patient also is obese and has a high BMI, which can be contributory to her symptoms. The patient is also off her cholesterol medication, which can be a cause of the increase in her cholesterol levels. The patient has been walking 2 miles a day for the past two months, but with addition of a proper diet she can possibly decrease her blood sugar and hyperlipidemia levels to normal ranges.
What type of diet will you recommend and list the reasons for your choice?
For the presenting symptoms, and lab values, that this patient has, I would recommend that the patient pay more attention to the types nutrients that she is consuming. She needs to be aware of the types of fats that she is consuming, in order to properly balance out the levels of cholesterol in her blood. Specially limiting trans-fats, which increase LDL and decreased HDL, and saturated fats, which raise LDL and HDL. She should be focusing on consuming mono-saturated fats, which decreased LDL and reduce TG. Focusing on a Mediterranean type of diet, which is high in nuts/grains, fruits/vegetables, meats, fish, and unsaturated fats would be extremely beneficial in decreasing her LDL and TG and increasing her HDL levels, which is wanted.
What lab tests will you order (in a perfect world!)?
In a perfect world for this patient, I would be expect to run the same tests to evaluate her glucose and cholesterol levels, to monitor if she is being compliant with her diet and to determine if the treatment is working. After about a month of treatment, with dietary, supplement, and exercise recommendation I would reorder the tests to make a further evaluation of her lab values.
What supplements/botanicals will you recommend and list the reasons for your choice?
Getting a source of omega-3 fatty acids, like a fish oil, to decrease trigs and increase HDL, and red yeast rice as a botanical to reduce total cholesterol and trigs, more naturally than medication. Coupling this with an exercise routine would be extremally beneficial for her to decrease her levels.
References –
Regalla, Sylvia, MD, MSACN. Dyslipidemia Lecture PowerPoint. Accessed November 30, 2023.
Welty FK. Dietary treatment to lower cholesterol and triglyceride and reduce cardiovascular risk. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2020;31(4):206-231. doi:10.1097/MOL.0000000000000689

Nutrition Scientific Research Reviews – Nutrition in Health and Disease:Research

Nutrition Scientific Research Reviews – Nutrition in Health and Disease:Research paper. Limit your discussions to 4-6 pages, typed, double spaced. Grammar, spelling and punctuation will be considered in the grading of all written work. Submit through Canvas.
A few notes about the research papers to keep in mind as you are planning on writing your paper. Read and summarize one scientific nutrition research paper on health and nutrition of interest to you. The article must come from peer-reviewed journals, such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Journal of the American Medical Association, etc. (Ask me if you need to clarify this.)
RUBRIC for a research paper: use “Introduction”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results” and “Discussion/Conclusion” to summarize the approach and results. PubMed is often useful for finding papers to analyze. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govLinks to an external site. Titles, references, technical terms, procedures, etc. can’t be avoided. What you have to avoid is being “too close to your sources” – don’t copy and paste whole sentences. Discussions cause trouble unless you rephrase the journal statements. Hard, but demonstrates that you comprehend the ideas involved. Simple idea but requires thought. I got caught on this in my scientific writing class. ? So I improved.
Be sure to properly cite your sources on a reference page and remember that anything taken directly from the article should be in quotation marks. If you have questions about APA formatting, the Purdue OWL website is great: to an external site.
Grading Guidelines
Quality of Information/ Accuracy of Information/ Organization and Readability/ APA Style Mechanics
In the paper, you will present an overview of some aspect of nutrition, perhaps including historical precedents as well as future directions. Be sure that the paper reflects this Nutrition class. “AVOID RECYCLED PAPERS”. Read comment on plagiarism. The paper should be 4-6 pages of writing, (this doesn’t count the other stuff like title page and references), use several sources if you like, in APA format (including a title page, references, etc.). See the syllabus for due date. Submit through Canvas.
APA Citation Style Guide & Tutorial
Be sure to properly cite your sources on a reference page and remember than anything taken directly from the article should be in quotation marks. If you have questions about APA formatting, the Purdue OWL website is great: to an external site.
APA Citation Style Guide & Tutorial:
Style Guide: to an external site.
Tutorial: to an external site.
HUN3296 Research Paper Rubric
HUN3296 Research Paper Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Information
8 ptsInformation clearly relates to the main topic and follows requirements of assignment.
6 ptsInformation relates to the main topic and generally follows the assignment.
4 ptsParts of paper don’t follow the main topic or the assignment.
0 ptsInformation has little or nothing to do with the main topic or does not follow assignment.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of Information
5 ptsNo inaccuracies noted.
3 ptsFew inaccuracies noted.
2 ptsSome inaccuracies noted
0 ptsMany inaccuracies noted
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Readability
5 ptsInformation is very organized easily readable.
3 ptsInformation is organized and readable.
2 ptsOrganization of information not totally clear or readability is less than good.
0 ptsThe information appears to be disorganized or readability is bad.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style
4 ptsPerfect APA formatting.
3 ptsMostly follows APA formatting.
2 ptsSome elements of APA style present.
0 ptsDoesn’t seem to follow APA format at all.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
3 ptsNo grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
2 ptsAlmost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
1 ptsA few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.
0 ptsMany grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
3 pts

