Students will work with some of the available resources to design and produce a

Students will work with some of the available resources to design and produce a basic prototype for an invention or item. Time will be spent in class demonstrating design tools like Adobe Illustrator and TinkerCAD to assist with this assignment. For this assignment I choose glassed and I need that created on adobe illustrated and then made 3d on ThinkerCAD.Adobe illustrated is needed to make the glasses look real.

For this design project, you will choose one designer that you find inspiring. Y

For this design project, you will choose one designer that you find inspiring. You will research the designer, their background, design philosophy, and notable projects and analyze how the designer has incorporated design principles and methods into their work.
This design project will challenge you to think critically about design principles and methods and how they are applied in real-world design. It will also encourage you to research and analyze the work of successful designers and apply/show their techniques/products in poster format. You will create two posters based on the information you find. One poster will be primarily informative, and the other poster will be primarily visually expressive

For this design project, you will choose one designer that you find inspiring. Y

For this design project, you will choose one designer that you find inspiring. You will research the designer, their background, design philosophy, and notable projects and analyze how the designer has incorporated design principles and methods into their work.
This design project will challenge you to think critically about design principles and methods and how they are applied in real-world design. It will also encourage you to research and analyze the work of successful designers and apply/show their techniques/products in poster format. You will create two posters based on the information you find. One poster will be primarily informative, and the other poster will be primarily visually expressive.

LIME the Israelites crossing the Jordan sea into Canaan (led by a man named Josh

LIME the Israelites crossing the Jordan sea into Canaan (led by a man named Joshua), and marching around the city of Jericho in a non-violent way, as God asked. (Write Joshua here somewhere.) Include pertinent textual references.
LIME the Israelites settling into various clans or small settlements throughout the land of Canaan. LIME the primary “judges” discussed in class. Include pertinent textual references.
LIME a woman named Ruth (meaning strength in Hebrew) moving from Moab to Israel with her mother-in-law Naomi (Mara = bitterness in Hebrew), where she picks up grain for her impoverished relative, and stands in contrast to the behavior of the military/judge/chieftain Israelite leaders. Include pertinent textual references.

You will need these files: Billboard Background Image Download Billboard Backgro

You will need these files: Billboard Background Image Download Billboard Background Image + Goldy Gopher1. Make a simple billboard. I have attached below, (the screenshot is the EXAMPLE)
Make a new Photoshop document, size 9×3 inches.
Create a simple billboard. At minimum, you need to include one image and text. 2. Use perspective warp.
Copy the billboard image to the background image (layers should be in a group).
Convert the group to a smart object.
Use perspective warp to match the perspective of your billboard to the background image (Edit > Perspective Warp).
3. Basic shadows.
Add Goldy Gopher to the background image.
Create a new layer to be Goldy’s shadow.
Use the brush tool to draw in a realistic shadow.
Adjust blending modes and layer opacity to make the shadow look believable.
4. Complex shadows.
Create a new layer for the billboard shadow.
Hide the billboard design layer (the one you created).
Use the pen tool to trace the billboard shadow that is part of the original image.
In the Path window, load the path as a selection.
Fill the selection with black. Adjust blending modes and layer opacity to make the shadow look believable.
Use gaussian blur to make the shadow look more believable (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur)
Deliverables (2):
Submit your finished billboard image as a jpeg and psd.

1B. Visualizing urban-ecological geographic conflict as creative tool 1B.a. Visu

1B. Visualizing urban-ecological geographic conflict as creative tool
1B.a. Visualizing existing patterns
you commit to the particular urban-territorial zone, now you have to
‘pull it apart.’ Please analyze it visually, in depth, and expand,
elaborate on the main critical issues you notice. It is important that
you interpret -critically- what you see, asking deeper questions about
the patterns, textures, contrasts and critical relationships among
elements, that you notice. This also means a process of masking,
editing, framing to identify each pattern on its own.
at least 5 patterns (each of these are presented in separate sheets),
i.e., water ways, vegetation, transportation (freeways-roads, etc.),
canyons (dramatic topographic features), buildings at different scales,
parking lots. By isolating each of these layers you will see the drama
of their shape, as individual operative diagrams (more on this during
Based on your critical
observations, please add to these 5 patterns a series of personal
graphic annotations -using digital or manual, Illustrator or any other
graphic program, manual collages or hand sketches. These “graphic notes”
should reinforce some of the observations you have made. These
annotations include adding graphic systems, such as arrows, dashed
lines, solid lines, circles and other geometries or symbols, to indicate
the main critical ‘conditions’ you are prioritizing, etc
you have a visual and conceptual approximation of these existing
patterns (this involves not only understanding what they look like, but
it is about speculating about what these patterns ‘do’ to the territory,
how they ‘perform,’), now it is time to begin combining them to open
critical design research topics found in this area of study, and the
conditions that have produced the urbanecological conflict.
1B.b. Visualizing existing patterns
combine some of these patterns or layers to dramatize the conflicts,
between them, but also to suggest design possibilities. Develop 2
combinations, denoting 2 critical collisions – each combination is a
graphic system conveying a particular idea about existing
urban-ecological conflicts, within the area you selected.
combination, or critical juxtaposition should communicate a main issue
you are interested in investigating: Maybe one of the ideas you are
interested in investigating is how the ‘flow’ of water collides with
urban development, and therefore you visualize this juxtaposition
between natural water spaces and a more geometric, artificial spaces of
urbanization. In essence, I am proposing that you develop this part of
your research visually, noticing a dialectical relationship between two

