You will complete a comparison analysis of two companies regarding Global Market

You will complete a comparison analysis of two companies regarding Global Marketing and Human Resource strategies. Instructions: • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (12 slides maximum) comparing and contrasting two global companies of your choice.  
In your analysis, address the following at a minimum:
 • One slide summary for each of the companies and products 
• What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors? Make sure to incorporate the marketing mix variables, pricing and market segmentation. 
• What are their human resource strategies with regards to staffing and retaining talent? • What is their source of competitive advantage? 
• If you were the leader running these companies, would you change anything? Why or why not? 
• As previously, make sure to integrate class content in your analysis and cite your sources.  
• Maximum of twelve slides in length, excluding the Title and Reference page. 
• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works. 
• At least three resources. 

Hi all. Is anyone have the STATA result for William Greene – Econometric Analysi

Hi all. Is anyone have the STATA result for William Greene – Econometric Analysis 8th. Chapter 6, Application for 1 and 3.
In application 1 in chapter 3 and application 1 in chapter 5, we examined Koop and tobias’s data on wages, education, ability, and so on. We continue the analysis here. (the source, location and configuration of the data are given in the earlier application.) We consider the model
ln Wage = b1 + b2 Educ + b3 Ability + b4 Experience
+ b5 Mother’s education + b6 Father’s education + b7 Broken home + b8 Siblings + e.
compute the full regression by least squares and report your results. Based on your results, what is the estimate of the marginal value, in $/hour, of an additional year of education, for someone who has 12 years of education when all other variables are at their means and Broken home = 0?
WeareinterestedinpossiblenonlinearitiesintheeffectofeducationonlnWage. (Koop and tobias focused on experience. as before, we are not attempting to replicate their results.) a histogram of the education variable shows values from 9 to 20, a spike at 12 years (high school graduation), and a second at 15. consider aggregating the education variable into a set of dummy variables:
HS = 1 if Educ … 12,0 otherwise
Col = 1 if Educ 7 12 and Educ … 16, 0 otherwise
Grad = 1 if Educ 7 16, 0 otherwise.
replace Educ in the model with (Col, Grad), making high school (HS) the base category, and recompute the model. report all results. how do the results change? Based on your results, what is the marginal value of a college degree? What is the marginal impact on ln Wage of a graduate degree?
c. the aggregation in part b actually loses quite a bit of information. another way to introduce nonlinearity in education is through the function itself. add Educ2 to the equation in part a and recompute the model. again, report all results. What changes are suggested? test the hypothesis that the quadratic term in the equation is not needed—that is, that its coefficient is zero. Based on your results, sketch a profile of log wages as a function of education.
d. onemightsuspectthatthevalueofeducationisenhancedbygreaterability.We could examine this effect by introducing an interaction of the two variables in the equation. add the variable
Educ_Ability = Educ * Ability
to the base model in part a. now, what is the marginal value of an additional year of education? the sample mean value of ability is 0.052374. compute a confidence interval for the marginal impact on ln Wage of an additional year of education for a person of average ability.
e. combine the models in c and d. add both Educ2 and Educ_Ability to the base model in part a and reestimate. as before, report all results and describe your findings. if we define low ability as less than the mean and high ability as greater than the mean, the sample averages are -0.798563 for the 7,864 low-ability individuals in the sample and + 0.717891 for the 10,055 high-ability individuals in the sample. using the formulation in part c, with this new functional form, sketch, describe, and compare the log wage profiles for low- and high-ability individuals.
in solow’s classic (1957) study of technical change in the u.s. economy, he suggests the following aggregate production function: q(t) = A(t) f [k(t)], where q(t) is aggregate output per work hour, k(t) is the aggregate capital labor ratio, and A(t) is the technology index. solow considered four static models,
q/A = a + b ln k, q/A = a – b/k, ln(q/A) = a + b ln k,andln(q/A) = a + b/k. solow’s data for the years 1909 to 1949 are listed in appendix table F6.4.
use these data to estimate the a and b of the four functions listed above. (Note: Your results will not quite match solow’s. see the next exercise for resolution of the discrepancy.)
in the aforementioned study, solow states:
a scatter of q / A against k is shown in chart 4. considering the amount of a priori doctoring which the raw figures have undergone, the fit is remarkably tight. except, that is, for the layer of points which are obviously too high. these maverick observations relate to the seven last years of the period, 1943–1949. From the way they lie almost exactly parallel to the main scatter, one is tempted to conclude that in 1943 the aggregate production function simply shifted.
compute a scatter diagram of q / A against k and verify the result he notes above.
estimate the four models you estimated in the previous problem including a dummy variable for the years 1943 to 1949. how do your results change? (Note: these results match those reported by solow, although he did not report the
coefficient on the dummy variable.)
solow went on to surmise that, in fact, the data were fundamentally different
in the years before 1943 than during and after. use a chow test to examine the difference in the two subperiods using your four functional forms. note that with the dummy variable, you can do the test by introducing an interaction term between the dummy and whichever function of k appears in the regression. use an F test to test the hypothesis.

