After drafting your thesis statement, you should spend time working on how to make it stronger. A good thesis statement will serve as a mini-outline of your essay. Complete the attached workshop to help you refine your thesis statement.
Category: English 101
My topic is Air conditioners, I would like you to use IEEE STYLE in this product
My topic is Air conditioners, I would like you to use IEEE STYLE in this product essay and use a high school-level American English language, and I want it to be unique and free of plagiarism because I will submit it in Turnitin, Also I have sent you samples, outline, rubric, and guildline. And use at least 4 academic sources. the structure must be mostly like the sample I sent.
Must be 700+ words not including cited. Rubric in attachment 2-4 quotes from two
Must be 700+ words not including cited. Rubric in attachment
2-4 quotes from two different articles published anytime 2018-present
“Juvenile Delinquency.” SIRS Leading IssuesProQuest, 2021. ProQuest; SIRS Issues Researcher,
i would like to apply for master degree in law at some UK university . I graduat
i would like to apply for master degree in law at some UK university . I graduated from Qasim university with a gpa of 2.75 out of 5 . because my gpa was low i worked hard in the justice ominostry i have about 3 years of experince and now im willing to do my master in law to achieve my goal and willing to graduate with 3.90 out of 4 for my master.
OTHER: Hi, please check the files that i attached , you will find comment on the
OTHER: Hi, please check the files that i attached , you will find comment on them and can you edit the context so it be more clear than it is . The theme is not clears so make them obvious and clear. Please check all the files that i will attach. I will send the rubric. And you have to follow the themes please and make them clear . Thank you . I will attach every thing you will need to edit there is a file with comment please make sure to look at it .
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#542957472): Write as the two files say , please make sure you follow the instructions as in the files because it very important be carful about the themes written in the file and it should not be more than 1000 word or less than 980 .
INSTRUCTIONS: Professor feedback in paper. Please see file and comments from pro
INSTRUCTIONS: Professor feedback in paper. Please see file and comments from professor:
You do not tie in everything with an excellent example of literature. Have concluding sentences in each body paragraph that state why what you put in the paragraph shows that the story is an excellent example of literature. Your conclusion is too short. Revise again.
Your thesis is not what we practiced. It does not have “an excellent example of literature in it.” You have absolutely no evidence in the way of in-text citations. Your paragraphs do not tie in with the given theme of “an excellent example of literature.” You need the works cited entry for the story itself.
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#545663758): Paper 1: What is Literature?
Due Date: Paper 1 is due at the end of Week 4.
Learning Goals
• Synthesize the ideas you have considered in answering the question, “What is literature?”
• Craft a thesis that clearly states your interpretation of the meaning (significance) of the story.
• Support your thesis with evidence from the story and base it on the literary elements you have examined.
For this paper, you will develop an argument that you began exploring in the Week 2 discussion, which asked, “What is literature?” Your paper will answer that question using the following format:
“This story is an excellent example of literature because it provides meaning about X.”
Examples of how you might fill-in “X” include “children and parenting,” “the Black experience,” “gendered double standards,” or another aspect of the human condition that you can relate to and that has a significant presence in the story.
The answer statement above is only half of your thesis. Week 3 teaches you that the thesis governs your paper’s analysis and development. The thesis is constructed with two main parts: a claim and warrants. For this paper, your thesis will have three warrants.
Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is an excellent example of a literary work because it demonstrates the hypocrisy of the grandmother’s religious and moral position through its approach to characterization, plot, and theme.
Week 3 shows you how the outline is a straightforward way to list and organize your ideas to support your claim with three warrants. Your task in drafting this paper is to expand the levels of your outline in more detail. Next, you will convert the bulleted items from your outline into well-crafted sentences, and then combine the sentences into well-organized, logical paragraphs.
Your three warrants will use the literary elements you explored and applied in Week 2. You may choose any literary elements, and you do not have to use three different ones. However, the body of your paper needs to have three paragraphs. For instance, if you choose to only discuss plot, then you must have enough information to develop three paragraphs about how the plot elucidates your thesis claim.
