Many organizations are moving to the cloud to protect their infrastructure, red

Many organizations are moving to the cloud to protect their infrastructure, reduce infrastructure costs, and improve their backup capabilities. As a cybersecurity practitioner, you may very well be asked to assist in the selection and implementation of a cloud computing service model.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate at least two quality, academic resources (in addition to your textbook) on the cloud computing service models defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Links to an external site.. You may also use government websites, such as CybersecurityLinks to an external site. from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Please respond to the following in a post of at least 200 words:
Compare and contrast the cloud computing service models defined by NIST.
Integrate practical examples of organizations you have researched that that are using the various platforms, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Provide full citations and references, formatted according to Strayer Writing Standards.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


This is not technically a “case study.” This is a general E.S.S.A.Y on the mechanics and function of risk management. A case study is particularized. Here, the assignment instructions call for a case study on an historical event (REAL). An historical event might look something like “Acme Corp. failed to properly execute its risk management protocols in response to XYZ event.”
The student will write a research-based “writing assistance” (P.A.P.E.R) analyzing a corporate or government risk management response of at least 10 pages in Bluebook format. The Case Study is the student’s opportunity to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of risk management principles. The student must choose a past corporate or government risk event and analyze the success or failure of the risk management program. The Case Study must be 10 pages of text, not including the title page and bibliography, using current Bluebook format. Use the Case Study Guide on the next page to develop your paper. The Case Study must include the following sections: Introduction and Thesis Statement (1 page or less), Risk Event (2-3 pages), Risk Mitigation (2-3 pages), Anaylsis (4-5 pages), and Conclusion (1 page or less). The focus of the Case Study is the student’s analysis. Frame your paper so that the focal point is your examination of what went wrong, or why the particular risk management program succeeded in mitigating or avoiding the impact of the risk. Argue for change, make a compelling argument for government regulation, make a compelling argument for deregulation, or persuade industry leaders to adopt different methods. Do not limit your research to catastrophes, disasters, and other risk management failures. Consider writing a case study on a strategy that successfully mitigated risk (REAL). Also contemplate the difference between government and corporate approaches to risk management. As these instructions are being drafted, governments around the world are implementing protocols to mitigate the risk of COVID-19. Your P.A.P.E.R must be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. It must include a title page, page numbers, and a Bibliography. You must use a minimum of 15 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook and assigned readings. You are not required to cite the textbook or assigned readings. You must submit the P.A.P.E.R as a Microsoft Word file. Proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is expected. Short, choppy sentences are NOT acceptable. This is a graduate level course, and deductions will be made accordingly. You must not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, us, our, etc.), and the standards of academic writing must be applied. INSTRUCTIONS  The student will write 10 pages.  The assignment must be in current Bluebook format.  The assignment must include citations to at least 15 scholarly sources in Bluebook format.  Your E.S.S.A.Y must be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. You are not required to cite the textbook or assigned readings. You must submit the P.A.P.E.R as a Microsoft Word file.

  Requirements In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: S

In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: Security Breach at Target.” Then you will write a 3 pages case analysis in which you:
Outline the security breach at Target.
Describe how Target became aware of the security breach.
Examine the security breach’s impact on Target’s customers.
Recommend security controls that could have been implemented to prevent the data breach from occurring.
Research how the data breach at Target affected Target’s and other companies’ security practices.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate into the assignment at least three quality, peer-reviewed academic resources, written within the past five years.

Include your textbook as one of your resources.
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Many organizations use password-based authentication to authenticate their user

Many organizations use password-based authentication to authenticate their users. Passwords that do not meet criteria can be placed in a vulnerable state. Hackers can use password crackers to guess the passwords and infiltrate systems.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate at least two quality, academic resources (in addition to your textbook) on risks associated with password-based authentication. You may also use government websites, such as CybersecurityLinks to an external site. from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Please respond to the following in a post of at least 200 words:
Describe the methods organizations use to address the risks associated with password-based authentication.
Recommend two methods you believe are the most effective in addressing these risks.