((((The files I attached are examples. My idea is about the desk with hidden dra

((((The files I attached are examples. My idea is about the desk with hidden drawers.))))
THE PROJECT (including 1) SolidWorks parts,
2)SolidWorks assembly,
3) SolidWorks drawing
4)PowerPoint presentation
5) Word document reportPROJECT CONTENTS
Each project entry should contain the following items in electronic form:
A. Title Page. Information: project title, school name, your name, your section, date completed, and
estimated time to complete. Also include one sentence that describes your project idea.
B. Presentation of your design using Solid Works.
1. Full three dimensional assembly model on one page.
2. 2-D representations with dimensions: Top, Front and Right Views. One page for each part.
3. Layout of the design in Solid Works including dimensions and a scale.
C. A log of working hours (how long each phase of the project took; each part individually plus the
assembly process).
D. Design Summary: A 3 page discussion of the design modification that points out how the design has
been developed (citing specific functions and methods used in SolidWorks for each part and the
assembly process) and explains why. The text should be clearly written and organized as well as free
of typographical or editorial errors.
E. Optional information presented such as cross sections and auxiliary views will be looked upon
favorably when the projects are reviewed.
You will also give a 3-4 minutes presentation of your project during the last class. This should include a
PowerPoint presentation and any other supporting material or exhibits that may be helpful in illustrating
your design. Your presentation should:
A. Define the problem or device that your design is intended to improve
B. Describe your thought process in reaching the chosen design
C. Present the improvements, utilizing tools that you have learned throughout the semester.
The presentation should provide a concise description of your project. Points will be deducted for
presentations of less than 3 and more than 4 minutes in length.
You will write a 3 page report on the project which includes:
A. What the invention or innovation is.
B. How it improves over the current state of the art product
C. How you created it using SolidWorks (specific functions and methods)
D. How long each portion took to create
E. If you believe the design is successful or not
F. Future improvements to the final prototype.
The formatting must be as follows: size 12 font (Times New Roman or Calibri only), 1.5 spacing, 1’’
margins, and paragraphs using the “Justify” alignment (Ctrl+J).

For this assignment, you will be creating a visual narrative timeline using imag

For this assignment, you will be creating a visual narrative timeline using images of posters that changed the public conversation. You should include information about what was going on in the world when each poster was designed and what happened after. Your timeline should show how posters, viral posters, memes, etc., continue to impact and reflect society’s concerns.
InstructionsPart One: Research and Collection
Research a major historical occurrence, cultural phenomenon, or artistic movement. It must have taken place sometime between 1933 and the present. Also, a specific poster (or poster campaign) must have played a crucial role.
Determine which events were the most significant in your selected historical, cultural, or artistic happening. You must include a minimum of five events.
Think critically about each event and why it is important.
A major portion of your grade will be how well you explain or demonstrate the connection between events and designs.
Write 1-2 short sentences about each event stating why it is an important milestone.
Include the text as part of the timeline.
Be certain that your text is clear and concise.
Create or acquire graphics for the timeline.
You must include one for each event, for a total of at least five graphics.
Graphics may be photos and/or your own vector creations.
At least one of the images must be of a poster (or poster campaign) that played a crucial role in your selected historical, cultural, or artistic happening.
If you didn’t create the graphics, and they are not in the public domain, then you must include the Creative Commons licensing, or cite the sources for images used.
Part Two: Designing the Timeline
Layout each event on a timeline (either horizontally or vertically) using Illustrator. Each event must have a year, text, and graphic.
Dimensions of your timeline must meet the following specifications:
1366 pixels wide (the Web Preset).
Your timeline should reflect the following design considerations:
Use appropriate typography and color harmonies.
Use sufficient white space so that text and graphics aren’t crowded together.
Be aware of contrast, alignment, hierarchy, balance, and unity.
Scale the timeline uniformly so that it is easy to see the pace of development.
Provide creativity and originality in execution and design.
ResourcesPlease download Creating a Document in Illustrator for additional help on how to create a timeline.
Creating a Document in Illustrator
For more information on image citation and information on image citation in APA Guide.
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your work as an AI file. Then, save a copy as a PDF file. Submit the PDF file.

InstructionsFor this course project deliverable, you will create a style guide,

InstructionsFor this course project deliverable, you will create a style guide, using InDesign, for your selected global issue design conference.
Begin by setting up a print document in InDesign that is:
Half page sized, 8½ x 5½ inches (landscape)
Uses facing pages
Create all six sections listed below:
Mission and brand values statement
Consumer profile
Logo graphics and usage rules
Typography, fonts, and usage rules
Colors, swatches, numerical values, and usage rules
Imagery, styles, themes, and usage rules
Please download the Course Project Style Guide Assignment document for specific requirements for each section of the Course Project Style Guide.
Course Project Style Guide Assignment
Provide creativity and originality in execution and design.
After completing all six sections of the style guide, export the document as a PDF file to submit.
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your work as an INDD file. Then, export the document as an Adobe PDF (Print) file. Submit the PDF file.
The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

InstructionsFor this course project deliverable, you will create a style guide,

InstructionsFor this course project deliverable, you will create a style guide, using InDesign, for your selected global issue design conference.
Begin by setting up a print document in InDesign that is:
Half page sized, 8½ x 5½ inches (landscape)
Uses facing pages
Create all six sections listed below:
Mission and brand values statement
Consumer profile
Logo graphics and usage rules
Typography, fonts, and usage rules
Colors, swatches, numerical values, and usage rules
Imagery, styles, themes, and usage rules
Please download the Course Project Style Guide Assignment document for specific requirements for each section of the Course Project Style Guide.
Course Project Style Guide Assignment
Provide creativity and originality in execution and design.
After completing all six sections of the style guide, export the document as a PDF file to submit.
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your work as an INDD file. Then, export the document as an Adobe PDF (Print) file. Submit the PDF file.
The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: