Report (7.5% of grade) The report will consist of the following technical requir

Report (7.5% of grade) The report will consist of the following technical requirements: • Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri Font • 11 pt • Single Spaced • Proper Grammar • Proper organization (see the section with descriptions on the following pages) o Introduction/Background of broad topic (hurricane, tornado, flood, blizzard) o Description of area affected o A breakdown of atmospheric conditions for each region (See the U.S. Climate Regions Handout provided in the packet) for 3 of the days provided in the packet.) o Data – Answers to the specific questions listed on the next page. Each question must be answered. Discussion – Take the data found from your research and apply it to scenarios and questions that integrate meteorology and climatology. Conclusion o Figures and Tables o Citations (please use GSA style formatting. See attached for examples.) • No more than 6 pages, no less than 4 pages (not including citations and figures) •
Presentation (7.5% of grade)
The presentation will simply be a visual representation of the data and information written in the report.
Make sure to include figures and citations.
Each presentation should be approximately 10 minutes long, and each person in the group should present
some information. Please use a presentation theme that is easy to read and speak clearly while you are
Your presentation should be done in the same organization style as your report:
• Proper organization
o Introduction/Background of broad topic (hurricane, tornado, flood, blizzard)
Description of area affected
o A breakdown of atmospheric conditions for each region (See the U.S. Climate Regions
Handout provided in the packet) for 3 of the days provided in the packet.)
o Data – Answers to the specific questions listed on the next page. Each question must be
o Discussion – Taking the data found from your research and applying it to scenarios and
questions that integrate meteorology and climatology
o Conclusion
o Figures and Tables
o Citations (please use GSA style formatting. See attached for examples.

Your presentation should contain approximately 10 to 15 slides and use Prezi, Po

Your presentation should contain approximately 10 to 15 slides and use Prezi, PowerPoint, or a comparable presentation tool. You must include a separate transcript of your speaker notes so that your instructor knows what you would say if you were to actually give the presentation. You should have at least five sources and use current APA style guidelines for your citations and reference list in your final slide.

Analysis of Energy Sources Lab In this lab, you will examine renewable and nonre

Analysis of Energy Sources Lab
In this lab, you will examine renewable and nonrenewable energy resources for supplying electricity. The goal is to consider the high demand for energy and the impact of various energy sources on human health and the environment. Which energy sources are the best options?
For this assignment, you will use the Unit 4 Lab: Analysis of Energy Sources to complete the Unit 4 Lab Report. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE LINK*pcgc1f*_ga*MTA5MzAwNDkzMy4xNzA4NjQ5MTEy*_ga_PF30M1FV81*MTcwODk4NjM0Ny4zMy4xLjE3MDg5ODY5OTEuMC4wLjA.

Analysis of Energy Sources Lab In this lab, you will examine renewable and nonre

Analysis of Energy Sources Lab
In this lab, you will examine renewable and nonrenewable energy resources for supplying electricity. The goal is to consider the high demand for energy and the impact of various energy sources on human health and the environment. Which energy sources are the best options?
For this assignment, you will use the Unit 4 Lab: Analysis of Energy Sources to complete the Unit 4 Lab Report. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE LINK*pcgc1f*_ga*MTA5MzAwNDkzMy4xNzA4NjQ5MTEy*_ga_PF30M1FV81*MTcwODk4NjM0Ny4zMy4xLjE3MDg5ODY5OTEuMC4wLjA.

all information is provided in the pdfs. Please be be between 380 and 420 words.

all information is provided in the pdfs. Please be be between 380 and 420 words.
The link below is a Geonarrative (StoryMap) on the recent Turkey Earthquakes (encouraged to view when working on the report)

In this lab, you will analyze the impact of human growth and industrialization o

In this lab, you will analyze the impact of human growth and industrialization on the sustainability of groundwater. The goal is to consider whether groundwater sustainability will be impacted if current human growth stays the same.
For this assignment, you will use the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability to complete the Unit 2 Lab Report.
First, open the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability.*fwsih*_ga*OTkyOTQ1Mzk0LjE3MDcyMzQ4MjM.*_ga_PF30M1FV81*MTcwNzc0NDczNS4xMC4xLjE3MDc3NDUxOTUuMC4wLjA.
Using the Lab Report template, you will complete the information below.
Fill in the data table using the time progression of industrialization and human development.
Write a Lab Report using the scientific method. Your report will include all of the following:
-Purpose: In 2–3 sentences, state the purpose of the Groundwater Sustainability Lab.
-Introduction: In a detailed paragraph, summarize what is currently known about the impact of human development on groundwater sustainability. Use the background information provided in the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability.
-Hypothesis / predicted outcome: In 1 sentence, state what you expect the results of the lab procedure will be.
-Methods: In a detailed paragraph, summarize the steps that you performed to collect the data in this lab exercise. The goal of the Methods section is to include enough information so that others can duplicate your process and obtain the same results.
-Results / outcome: In a detailed paragraph, summarize your data.
-Discussion / analysis: In a detailed paragraph, discuss whether you obtained the expected results and what you learned from the lab.