Mrs. Jackson has Chronic Heart Failure. She is admitted to your facility with di

Mrs. Jackson has Chronic Heart Failure. She is admitted to your facility with diuretic medications and Stage 3 edema.
Today the physician placed an order for a 1.5 liter (1,500 milliliter) a day (24 hours) fluid restriction.
In your initial post, share two ways that you can:
Aid the patient in being compliant with their fluid restriction, and
Work alongside the dietitian to keep an accurate account of the amount of fluids consumed by the patient
Some examples would be:
Encouragement and behavior management
Support your information with at least one cited resource.

Describe what you learned about water needs for health and disease preventi

Describe what you learned about water needs for health and disease prevention.
Explain two important roles of water in human health and prevention. For example, dialysis, athletic performance, and temperature control.
This assignment should be 1–2 double-spaced pages in length and in APA (7th ed.) format. Be sure to cite your resources.

8:14 ■ 12 Assignment Details In-Person – Introduction to Sociology (AA) (2023 Fa


Assignment Details
In-Person – Introduction to Sociology (AA) (2023 Fall Full Term – SY…
For DEAL Exercise 2, you should turn in a reflection of at least 950 words but not more than 1100 words. These entries will require you to DEAL with the extra material provided. That is, you will: Describe, Examine, and Articulate what you are Learning. For DEAL Exercise 2, you can choose between two topics: stratification or gender.
If you choose to do your exercise on stratification, you must watch the documentary Requiem for the American Dream.
If you choose to do your exercise on gender, you must read two articles, “The male gaze is more relevant and more dangerous than ever” from New Review of Film and Television and “What is the male gaze? Definition and examples in film” by Kim Leonard. Both articles are provided on Canvas.
Instructions and rubric can be seen here: DEAL Exercise
2 Instructions & Rubric – Fall 2023.pdf
You may watch Requiem for the American Dream here: via Tubi; via Vudu; via Pluto
— Or —
You may read the following two articles on the male gaze, this one Male Gaze still relevant (1)(1).pdf from New Review fo Film and Television and this article by Kim Leonard.
Submit Assignment
To Do

Examine the sociocultural influences driving the popularity of the selected nutr

Examine the sociocultural influences driving the popularity of the selected nutrition trend. Discuss factors such as media, celebrity endorsements, cultural beliefs, or societal perceptions of health and wellness.
Analyze how consumer behavior is affected by these trends and the implications for food choices, food industries, and societal norms related to nutrition.

Fill in the outline provided by writing a policy claim persuasive speech about h

Fill in the outline provided by writing a policy claim persuasive speech about how a plant-based diet can combat our detrimental factory farming system.
The speech must be about 8-minutes long, it must use a problem-cause-solution arrangement, and you must use a minimum of five credible sources that meet the following criteria:
One of the five sources must be a peer-reviewed article
One of the five sources must be published within the past two years
One of the five sources must be a primary source
The speech must also include a counter argument and reasoned responses to address them!
Also, you must provide a ‘call to action’ for the audience. This means that you aim to convince the audience that a particular policy, practice, or behavior should be adopted, modified, or abandoned. You must provide actionable steps they can take to contribute to the realization of the change.
Note: The purpose of this speech is to persuade, not simply to argue. You might be able to develop a perfectly logical argument but it still might be unpersuasive for your particular audience. Persuading audience members requires that you understand where the audience currently stands on the issue, identify areas where audience members can be persuaded, and speak to those particular areas in a way that highlights shared interests.
Remember that your credibility plays an important role in persuading audiences; as such, you must deal with oppositional arguments fairly and convincingly. Good persuaders do not ignore the opposition, nor do they simply attack the opposition; they engage the opposition’s arguments in an even-handed way.
PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH! (The link for the outline has been attached)