Watch and enjoy this video that encapsulates our entire thesis semester: the importance of preparation.
How is it possible for this man to accomplish this feat?
Why isn’t he more afraid or at least apprehensive?
What did he do to get ready for his jump?
Why was he confident and ultimately successful in his attempt?
“We have to prioritize the challenges. Not everything can be equally important.” – Ambassador Polt
What challenges will you need to prepare for during your Capstone session so that you are ready for completion? Personally, professionally, academically, emotionally?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness of Response
5 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Response contains all required elements as outlined in the prompt (student may elect to focus on one particular aspect of prompt with explanation).
0 ptsNot Acceptable
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness of Response
8 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Response contains evidence of thorough reflection, planning, or discussion as directed by prompt.
0 ptsNot Acceptable
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
7 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Grammar, organization and mechanics are indicative of graduate-level work.
0 ptsNot Acceptable
7 pts
Category: Global Studies
What is more important in international problem solving: a clear vision or a det
What is more important in international problem solving: a clear vision or a detailed strategic and tactical plan? Post should be 200-300 words.
YOU MUST ONLY USED PROTHERO RELIGION MATTER TEXTBOOK AS A SOURCE Prothero, S. (2020). Religion Matters. Norton Publishing: New York.
For this discussion board assignment, respond to one of the following prompts. In your post, aim for 250 words. You are not required to comment on other student posts but doing so will earn bonus points (see grading rubric below).
This discussion is worth 10 points. You will be graded as follows:
10 points for writing 250 words, accuracy, and responding to the prompt.
8 points if you write less than 250 points, somewhat inaccurate, or fail to fully respond to the prompt.
6 points if you write less than 250 points, some inaccuracies, AND fail to fully respond to the prompt.
0 points for failing to post.
**One (1) bonus point for a substantial comment on another student post.A substantial comment is more than merely praising their post.
What is the significance of referring to Navajo religion as a “place-based” tradition? What is the religious significance of the land for the Diné?
Why do you suppose that some Diné prefer to refer to their “way of life” rather than their “religion”? How is the term “religion” useful in this case, and how is it reductive or misleading?
How do the concepts of hocho and hozho interact with each other in Diné life and thought? Are they opposites? What practices do the Diné use to move from disharmony to harmony?
What roles do the Holy People play in Diné creation stories and ceremonies? Why does this chapter refer to them as “superbeings” rather than “gods”?
The First Amendment is said to secure the right to religious liberty for U.S. citizens. Why does this constitutional right seem to fail so often when it comes to lands held sacred by Native nations? Why did the courts rule against the Navajo in the controversial Snowbowl case?
Read: from Japan: History and Culture from Classical to Cool Chapter 10: Culture
Read: from Japan: History and Culture from Classical to Cool
Chapter 10: Cultures of Empire and War (276-317)…
Analyze documents: from Modern Japan: A History in Documents
Chapter 6: The Dark Era: 1930-45 After doing the readings and when assigned movies and documents, please join the conversation with the TeaMasters! Remember we are all learning from one another, expand on the conversation, provide facts and links Do not summarize readings here, the idea is to analyze them by discussing them.
**NOTE: when discussing documentaries, and movies look for elements that confirm or expand on the themes from the readings rather than merely pointing out the plot.**
More than just thinking about the plot, you need to look at every detail so that you can compare how characters dress, do elders and youth dress alike? Consider the architecture, how are spaces designed, what spaces are occupied by whom? Is there a difference between genders, authorities, young/elders or do they all occupy the same place? Who gets up first at the table, who serves? Are characters taking turns to speak, which lines does each say, who has the last word, etc? & finally… what does it all mean? How do your observations relate to the content of the course?
Complete discussion 3 on The relation between globalization and the rise of ide
Complete discussion 3 on
The relation between globalization and the rise of identity politics, nationalism and religion
ScenarioThe community of Greenburg is located near sea level at the base of a sn
ScenarioThe community of Greenburg is located near sea level at the base of a snow-capped mountain, on a secluded ocean inlet, surrounded by rugged, forested land. The only access to the city is by ferry or plane; no roads connect it to other communities in the region. Winters are wet, mild, and long. The city serves as the capital for the state of Newbridge. As such, government agencies are its leading employer, though tourism is also a major source of income, followed by commercial fishing. The city is renowned for its scenic beauty; tall mountains capped by glaciers can be seen from downtown.
