Contemporary issues essay 20 Possible Points
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Research four or more contemporary, primary-research, scholarly articles on a subject of engineering that you find interesting (It does not have to be electrical engineering per se, but should be related to electrical engineering). At least three articles must be IEEE publications. Write a 2-page literature review based on those articles (10-12 point font with a line spacing of about 16 points). Your report will be graded based on the rubric below. (Note: the results of the 100-point rubric are divided by 5 to get a score in the range 0-20 points).
Poor (1-3 points)
Fair(4-7 points)
Good (8-10 points)
Subject Matter 20%
(double points)
Has no scholarly articles, or all scholarly articles are over 3 years old.
Has a contemporary scholarly article, but it is not primary research or not from a major publication.
Has one or more scholarly, primary- research articles from major publication(s).
Paragraph and Section Structure 10%
Paragraphs and sections are poorly organized and hinder document navigation.
Paragraphs and sections and are generally well organized and do not hinder navigation.
Paragraphs and sections are all well organized and aid document navigation.
Clarity 10%
The report is unclear and the reader has difficulty understanding the points.
The report is mostly understandable but some sentences must be reread to clarify points.
The report is clear and can be understood after a single reading.
Conciseness 10%
The report contains a substantial amount of unnecessary or redundant verbiage.
The report contains little unnecessary or redundant verbiage.
The report contains no unnecessary or redundant verbiage and sentences get right to the point.
Completeness 10%
The report leaves many unanswered question.
The report leaves few unanswered question.
The report leaves no unanswered questions.
Figures, Tables and Equations 10%
The report contains less than 2 figures, tables or equations, or the figures tables and equations are unclear and do not support the text.
The report contains at least two figures, tables or equations which are either clear or support the text.
All figures, tables and equations are clear, labeled and support the text.
Mechanics 10%
Sentences are poorly written with numerous errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation or grammar.
Sentences are generally well written with a few errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation or grammar.
Sentences are all well written with almost no errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation or grammar.
Citations 10%
None of the statements or non-original figures in the text have citations.
Some of the statements or non-original figures in the text have citations.
All statements and figures have citations where appropriate.
References 10%
The report fails to cite any sources, does not use an acceptable citation format or references Wikipedia.
Most but not all sources are correctly cited or cited using an unacceptable format.
All sources are cited correctly using an appropriate format.