In this discussion, we want to examine forms of security testing for a chosen

In this discussion, we want to examine forms of security testing for a chosen organization. For example, if you are using a health care organization, what type of security testing is required, and what compliance factors must be considered, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)? Provide some of the tools, frameworks, models, checklists, and standards you found in your research on security testing.
Use any of this week’s readings, or your own, and discuss a relevant issue of compliance and ways to conduct security tests. In your analysis, also discuss how we would examine the audits of these tests and if both internal and external audits are needed.

 In this discussion, we want to examine the relationship between cybercrime and

 In this discussion, we want to examine the relationship between cybercrime and compliance. For example, in public industries, how does the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 reduce the chance of financial crime for publicity-traded firms? What are some of the requirements organizations need in order to be in compliance? Another example is that many states now have notification laws: when someone’s identity is possibly stolen, some action must be taken by the company to alert the individual. Provide interesting case(s) of cybercrime committed in violation of regulations and compliance. 

I am a Kroger fulfillment center Delivery Driver you can put the focus there if

I am a Kroger fulfillment center Delivery Driver you can put the focus there if you can regarding this assignment!! 
Analyze the types of risk mitigation strategies you may have encountered in your organization or industry and each strategy’s strengths and weaknesses.
Describe the details of the strategy in terms of the triple constraint and suggest possible improvements for a best practices approach based on this experience (lessons learned).
How is communication important in risk mitigation in light of diverse cultural environments?

 In this discussion, we want to examine the relationship between cybercrime and

 In this discussion, we want to examine the relationship between cybercrime and compliance. For example, in public industries, how does the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 reduce the chance of financial crime for publicity-traded firms? What are some of the requirements organizations need in order to be in compliance? Another example is that many states now have notification laws: when someone’s identity is possibly stolen, some action must be taken by the company to alert the individual. Provide interesting case(s) of cybercrime committed in violation of regulations and compliance. 

I am a Kroger fulfillment center Delivery Driver you can put the focus there if

I am a Kroger fulfillment center Delivery Driver you can put the focus there if you can regarding this assignment!! 
Analyze the types of risk mitigation strategies you may have encountered in your organization or industry and each strategy’s strengths and weaknesses.
Describe the details of the strategy in terms of the triple constraint and suggest possible improvements for a best practices approach based on this experience (lessons learned).
How is communication important in risk mitigation in light of diverse cultural environments?

   Assignment 1  Problem Description: Write a program that calculates the energ

Assignment 1 
Problem Description:
Write a program that calculates the energy needed
to heat water from an initial temperature to a final temperature. Your program
should prompt the user to enter the amount of water in kilograms and the initial
and final temperatures of the water. If water weight is negative number, the following message should be displayed: “Water amount cannot be negative number!”
The formula to compute the energy is:
result = waterWeight * (finalTemperature – initialTemperature) * 4184 
Here is a sample run
Sample 1:
Enter the amount of water in kilograms: 55.5
Enter the initial temperature: 3.5
Enter the final temperature: 10.5
The energy needed is: 1625484.0
Sample 2:
Enter the amount of water in kilograms: -8
Water amount cannot be negative number!
(Describe the problem including input and output in your own words.)
(Describe the major steps for solving the problem.)
Coding: (Copy and Paste Source Code here. Format your code using Courier 10pts)
[Copy and Paste Your program here]
Testing: (Describe how you tested this program). Include Full Screen Shot(s). 
Make Sure you Name the project as Computer programming and package Name As Assignment1.Use eclipse for the code execution.

You’ve been asked by the 3rd grade teacher in your school to develop a simple pr

You’ve been asked by the 3rd grade teacher in your school to develop a simple program that provides students with some random multiplication practice.
Your program needs to:
ask the student for the lowest and highest numbers they want included, saving the inputs in variables lowEnd and highEnd.
generate two random integers within the range of lowEnd to highEnd. Save these numbers in the variables firstNum and secondNum.
prompt the user to submit their answer to the multiplication of firstNum and secondNum.
print the solution to the problem once they submit their answer.
A sample run looks like this (everything to the right of the colon in the sample is a number inputted by the user, not printed by the program):
A couple of hints:
Just like how you can combine strings and variables in a console.log() print, you can also do so in a user input function like readInt().

For example, the code: readInt(firstNum + ” – ” + secondNum + “: “); would prompt the user to input an answer to the subtraction of the variables firstNum and secondNum.

You can use a blank console.log() to print a blank line in your output. This helps make the output easier to read.
Make sure you are writing your program within the main() function and calling it!

  PROBLEM STATEMENT: You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Sto

You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Store information from a local MySql server using the JDBC driver and is able to filter it by rating.
80% Code quality/Correct usage of programming concepts

25% Correct usage of JDBC MySQL Driver
25% Correct usage of GUI/JavaFX
15% Correct usage of OOP
15% Supporting code and logic (control structures, logic, etc.)

Program runs/correct results (10%)
Formatting/Indentation (10%)
The apps can be filtered by a minimum rating of 2, 3, or 4. The user can also view allapps (clearing the filter).
The app data should be loaded into memory using a class that will store each app’s relevant information.
A SQL script has been attached to the assignment to build the required database. Well all I have to say is you need mySQL to complete assignment. on top of java 

  PROBLEM STATEMENT: You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Sto

You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Store information from a local MySql server using the JDBC driver and is able to filter it by rating.
80% Code quality/Correct usage of programming concepts

25% Correct usage of JDBC MySQL Driver
25% Correct usage of GUI/JavaFX
15% Correct usage of OOP
15% Supporting code and logic (control structures, logic, etc.)

Program runs/correct results (10%)
Formatting/Indentation (10%)
The apps can be filtered by a minimum rating of 2, 3, or 4. The user can also view allapps (clearing the filter).
The app data should be loaded into memory using a class that will store each app’s relevant information.
A SQL script has been attached to the assignment to build the required database. Well all I have to say is you need mySQL to complete assignment. on top of java