Fill in the outline provided by writing a policy claim persuasive speech about h

Fill in the outline provided by writing a policy claim persuasive speech about how a plant-based diet can combat our detrimental factory farming system.
The speech must be about 8-minutes long, it must use a problem-cause-solution arrangement, and you must use a minimum of five credible sources that meet the following criteria:
One of the five sources must be a peer-reviewed article
One of the five sources must be published within the past two years
One of the five sources must be a primary source
The speech must also include a counter argument and reasoned responses to address them!
Also, you must provide a ‘call to action’ for the audience. This means that you aim to convince the audience that a particular policy, practice, or behavior should be adopted, modified, or abandoned. You must provide actionable steps they can take to contribute to the realization of the change.
Note: The purpose of this speech is to persuade, not simply to argue. You might be able to develop a perfectly logical argument but it still might be unpersuasive for your particular audience. Persuading audience members requires that you understand where the audience currently stands on the issue, identify areas where audience members can be persuaded, and speak to those particular areas in a way that highlights shared interests.
Remember that your credibility plays an important role in persuading audiences; as such, you must deal with oppositional arguments fairly and convincingly. Good persuaders do not ignore the opposition, nor do they simply attack the opposition; they engage the opposition’s arguments in an even-handed way.
PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH! (The link for the outline has been attached)

The role of Media Monitor requires you to briefly describe a recent media messag

The role of Media Monitor requires you to briefly describe a recent media message that is related to emerging nutrition research. Only recent articles (less than 1 year old) will be accepted. This discussion will keep the class up to date on the multiple events happening around the world that relate to nutrition research. This assignment will require you to trace the media article back to the original research article and use guiding questions that can be found to frame your discussion.

The Role of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases For this project, you will develop a

The Role of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
For this project, you will develop a PowerPoint where you will share The Role of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases. You may choose one chronic disease learned in this course. Your work MUST be original.
Submission Instructions:
The presentation is original work and logically organized. Followed current APA format including citation of references.
The PowerPoint presentation with 7-10 slides was clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
The presentation is creative and utilizes graphics.
The presentation is supported by evidence from literature.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style.
This assignment is being assessed through Turnitin (must be less than 20 %.)
Please remember, for your presentation topic, you MUST select a CHRONIC DISEASE and address how nutrition impacts the disease. Your PowerPoint presentation must have 7 to 10 slides and MUST include a conclusion and references. Your presentation must ALSO include SPEAKER NOTES in your PowerPoint.

In this assignment, you are asked to create a diagram that represent your unders

In this assignment, you are asked to create a diagram that represent your understanding of clinical public health and systems approach using malnutrition OR food insecurity as the topics of focus.
You can select a particular part of the system/issue/population/food (scope, scale, and focus). Your diagram can take the form of a concept map, infographic, timelines, or other visual representation. You can focus on people and/or food within our health, food, social systems.

Also, you will also write a 2-page (max double-space) narrative paper to accompany your diagram. This paper should include any literature (peer reviewed or grey) that you have utilized to inform your understanding and visual representation.
I will send you a powerpoint slides that explain everything in this assignment with resources included. Please go through all the slides carefully.
There are examples of diagrams on the slides for you to see how it should be done. Please also make sure to go through all the links and resources provided on the powerpoint.

1- Is your BMI score consistent with what you expected? In a few sentences, expl

1- Is your BMI score consistent with what you expected? In a few sentences, explain why or why not?
2- In a few sentences: What is a realistic and sustainable body weight for you? At this point in time are you compelled to make this a priority? No right or wrong answers!
3- Body Mass Index is considered a more accurate tool for weight management than body fat testing.
4- When (cue)—————– I will (routine) ———————-because it provided me with (reward)————
5- In a paragraph of 350-400 words, write a current habit you have that impacts either your cognitive, emotional or physical wellness. Specify the cue, routine, reward that you currently experience and what you seek to change. Look at the flow chart in Chapter 7 and identify an alternative routine, which would give you the same or comparable reward. Use the verbiage (which is on the flow chart) to write your plan.
5- In 400-500 words: Circling back to Chapter 1, identifying your end game vision, has that vision changed in the last 3 months? Construct an overall wellness plan, which includes short term goals for your mental health, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, nutrition and weight control. What weekly and monthly markers need to be reached? These measurable objectives will put you on a trajectory toward your end game vision.
7- In a few sentences, name 3 great wellness habits already in place in your life, that will serve you well as you age. Habits can pertain to fitness, nutrition or cognitive/emotional wellness.
8- In a minimum of 450 to 500 words address ONE of following prompts. This is a personal response, not an academic response gleaned from any outside source e.g. chat gpt or anything AI generated.
Success is seen over the arc of someone’s life so think long term: With this paragraph in mind from the article, and your original answer to your end game vision from Chapter One, what has changed in 3 ½ months? How do you forecast emotional intelligence and relationships supporting your health at age 50 and beyond? This is a personal response!
How do your stressors from Chapter 2 and your habit loop from Chapter 7 relate to this Ted Talk and Article? Does the speakers takeaway for determining long term success surprise you? Why or why not? Again, this is a personal response!

-Details of the assignment will be attached as PDF files (Details, Rubric and Us

-Details of the assignment will be attached as PDF files (Details, Rubric and Useful Info)
-3 References stated below to be used with the other 2 sources that will be chosen by the writer:

23 Ways to Measure Progress Without Stepping on a Scale
– No title or reference page (only getting soft copies of sources used by the writer as requested). Meaning that the 2 pages will be filled with the assignment content.
– Around half-a-page for each scenario (Clients A,B,C).

Answer the discussion board post in two separate paragraphs. In-text and post re

Answer the discussion board post in two separate paragraphs. In-text and post reference citations should come from Chapter 8: Grosvenor, M. B., Smolin, L. A., & Christoph, L. R. (2021). Visualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices (5th ed.). Wiley Global Education US.
Question 1: Discuss the functions, regulation, and balance of water in the body. (USLO 8.1)
Question 2: Discuss the major functions of 5 minerals, common dietary sources of those minerals, and potential health concerns related to deficiencies. (USLOs 8.2, 8.3)

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), wound prevent

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), wound prevention and care is a key indicator of health in healthcare settings. Over the years, wound management has become a specialty in nursing care. Considering nutrition and nursing care, please think about the following:
Identify and explain at least two risk factors for a patient in a healthcare facility that can lead to the creation and deterioration of a wound. Make sure at least one of the factors is nutrition-related.
You have a patient who states they are losing weight while being hospitalized in the facility. You note that the patient is not eating well and is bedbound. Describe at least one key piece of information you will report to the dietitian to assist in planning care for this client. Why is this information important to report?
Support your information with at least one cited resource.

I uploaded the capstone project that you are to create the discussion from M7 Sh

I uploaded the capstone project that you are to create the discussion from
M7 Share your Capstone Project
In this module you are developing a competitive grant up to $50,000 to improve health outcomes for children in your community. Imagine that everyone in this course is sitting on the review board. You have developed your project, and now you have 2-minutes to pitch your idea to the group. In about 250-500-words, share your project here. Be sure to include the main points you developed in your project, and cover the main points to “sell” your project to the board.