Population: 32,000
Avg. High Temp (Dec): 34oF
Avg. High Temp (June): 62oF
Annual Precipitation: 62 in.
Urban Area: 15 sq. mi.
Main Power Source: natural gas
InstructionsConstruct a plan for sustainable energy for the hypothetical city of Greenburg. Your plan should consist of the following elements:
Specific measures to promote energy conservation measures (e.g., promoting biking by implementing a bicycle sharing program)
Specific steps to move the city toward sustainable energy production (e.g., solar facilities/greenhouses/community food production)
Consider actions that involve switching from traditional (non-renewable) energy sources to renewable sources, for both vehicles and buildings/homes
Reducing energy will help, but your plan should include a detailed plan that will move the city forward using renewable energy
Please can someone explain what a case study should look like for IBDP in global
Please can someone explain what a case study should look like for IBDP in global poiltics. Would you be able to please share an example.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by sharing your thoughts on th
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by sharing your thoughts on their specialty, supporting their choice.
Examining Nursing Specialties
I have chosen Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing (PMHN) as my specialty within the program. This is because of my passion for addressing the mental healthcare needs of individuals. As a psychiatric nurse, I will have the opportunity to provide holistic care to patients with mental health disorders and help them achieve mental wellness, which I find extremely fulfilling (Bickford et al., 2015). Initially, I had a difficult time choosing between other nursing specialties, such as medical-surgical and pediatric. However, after shadowing a psychiatric nurse and spending time in a mental health clinic (Bickford et al., 2015). I developed an awareness of the importance of this section of medical care. Mental health specialists provide a level of care that significantly empowers the lives of individuals with mental health needs. I also realized the significant impact that mental health conditions have on a person’s life and the need for a specialized and compassionate approach to their care. This experience, coupled with my strong communication and empathy skills, cemented my decision to pursue mental health nursing as my specialization.
The American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) is a professional organization affiliated with my chosen specialty. Founded in 1986, APNA is the largest professional membership organization of psychiatric-mental health nurses (Foster et al., 2019). I look forward to becoming a member of this organization because it shall act as a stepping stone to achieving my goals. For instance, as a member of APNA, I will have access to various educational resources, networking opportunities, and support to enhance my knowledge and skills in mental health nursing (Foster et al., 2019). It shall also pave the way for me to attend conferences, workshops, and webinars to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my chosen field.
Based on the research that I have conducted, I understand the basic requirements needed for a person to become a member of APNA. The organization dictates that one must first have an active RN license and pay a membership fee. The fee ranges from $50-$185 depending on the membership level (Foster et al., 2019). APNA offers four levels of membership based on career status, including student, RN, and associate or advanced practice. I will be eligible for RN-level membership as a registered nurse working in mental health (Foster et al., 2019). Upon joining, I will have access to various resources, including online discussion forums, career development tools, and publications related to mental health nursing practice.
Bickford, C. J., Marion, L., & Gazaway, S. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, third edition – 2015
Foster, K., Roche, M., Delgado, C., Cuzzillo, C., Giandinoto, J. A., & Furness, T. (2019). Resilience and mental health nursing: An integrative review of international literature. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 71-85.
APA format with Citation and References
To Prepare:
Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.
Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by sharing your thoughts on their specialty, supporting their choice, or offering suggestions if they have yet to choose.
Criteria Rating Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Posting
50 to >44.0 pts
Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources. … Supported by at least three current, credible sources. … Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.
44 to >39.0 pts
Responds to the discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. … At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth. …Supported by at least three credible sources. … Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.
39 to >34.0 pts
Responds to some of the discussion question(s). … One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed. … Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis. … Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. … Post is cited with two credible sources. … Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors. … Contains some APA formatting errors.