You are a junior executive of a new cellular phone carrier called Technologies o

You are a junior executive of a new cellular phone carrier called Technologies of the Future (TOF) that competes in the same market as Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and T-Mobile. You have been asked to analyze supply and demand, market equilibrium, and market shortages and surpluses to determine the optimal price for TOF to charge for a phone. The task at hand is to graph the supply and demand curves in Excel using the values given below.
Your graph must be properly constructed; please use a scatter graph with markers or a scatter graph with smooth lines. The graph should include a chart title, x-axis, y-axis, and contain a properly labeled equilibrium point.
Identify the firm’s equilibrium price and quantity in the market.
Draw on your graph a price ceiling and a price floor and discuss what those terms mean. Explain which government-mandated price would result in a market shortage and a market surplus and why?
Calculate market shortages and market surpluses given the values from the graph based on the prices provided in the Price.docx. Be sure to define a market shortage and a market surplus.
Identify and discuss the price TOF should charge for its cellular phones.
Describe potential market failures that TOF could experience as a result of government policies.

The importance of knowledge, innovation and ongoing technological changes linked

The importance of knowledge, innovation and ongoing technological changes linked to the advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) have engendered intense public discussions over the past few years. In particular, there is increasing awareness of the fact that these elements strongly determine the way our economies and societies keep pace with and remain competitive in the global environment.Discuss how technology has contributed to the growth and development of a Caribbeancountry The Caribbean country is Bahamas

Conduct a financial analysis using the three scenarios provided in the Excel Ass

Conduct a financial analysis using the three scenarios provided in the Excel Assignment Workbook. These are not based on your project but will help you learn the process.
Complete the following:
Ratio Analyses Worksheets:
Open your Excel Assignment Workbook. This assignment will be completed on 3 separate tabs named:
W8A5a Expense Forecasting
W8A5b Breakeven Analysis
W8A5c Marginal Profit and Loss
Using the Healthcare Budget Request Guide for guidance, complete the three scenarios: expense forecasting, break-even, marginal profit and loss for the scenarios provided.