Be sure to justify your recommendations.

Provide full citations and references, formatted according to Strayer Writing Standards.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Some organizations are moving their business applications to the cloud to reduc

Some organizations are moving their business applications to the cloud to reduce their infrastructure costs. In some instances, organizations use web applications, which introduces security challenges.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate at least two quality, academic resources (in addition to your textbook) on cloud computing and the risks associated with it. You may also use government websites, such as CybersecurityLinks to an external site. from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Please respond to the following in a post of at least 200 words:
Explain the challenges and risks web applications face.
Describe the methods organizations use to mitigate these challenges and risks.
Provide full citations and references, formatted according to Strayer Writing Standards.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

**CHOOSE WHICH EVER OPTION YOU DEEM BEST, thank you Based on the readings below

Based on the readings below and any research you conducted on threats to general aviation airports, formulate your responses using examples from the text, your own experiences, cases, or the news to support your answers.
For your discussion, you have two options. Read through both options before choosing one to complete: 
Option 1: Discuss the threats to general aviation (GA).

Do you think there is a serious threat from terrorism? Why or why not?
Why are GA security programs implemented in GA airports? Explain your answers. 

Option 2: Discuss the AOPA Airport Watch program.

Do you think this is effective in the prevention of crime and terrorism? Why or why not?

In your discussion, note the option that you chose.
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format.
The threats and security measures for general aviation (GA) airports are quite different from that of commercial aviation airports. These threats include airports, aircraft, hangars, and fixed base operations. 
Explore these topics in-depth by reading from the following: 

General Aviation Security: Aircraft, Hangars, Fixed-Base Operations, Flight Schools, and Airports/ERAU Hunt Library – Ebook CentralLinks to an external site.

Chapter 5: Security of General Aviation Aircraft
Chapter 6: Security of General Aviation Airports
Chapter 10: Security of Fixed Base Operations
Chapter 13: AOPA Airport Watch Program

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Security Information/AOPALinks to an external site.

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) supports aviation security and has a wealth of security information on its web page. This is a resource you can utilize for your final project.  

Transportation Security Administration: Security Guidelines for General Aviation Airport Operators and Users (PDF)/TSALinks to an external site.

General aviation airports do not have the same security mandates from the TSA as commercial airports. The TSA has developed guidelines that are recommended for general aviation airports. Choose sections to review that pertain to your interests and research. This is another resource and reference you can utilize for your final project.

  Watch the Ted talk: Dylan Marron, Empathy is Not Endorsement Watch the Ted ta

Watch the Ted talk: Dylan Marron, Empathy is Not Endorsement
Watch the Ted talk: Sally Kohn, What Can We Do About the Culture of Hate
Watch the Ted talk: Suzanne Barakat, Islamophobia Killed My Brother. Let’s End the Hate.
Brainstorm solutions to the current hate crisis in the U.S.

  Scenario  2  you no longer represent the hospital. Now, you represent Ms. R.

Scenario  2
 you no longer represent the hospital. Now, you represent Ms. R. E. Fusal. What arguments would you tell the judge on her behalf? What are your issues with the arguments presented to the judge by the hospital in Post 1?
Scenario  3
What is your opinion? What side seemed to have more valid arguments? Should a hospital have the right to require treatment? Why / why not? Be sure to support your opinion by citing to a fellow student’s post.
Use reference. on both scenario 

  You will choose from current events/news any article of your choice regarding

You will choose from current events/news any article of your choice regarding a concept in Commercial Law. Using IRAC (Issue, Rule, Argument, Conclusion), you will write a legal memo formulating your own issues based on the legal disputes in the article of your choice. See examples below. Email me your draft. For the final version, you will upload the recording of your presentation (will upload a sample of prior students’ work. However,  you are NOT allowed to present on fraudulent misrepresentation.
( I have added the samples as an attachment that my professor gave the class)