In this lab, you will analyze the impact of human growth and industrialization o

In this lab, you will analyze the impact of human growth and industrialization on the sustainability of groundwater. The goal is to consider whether groundwater sustainability will be impacted if current human growth stays the same.
For this assignment, you will use the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability to complete the Unit 2 Lab Report.
First, open the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability.*fwsih*_ga*OTkyOTQ1Mzk0LjE3MDcyMzQ4MjM.*_ga_PF30M1FV81*MTcwNzc0NDczNS4xMC4xLjE3MDc3NDUxOTUuMC4wLjA.
Using the Lab Report template, you will complete the information below.
Fill in the data table using the time progression of industrialization and human development.
Write a Lab Report using the scientific method. Your report will include all of the following:
-Purpose: In 2–3 sentences, state the purpose of the Groundwater Sustainability Lab.
-Introduction: In a detailed paragraph, summarize what is currently known about the impact of human development on groundwater sustainability. Use the background information provided in the Unit 2 Lab: Groundwater Sustainability.
-Hypothesis / predicted outcome: In 1 sentence, state what you expect the results of the lab procedure will be.
-Methods: In a detailed paragraph, summarize the steps that you performed to collect the data in this lab exercise. The goal of the Methods section is to include enough information so that others can duplicate your process and obtain the same results.
-Results / outcome: In a detailed paragraph, summarize your data.
-Discussion / analysis: In a detailed paragraph, discuss whether you obtained the expected results and what you learned from the lab.

Your goal for this outline is not to write the paper, but to writing headings an

Your goal for this outline is not to write the paper, but to writing headings and statements that will support and organize the writing of your paper. For example, for each body paragraph, you should write a title that would serve as the theme of your section. For some sections, like the thesis statement, it may be wise to actually write a thesis statement to organize your thoughts and give your paper a direction.
NOTE: The research paper guidelines are listed at the bottom of this document as a reminder of the expectations.
The first paragraph introduces your topic to the audience and makes your point clear.
• The hook: introduce your audience to the main idea of your paper.
• Context: introduce the area or field of studies where your research might be applicable.
• Rationale: tell the audience why your topic is important or relevant.
• Thesis statement: the claim or the main point you make in your entire writing.
Body Section
• Topic sentence: your first claim to support the thesis statement.
• Explanation: give an explanation or evidence to support your claim.
• Supporting point: give factual data, statistics, and/or citations from reliable sources to support your claim.
• Supporting sentences: give as many supporting claims and relevant evidence as you need.
• Concluding sentence: give a small conclusion to your points.
(Repeat body paragraphs as needed)
The conclusion draws the line under all of your points and gives a final statement on why your point or claim is correct.
Concluding points: give concluding points to all the claims you’ve made.
Although some students skip writing an outline for their research papers and underestimate its usefulness, it plays a big role in your success. With a good outline, you increase your chances of writing a high-quality paper. An outline completes several important functions:
• It helps you to follow the right structure.
• It contains all the ideas, evidence, and points you should include, so you won’t leave something out.
• It helps you focus on the task and contributes to a faster writing process.
Identify a minimum of THREE resources and put them here as a citation in APA format.

