Textual Analysis Project. The minimum word count to receive your full 25 points

Textual Analysis Project. The minimum word count to receive your full 25 points for this progress check is 500 words total. This second progress check should show any changes you have made since the last submission, which was 200 words.  For many of you, that means submitting an additional paragraph or 250 words. PLEASE CHECK MY FEEDBACK ON THE LAST PROGRESS CHECK BEFORE SUBMITTING. 
Any AI detected in this assignment will result in an automatic zero. 

The paper should be typed, and double-spaced; the length should be 5-7 pages.  P

The paper should be typed, and double-spaced; the length should be 5-7 pages.  Please use MLA style and include a works cited page.  As far as cited sources go, the assigned required and recommended readings, as well articles accessed through JSTOR or Project MUSE are permissible. (Just say NO to Wikipedia as a cited source!)
James Baldwin’s novel, Giovanni’s Room, deals with several issues regarding what it means to be an American from the standpoint of another country. Clearly, “American” or national identity intersects with other identity categories: gender, sexuality, and race. Additionally, these intersecting identities are played out within the many “rooms” in the novel (Giovanni’s room and cell, Guillaume’s apartment, the bar room, David’s house, New York City and Paris as types of rooms, etc.). Write an essay that addresses some of the intersecting identities contained within a room (e.g., national identity and sexuality in Giovanni’s room, etc.) and explains the significance. Pull one or more sources in addition to the novel to frame the main and supporting points of your paper.

Term Paper – Your Essay MUST BE: Comparative (It must cover Two works we have st

Term Paper – Your Essay MUST BE: Comparative (It must cover Two works we have studied this year which are Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart and The Iron Heel by Jack Landon), touch a theme that arises from the texts, be literary, and present an argument (that is – not be mere description). It must incorporate 2 scholarly articles. 
Very Important: Remember that, at its heart, this is a class about literature. It is imperative that you demonstrate a knowledge of literary terms that we discuss in class within your course work. Though sociology and psychology might be helpful in interpreting texts, this cannot be the focus of your work. Just as you would not focus on an author’s use of alliteration in a sociology essay, please avoid writing about society in your literary assignments. That is to say, arguing that a character in a novel is good or evil (or similarly general topics) does little to advance your understanding of the workings of literature. Using a literary term to connect your texts and the particular theme of Law that you chose is, therefore, imperative.
You need to argue, not describe. Saying an author uses an element like metaphor is not an argument. Saying that metaphor is the driving force to understanding the theme of addiction is a strong argument.
You need to quote from the text in each and every post, whether it’s your original work or a reply to a peer. Paraphrases or summaries are not quotations. You need direct citations from the texts, in quotation marks, with page numbers, line numbers (poems), (act.scene.line) for a play, or in the case of films, times.
Remember: you will always need at least one theme related to Crime, Punishment + Justice, and one literary device to succeed in these assignments.
Outline is attached!
Thesis sentence. (0.5 marks).
Roadmap (0.5 marks)
Topic and Transition Sentences for each of your 3 body paragraphs (reworked versions of your roadmap sentences.) (0.5 marks)
Use logical notation to tell us what your essay structure would be.. eg:  allusion –> paradox –> justice 

Respecta algoritmul : Explicarea conceptului de experientã de viatã a personajel

Respecta algoritmul : Explicarea conceptului de experientã de viatã a personajelor 2 p.
Raportarea conceptului la sugestia din citatul propus.
Reperarea motivatã a douã personaje din literatura românã,
3 p.
6 р.
potrivite temei.
Comentarea a câte douã trásâturi morale ale personajelor alese.
Ilustrarea adevatã a trâsâturilor comentate cu câte douã
4 p.
4 p.
exemple convingâtoare din cele douá texte selectate.
Dezvoltarea motivatã a unei idei din asertiunea propusã.
Exprimarea opiniei proprii cu referire la actualitatea
2 p.
2 p.
subiectului abordat.

Uma jovem garota tem um sonho de ser uma escritora de grande sucesso e vai em bu

Uma jovem garota tem um sonho de ser uma escritora de grande sucesso e vai em busca disso entao ela vai se isolar em uma casa distante para escrever um livro para esquecer os momentos ruim com qual teve com sua familia e principal seu irmao porem uma pessoa a persegue em um jogo de gago e rato mosntrando saber muito dela entao certo dia ela percebeu que sua obra foi roubado e que essa pessoa deixou vestigios cair como um colar e ela descobre que era do seu irmao e derrepente leva um acerto na cabeca e acorda de repente acorda no porao com seu irmao dizendo que sempre teve invenja dela porque seus pais sempre gostou mais dela doque ele e  ele escuta um barulho na porta e era seu amigo de infancia pra ajudar ela e ele vai no porao e a tira de la e quando vao sair o irmao esta la e os ataca com uma arma e comeca a briga e o amigo morre e a irma o ataca com uma faca e mata seu irmao
(Vc tem q escrever um passo a passo na historia, você pode adicionar coisas e remover coisas do texto,Tu vai enumerar,Um exemplo, numero 1: ela chegou na ilha, numero 2 começou a escrever o livro, e não pode conter fala

Mini essay. Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Tim

Mini essay.
Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Time new Roman 12 double spaced MLA citation.
1.)What does it mean to be human? How is the human experience expressed through the selected readings?
2.)What is the “good life”? How should people live?
What are the cultural expectations/duties of men? Of women? Of children?
3.)What can be gained from learning about the cultures and beliefs of other people?
Due at 11:30pm

Mini essay. Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Tim

Mini essay.
Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Time new Roman 12 double spaced MLA citation.
1.)What does it mean to be human? How is the human experience expressed through the selected readings?
2.)What is the “good life”? How should people live?
What are the cultural expectations/duties of men? Of women? Of children?
3.)What can be gained from learning about the cultures and beliefs of other people?
Due at 11:30pm

Mini essay. Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Tim

Mini essay.
Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Time new Roman 12 double spaced MLA citation.
1.)What does it mean to be human? How is the human experience expressed through the selected readings?
2.)What is the “good life”? How should people live?
What are the cultural expectations/duties of men? Of women? Of children?
3.)What can be gained from learning about the cultures and beliefs of other people?
Due at 11:30pm

Mini essay. Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Tim

Mini essay.
Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Time new Roman 12 double spaced MLA citation.
1.)What does it mean to be human? How is the human experience expressed through the selected readings?
2.)What is the “good life”? How should people live?
What are the cultural expectations/duties of men? Of women? Of children?
3.)What can be gained from learning about the cultures and beliefs of other people?
Due at 11:30pm

Mini essay. Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Tim

Mini essay.
Read the passages on Egyptian poetry, and answer the questions. Time new Roman 12 double spaced MLA citation.
1.)What does it mean to be human? How is the human experience expressed through the selected readings?
2.)What is the “good life”? How should people live?
What are the cultural expectations/duties of men? Of women? Of children?
3.)What can be gained from learning about the cultures and beliefs of other people?
Due at 11:30pm