  For college writing, originality is a critical component. When you carry out a

For college writing, originality is a critical component. When you carry out a piece of academic work, you will be expected to research your subject thoroughly. It will be necessary for you to show an understanding of the contributions of other researchers and practitioners to your field of study. Keep in mind that plagiarism isn’t simply inadequate use of citations, it represents inadequate thinking. This project requires you to develop your own business idea instead of copying and pasting sentences and paragraphs from various websites. 
Once you submit your paper using the Turnitin link below, you will be able to view the similarity report. For this particular project, a returned percentage of below 20% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred. You can submit draft assignments using the Turnitin link and view the similarity score before final submission to assess and improve your writing. 
If a student has copied someone else’s work, be it another student’s paper or taken material directly from some other source and made it appear to be their own; this is plagiarism. 
A submission with a similarity score above 40% and a Turnitin report indicating evidence of plagiarism will result in a 0 grade for the project and potentially an F grade for the course. 
Brainstorm ideas for a new business you (or your team if you work with other students–you may work in a team of maximum three people) want to start in the future–it can be a physical good or a service, but make sure your business is legit and ethical. In the Modules section under Final Project: Business Plan Information, I have uploaded a list of questions that you should cover in your business plan, a sample Word template (BA 100 Business Plan Submission Template.docx, also available in “Modules_Business Plan”) that you can use to organize the sections, as well as a sample Excel spreadsheet for the income statement section. Feel free to edit or format the template as needed. Please answer all questions but do not copy the entire questions directly to your document, as copying and pasting questions could impact the similarity score report from Turnitin. Please watch the video above.
Choose a business idea that is appropriate for college learning. It could be fictional or real. Maybe you’ve already participated in a family business (e.g., a family restaurant) and want to expand it or improve the sales–that is great. If fictional, state clearly that it is for a future business and all numbers are estimated. Your estimates (e.g., sales and costs) should be realistic. For example, very few people will be able to borrow or make millions of dollars when starting a business. The best way to get good estimates is to observe a similar business nearby, count the number of customers per hour, and estimate the amount each customer spends. Then you can estimate daily/weekly/monthly/annual sales. Make sure that you stay safe and follow social distancing rules if you choose to observe a business. 
At the end of your business plan, include a simple income statement for next year that include expected sales, revenue, profit, expenses. You should use or modify the sample Excel spreadsheet provided in “Modules_Business Plan”.
Submit you file using the Turnitin link below for the assignment. If working as a team (maximum 3 members per team), please upload only ONE copy with all members’ names on the first page.
Word/PDF Document: 500 words minimum (excluding references and questions from the list).

  Some people feel that choreography should be able to stand on its own and do

Some people feel that choreography should be able to stand on its own and does not necessarily need lighting, costumes, and set and scenery design to be effective.  Do you think these elements are important to a dance? And why? (2 points)
Pick a dance, commercial, or movie scene containing dance on Youtube and post it here, giving us an analysis of the role that lighting, costumes, setting/scenery, and editing played in enhancing the choreography. Would it have been as good without one or all of those elements?  (2 points)

  Name a teacher in your life (they do not have to be a dance teacher) who has

Name a teacher in your life (they do not have to be a dance teacher) who has been influential, and explain how and why they influenced your life. (3 points)
Discuss why one of the teachers or dance education programs featured in this Lesson’s video’s may have been successful. (2 points)

  Pick any dance movie, youtube clip, music video, commercial, etc. etc. and w

Pick any dance movie, youtube clip, music video, commercial, etc. etc. and write a paper following the guidelines given below. 
Then, pick 2-3 moments from each dance that really stood out in your memory. Usually they will be pivotal moments in each dance that created the overall effect of the dance to you as a viewer. Answer the following questions to describe these moments, to show how these dance movements affected your opinion of the dance.
What did you see? Just describe the movement or movement phrase as you would to a friend who had not seen the dance, without judging or assessing what you saw. For example, “The dancers spun around the stage with a frenetic energy stopping only once their bodies crashed to the ground and slid to a stop.”
What effect did this movement have? Talk about the physical/emotional/or mental effect this dance movement or phrase created on the stage or screen in the dance, still without judging the dance, merely interpreting the movement you saw. Example: “This movement created the image of a group of people in a chaotic state of urgency, that kept me on the edge of my seat with anticipation the whole evening.”
How did you interpret this dance or dance phrase? Example: “These moments in the dance caused me to interpret it as an example of the frenetic busy working lifestyle in which we all feel driven to survive.”
Repeat this process 2-3 times for each dance. Then you will have recreated for the reader, your experience of this dance and the reader will understand how and why you came to your conclusions and opinions.  Use the language of space, time, and energy that we have learned in this class to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. You may also choose to talk about them in regards to: use of dynamics, structure, compositional tools, movement vocabulary, technique, production elements (costumes, lighting), theme, or any other performance element that stood out about this piece.
Write in standard  format with an opening paragraph, which includes your thesis statements regarding your topic, body paragraphs supporting your thesis, and a closing paragraph. 
Use MS Word and type the paper in MLA Style.
Titles of individual dances should be in italics and capitalized.  For example: Merce Cunningham’s Rainforest.  Concert and dance company names should be Capitalized but not italicized.
Always cite when you refer to any other writings or opinions that are not your own. Other than taking factual information from websites (dates, times, venue, names…) and paraphrasing or quoting from reviewers, you should not “borrow” writing from another source. 
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.  If your paper can not be read by Turnitin, you will receive a “O” for the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their paper is readable by Turnitin. 
List all your sources in a Bibliography. Website references and videos need to include both the website, and the date the website was accessed.
If watching a dance concert of mixed repertory, or a movie with multiple dance scenes, select THREE dance pieces to discuss. If the concert, movie, or video clip consists of one long piece, talk about the whole piece.
 If you have questions about the format of this paper, refer to the MLA style guides listed on the homepage of the Cerritos College Library:
Points: 10 points for each full page if double-spaced (approx. 250 words),
20 points for each full page single-spaced (approx. 500 words)
Maximum 40 points Extra Credit Allowed
The following content is 