NAME: DATE: Complete the following questions and submit this file for review. Al

Complete the following questions and submit this file for review. Always answer all questions in your own words and do *not paste in any direct quotes. No credit will be given for pasting in direct quote. When used, sources must be cited in APA style, including both parenthetical citations and a complete reference list. You are expected to use at least three scholarly sources in developing this assignment with both in-text citation and inclusion in the reference list.
For this assignment, we will be using the Water Testing and Awareness Project (WaterTAP) dataset, which has been built through voluntary AMU/APU student participation in testing drinking water. The link for the database is included in the attachments with the assignment description. Be sure to open the data to explore the findings, as you will use this dataset to address the following questions. Parameters may include total hardness (ppm), total chlorine (ppm), alkalinity (ppm), pH, nitrite (ppm), nitrate (ppm), copper (ppm), iron (ppm), bacteria, pesticide, and lead. Additional information per sample includes test date, zip code of water sample, and water source.
1. From the WaterTAP dataset, identify the date the spreadsheet was last updated.
2. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) can be reviewed on the web here: National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWR) can be reviewed on the web here: Use these resources to complete the blank cells in Table 1. Note that some cells will not have information, so place an N/A (not applicable) in those cells.
Table 1
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) and National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWR) for select drinking water parameters
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWR)
Contaminant Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) MCL or Treatment Technique (TT) (mg/L) Sources of Contaminants in Drinking Water Secondary MCL Noticeable Effects above the Secondary MCL
Nitrate (as Nitrogen)
Nitrite (as Nitrogen)
NOTE: xxx
3. Use the WaterTAP dataset and complete the blank cells in Table 2 and edit the caption. The count is the total number of samples for the parameter (this includes zero values but not ‘no results’ data). Mean, standard deviation, median, mode, minimum, and maximum are standard calculations used to evaluate a dataset. To calculate the range, subtract the minimum value from the maximum value. Use two significant figures (the hundredths place) for all values.
Table 2
Edit this caption
Contaminant Count Mean Standard Deviation Median Mode Minimum Maximum Range
Nitrate (as Nitrogen)
Nitrite (as Nitrogen)
4. Comparing the information in Tables 1 and 2, which of the parameters reviewed from the WaterTAP dataset are within primary and secondary standards? Be sure you justify your response. For example, are there means, maximums, or other values that do or do not fall within the regulatory limits?
5. Using the course text, identify which water quality parameters are used for assessing corrosion control. Be sure you cite all sources used in APA style in developing this response both in the text and in the reference list at the end of the document.
6. Review the WaterTAP dataset and identify at least three parameters in your response to question 5 that are also reported in the WaterTAP data set. [If you did not identify at least three overlapping parameters, head back to the text to research this further and modify your response to question five so that you get the correct answer.] Identify the minimum and maximum values in the WaterTAP dataset for each of these parameters. Do not forget to include data units.
7. Using what you know about corrosion control and your response from question 6, explain if there are any concerns for water quality specifically as it relates to corrosion control in the WaterTAP dataset. Justify your response. Cite all outside sources consulted both in the text and in the reference list at the end of the document.
8. Explain why pH is a consideration in drinking water quality. Include both biological and chemical considerations. For example, see Chapter 4 in Spellman, The Science of Water: Concepts and Applications. Cite all outside sources consulted both in the text and in the reference list at the end of the document.
9. Create a column chart for the WaterTAP pH data. Paste in the chart below, formatted in APA with a label and a caption. On the chart, create bars that represent whole numbers (e.g., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 – depending on the range of the dataset). You must count how many samples have each pH value for this chart. The x-axis should be the pH value, and the y-axis should be the count of samples. Be sure you label both axes. Since you are including a single series, do not include a legend.
10. Describe the normality of the WaterTAP pH data. Are the pH data skewed, and if so, in which direction? Use the terms normality and skew in your response. [You may watch this helpful video on data distributions from the APUS library here:] [Pay special attention to the explanations of the shape of the data distribution. Review this video as a refresher on the Central Limit Theorem:]
11. What are the major sources of lead in drinking water, and what causes those sources of lead to contaminate the water being distributed to homes, businesses, and other end users? Cite all outside sources consulted both in the text and in the reference list at the end of the document.
12. In reviewing the WaterTAP dataset, what were the results specific to lead?
13. Using the WaterTAP dataset, construct a pie chart for the findings on bacteria. Paste in the pie chart here. Make sure you have either labeled the pie slices on the display or you have included a legend. Display the percent for each pie slice on the chart.
14. In reviewing the WaterTAP dataset, what were the results specific to pesticides? Identify if there are any correlations in the location of the samples based on zip code or water source.
15. After completing this exercise, in at least one full page, reflect on the drinking water quality for the APUS community as demonstrated by the WaterTAP dataset. For example, does the drinking water supply meet regulatory guidelines? What stood out to you most as you completed this exercise? Cite all outside sources consulted both in the text and in the reference list at the end of the document.
See the Trefry Library for help formatting sources in APA Style ( We are using the 7th edition of APA. At a minimum, you should be listing the course text by Spellman, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) websites used in Table 1, and at least three scholarly sources that you cited in the text of responses within this assignment. You do not need to cite the WaterTAP dataset, since we are using that as our class data. Be sure any source listed here in the reference list also has an in-text citation. If a source does not, delete it from the reference list.

After reading The Martian chapters 14-15, discuss the following: If HAL had been

After reading The Martian chapters 14-15, discuss the following:
If HAL had been programmed with Asimov’s three laws of robotics, do you think the events of the movie would have taken place? Why or why not?
Do you think if there had been more time JPL and NASA would have identified the problem with the Iris probe prior to launch?
Is this similar to other accidents that have happened in human spaceflight, like Apollo 1? Try to find some examples.