In Week 4, you’ll learn more about the development of body paragraphs. In the example above, each of the warrants exemplifying the hypocrisy of religious morality—through the story’s character(s), setting, and theme—will have its own paragraph.
Hints: Remember that your reader has read the story and is familiar with it; extensive summary is not useful. Rather, explain and analyze how meaning is derived from the story by the author’s implementation of literary elements. Note that the focus should be on the story, not the author, so repeated references to the author are unnecessary.
Summary vs. analysis: Be aware that a paper analyzing a piece of literature is not a plot summary. Summary should be brief, with only the details necessary to identify the parts of the story required to develop your paper.
Length and Format:
• 750-1,000 words (approximately three pages, double-spaced)
• MLA style for document format. See this MLA Style Demo video for how to set up your document.
• See the Sample Paper for format and organization. COMMENTS FROM PREVIOUS ORDER: • 750-1,000 words (approximately three pages, double-spaced)
• MLA style for document format. See this MLA Style Demo video for how to set up your document.
• See the Sample Paper for format and organization. Discipline: ENGL 102 Composition and Liter Assignment
the assignment its about biases you have to pic two different techniques there i
the assignment its about biases you have to pic two different techniques there is a link provided in the pictures
Learning Techniques:
Technique 2: Re-reading
Technique 3: Self-explanation
Technique 4: Practice testing
Technique 5: Highlighting/underlining
Technique 6: Note-taking/summarization
Technique 7: Distributed Practice.
please pic 2 techniques from this 7 and add them to the assignment
Comments from Customer
Discipline: applied creative thinking
(4) Use proper APA style guidelines to cite appropriate, scholarly work (
The final draft of essay 3 should be 8-9 double-spaced, typed pages (in 12- poin
The final draft of essay 3 should be 8-9 double-spaced, typed pages (in 12-
point Times New Roman, 11-point Arial, or a similar font), adhere to MLA
guidelines, and include a works cited page, which is not part of the 8-9 page
requirement. Your essay should draw on at least five different types of
sources (that is, from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, reference
texts, government documents, electronic sources, interviews, and so on).
These sources should be credible and pertinent sources—informed sources
that add substance and depth to your thinking and writing about your topic
Book To Be Read For, Today I am a boy Saved Over the course of the semester, stu
Book To Be Read For, Today I am a boy
Over the course of the semester, students are to read the book For Today I Am a Boy, a novel that explores identity development through the lens of ethnic background as well as gender identity. Students will read this book on their own throughout the course of the semester.
Students will choose one racial/cultural minority identity development theory as discussed in class and in the Sue textbook and apply the chosen theory to the main character (Peter/Audrey). Specifically, students will define each stage of the identity development theory and provide two examples of the main character experiencing or completing each stage. Students will conclude the paper with a section describing how they might work with a client similar to Peter/Audrey during each stage of identity development. The paper should be roughly 3-4 pages in length.
Grading Rubric
Student selected an appropriate identity development model for analysis of Peter/Audrey and demonstrates how the model can be applied (5 points)
Each stage of the model is defined and explained correctly (10 points)
Two appropriate examples are presented and explained for each stage of the model (20 points)
Student provides suggestions on how to best work with the main character for each stage of the identity development process (15 points)
Student demonstrates that they have read the book and understand the issues faced by the main character (5 points)
Student incorporates course concepts in the identity analysis and practice suggestions (5 points)
Points deducted for APA/Grammar/Spelling
BOOK: THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING: CAPITALISM VS. THE CLIMATE BY Naomi Klein. Each student is expected to read a popular press book and write a 4-5-page (double spaced) review on the book. The review is expected to consist of a summary and critical evaluation of the book (50% summary and 50% critical evaluation). Students will be graded based on their understanding and summary of the book, and their ability to critically evaluate the material covered in the book integrating
the information learned in class.