  You are going to choose 5 of the movies, dances, or video clips that most affe

You are going to choose 5 of the movies, dances, or video clips that most affected you from  this course, and write a full descriptive paragraph about each one. Note: you can choose video clips from the Modules, as well as videos your classmates posted in their Discussion question answers.  Describe what caught your eye about the clips, the effect they had on you, and how you interpreted them. You are welcome to pick videos that you both liked, and disliked.  And finally, my strong suggestion is that you start your document now, and write an entry whenever you run across a video clip in a Module or Discussion that catches your interest. Then you don’t have to review the course during the last week to find the clips you want to write about!
Number the paragraphs 1-5.
Your discussion for each video clip must be at least one full paragraph, in complete sentences, using proper grammar, and correct spelling.    
Titles of individual dances should be in italics and Capitalized. For example: Merce Cunningham’s Rainforest
Dance company and Crew names should be Capitalized but not italicized. For Example: Jabbawockeez
Always cite when you refer to any other writings or opinions that are not your own.
Other than taking factual information from websites (dates, times, venue, names…) or quoting from reviewers, you should not “borrow” writing from another source.
**Please Note** If your paper can not be read by Turnitin, you will receive a “O” for the assignment. 
Write in standard paragraph format with an opening sentence, which includes the name/title of the movie, show, company, choreographer, youtube video and/or dance work you viewed and your thesis statements (main idea) about it.
Give a brief description of each dance piece, but do not spend the whole paragraph giving me the plot of each piece. You will talk about your interpretation at the end. 
Pick 2-3 moments that really captured your eye. Usually they will be pivotal moments in each dance that created the overall effect of the dance to you as the viewer.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece.
Talk about the use of space, time, dynamics/energy, structure/compositional tools, movement vocabulary, technique, production elements (costumes, lighting), or theme using the language and concepts discussed in this class, specifically in Module and Chapter 2 of your course materials.
Support your statements and opinions by explicitly describing specific dance phrases or details that you saw. Answer the following questions to describe these moments, in order to get across how these dance movements affected your opinion of the dance. 

What did you see? Just describe the movement or movement phrase as you would to a friend who had not seen the dance, without judging or assessing what you saw. For example, “The dancers spun around the stage with a frenetic energy stopping only once their bodies crashed to the ground and slid to a stop.”
What effect did this movement have? Talk about the physical/emotional/or mental effect this dance movement or phrase created on the stage or screen in the dance, still without judging the dance, merely interpreting the movement you saw. Example: “This movement created the image of a group of people in a chaotic state of urgency, stopped only by their sheer exhaustion and inability to continue on with them movement.”)
How did you interpret this dance or dance phrase? Example: “This piece was a wild but exhilarating dance that kept me on the edge of my seat with anticipation the whole evening.”
Repeat this process 2-3 times for each dance. Then you will have recreated for the reader, your experience of this dance and the reader will understand how and why you came to the conclusions and opinions you did about the dance piece.