You work for Nutri Beverage company; they have an older tank system used in the

You work for Nutri Beverage company; they have an older tank system used in the manufacture and processing of drinks. The company wishes to update some of its older storage tanks to support automation. The older tanks have sight glass sensing systems. Your task is to research and persuade the plant manager to select one of the more modern levels sensing systems.
The sensing system to be replaced must be easily maintainable, calibrated and set up when replacement is required. The sensing system must support the ability to monitor the tank level through the entire range of the tank and cannot require major infrastructure modification for the system. Develop a presentation to compare these sensor types: Load Cells, Differential Pressure, Conductive or Capacitive Probes, and Ultrasonic Sensors.
4 to 5 pages on the different types of sensors, which one would be the best fit and why, with some sort of presentation for management.
I need a research paper and a power point presentation

I need help writing an essay to get into Lawrence Tech University. I have been t

I need help writing an essay to get into Lawrence Tech University. I have been to so many schools and did so horribly that I am embarrassed. I did not know that I had mental health issue bipolar depression. I am better and just want to continue to move forward and become the first generation to gradute from college. I really want to attend this school for the Bachelor of Science Computer Science
Concentration in Artificial Intelligence. I heard they are the best.

Read the background information in Section I. Your paper should address each of

Read the background information in Section I. Your paper should address each of the subsections of Section II. Make sure you read each section completely and carefully before preparing your paper.
Section I: Background
Acme General Contractors is the general contractor for a new 20-story commercial building in downtown Centerville, USA. The building will use a rigid-frame structure and reinforced concrete construction. A major subcontractor on the project who will be performing the roofing and interior insulation and drywall installation has hired you as the safety officer.
Section II: Assignment
Analyze the hazards associated with the roofing and the interior work. You should identify at least three hazards for each activity.
Perform a risk assessment on three of the hazards that you identified for each activity (six total) using the 4 X 5 matrix shown in Figure 34-1 on page 492 of the textbook or in the quantitative risk assessment form, which can be accessed by clicking here.
Prioritize the need for controls for the hazards that you selected based on the results of the risk assessment.
Using the hierarchy of engineering controls listed in Figure 3-3 on page 29 of the textbook, recommend a control method for each hazard that you believe would be the most effective in reducing risk to an acceptable level. Explain why you made the choice, and support your decisions with at least one reference other than the textbook.
Use the 4 X 5 matrix or the quantitative risk assessment form to show the reduction in risk for each hazard after the control method has been applied.
For any fall protection that you recommend, be specific about the type of fall protection needed.
Discuss how Prevention through Design (PtD) could be used to reduce the risks associated with these operations.

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing co

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have just completed the quarterly inspections and have found hazards. Because your resources (both financial and human) are limited, you must complete a risk assessment to determine which hazards have a higher priority for mitigation.
Use the quantitative risk assessment method outlined in the unit lesson and explain why this method is the best choice for assessing the risks associated with the hazards and the purpose of your project:
Read the Unit 3 Study Guide and required reading assignment, then review all previous grading feedback and the Writing Style Instructions announcement before drafting your work.
(a) Review each of the hazards identified below and conduct a risk assessment using the quantified method for risk assessment. Click here to access the quantitative risk assessment form and make certain to include the spreadsheet in the appendices. *Delete the sample Condition #1 and sample quantitative values in the risk assessment spreadsheet and replace with Hazard #1 conditions and establish quantitative values, then add the subsequent Hazards (#2 – #7) as to complete the entire risk assessment.
(b) You may modify the risk level in the spreadsheet to meet your level of acceptable risk. Based on this quantified risk assessment, determine the priority of mitigation.
(c) Provide a four-to-eight-page report (not including the required title page and appendices page…see CSU Citation Guide p. 19) detailing your findings. The project report should include the elements listed below:
Summarize the steps you used to determine your risk assessments, including conducting a hazard identification inspection.
Provide an explanation as to why the quantitative risk assessment method is one of the better methods for evaluating risk for this type of hazard.
Discuss the results of the findings, including the priority of mitigations for the identified hazards.
Provide a recommendation as to whether the project mitigations are justified using the William-Fine method (Brauer, 2016, pp. 496-497).

My part in this research is the evaluation. I wrote the evaluation, but my profe

My part in this research is the evaluation.
I wrote the evaluation, but my professor had a lot of comments on it, and I’m not sure how to fix it . so I’ll upload the research. You have to select and edit only the evaluation area, and you can add up to 300 words to the evaluation. The comments from my instructor will be uploaded in different files. I want a great transformation because it’s worth many of my marks. It has to be in IEEE form. I will also upload a Sample of the research from another group. If you need any extra documents, don’t hesitate to contact me. Thankyou.

Hello dear writer My topic is titled: Turbos in ships I am a military student at

Hello dear writer
My topic is titled: Turbos in ships
I am a military student at the Naval College
Please follow the example and instructions, but in a simplified manner and not like the attached example from the university. You can follow the example that my friend did on this site.
Please, dear writer, complete the work on the draft that you did and add citations to the sentences that I wrote
I look forward to excellent work from you, and you can increase the number of pages beyond what I requested as much as you wish.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: Marine Science