34 to >0 pts
Does not respond to the discussion question(s) adequately. … Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria. … Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis. … Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. … Contains only one or no credible sources. … Not written clearly or concisely. … Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors. … Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Post: Timeliness
10 to >0.0 pts
Post main post by day 3.
0 pts
Do not post by day 3.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFirst Response
18 to >16.0 pts
Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings. … Responds fully to questions posed by faculty. … Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources. … Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. … Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. … Responses to faculty questions are fully answered if posed. … Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.
16 to >14.0 pts
The response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings. … Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. … Responses to faculty questions are answered if posed. … Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources. … Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.
14 to >12.0 pts
Response is on topic and may have some depth. … Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication. … Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered if posed. … Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.
12 to >0 pts
The response may not be on topic and lacks depth. … Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication. … Responses to faculty questions are missing. … No credible sources are cited.
18 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSecond Response
17 to >15.0 pts
Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings. … Responds fully to questions posed by faculty. … Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources. … Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. …Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. … Responses to faculty questions are fully answered if posed. … Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.
15 to >13.0 pts
The response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings. … Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. … Responses to faculty questions are answered if posed. … Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources. … Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.
13 to >11.0 pts
The response is on topic and may have some depth. … Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication. … Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered if posed. … Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.
11 to >0 pts
The response may not be on topic and lacks depth. … Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication. … Responses to faculty questions are missing. … No credible sources are cited.
17 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParticipation
5 to >0.0 pts
Meets requirements for participation by posting on three different days.
0 pts
Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Answer the following prompt: Why are international, regional, and/or nongovernme
Answer the following prompt: Why are international, regional, and/or nongovernmental institutions important in global politics?
450-500 words
Focus on international and regional institutions
Argue they are important (May not always be successful but important)
Examples to use: Regional: EU and AU
International: UN
International institutions are important because they give a platform for countries to meet and solve world problems
Important because we are globalized and can’t have the mindset of “Not my country, not my problem”
Regional institutions are important because they give a platform to smaller countries. For example, the EU can have a voice for the smaller counties
Only quote the attached sources
The most important aspect of this is to formulate a cohesive argument. Choose portions of the readings for citation purposes that you are able to explain in your own words. Simply copying and pasting numerous readings does not equal points. Doing so may take away from your argument if you are unable to coherently explain them. Rather, using these readings to assist and bolster your argument is the goal.
ScenarioYou have been hired as an environmental scientist for a local firm. For
ScenarioYou have been hired as an environmental scientist for a local firm. For your first project, you are asked to construct a food resiliency plan for your firm. Given our changing global climate, growing population, overuse and scarcity of resource, such a management plan for the production and distribution of food is crucial. The goal of this proposed plan is to reduce waste and CO2 emissions contributed by your firm.
InstructionsConstruct a detailed management plan for food resiliency. Your plan should consist of three separate paragraphs, (5-7 sentences in length) and should contain the following elements:
Your first paragraph should specify where and how your company will source its food given a goal year (e.g., 2030).
This paragraph should consider measures to promote a fluid and organized plan for food resiliency that is realistic and achievable by the end goal (e.g., aquaponics/vertical farms sourced from local community centers to give residents access to fresh, organically grown produce).
Your second paragraph should specify steps or measures that will be taken to move the firm towards this food resiliency plan.
This paragraph should highlight the phasing out of foods sourced from farms that use pesticides/chemicals.
Your third paragraph should discuss the potential reduction in food miles and CO2 emissions that would be achieved by the end date.
This paragraph should highlight the end goal of reducing food miles and reducing CO2 emissions through sourcing food from local sources.
ResourcesInternational Institute for Environment and Development This resource discusses recycling, reusing, and the combining of resources to reduce food miles and reliance upon fossil fuels in sourcing and transporting food.
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit This resource details the steps to food resilience at the individual and community levels, including data and case studies from different regions of the world.
Adolph, Barbara. Building Resilient Food Systems. (2019). International Institute for Environment and Development. Retrieved from:
Building Food Resilience. (August 24, 2017). U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit. Retrieved from: