1.  Compare microeconomics and macroeconomics. What are the main concerns and goals of each field? Why is it important to study? 
2. Discuss the factors that contribute to long-run economic growth. Use real-world examples to illustrate the discussion.  
3.  Discuss the pros and cons of international trade. Explain why nations trade and factors that impact trade patterns.  

1.  Define economics and explain why it is an important field of study. Give two

1.  Define economics and explain why it is an important field of study. Give two examples
2.  Differentiate between micro and macroeconomics. Give 2 real-life scenarios
3. Define inflation. What are its main causes? Give at least 2 examples 
4. What are the main tools of monetary policy? Give examples. 
5. Define exchange rates and explain how they are determined. Give concrete examples (2). 

  A key concept in economics and finance is the time value of money. Most invest

A key concept in economics and finance is the time value of money.
Most investment decisions, like buying a house, paying for your education, or starting a business, involve making a payment up front in order to earn a return later. (You pay money out at one or more points in time and later receive your benefits based on the investment’s agreement.)
Additionally, economic factors such as supply and demand can play an important role in your investment process. If there is a huge supply of houses available in a neighborhood you like, housing prices in that neighborhood may go down due to a lack of current demand. Therefore, you as the buyer have more power and may be able to make an offer that is lower than the initial asking price.  
Alternatively, in a neighborhood that is very much in demand and low in available housing, the housing prices may be higher and you may need to offer to pay more to compete with other offers for a home there.
Decisions in investments can end in a variety of ways. Applying your problem solving skill and critical thinking strategies can help you successfully analyze opportunities to bring the best benefits for your efforts. Adjusting for the time value of money lets you calculate if the rewards are worth the wait so that you can arrive at an informed decision before you commit your money.
Initial Post: Identify an investment decision that you, someone you know, or someone fictitious has made (for example, stocks, bonds, real estate, a car, a house, a degree or certificate, et cetera):
How do you think the concept of supply and demand impacted the investment decision?
Now that you understand the time value of money, how could we use our problem solving skill (especially critical thinking strategies) to rethink the decision in the future?

 Initial Post: Please write a few sentences describing a situation where you, so

 Initial Post: Please write a few sentences describing a situation where you, someone you know, or someone fictitious has used their problem solving or agility skills to increase their human capital in order to get a better job or earn more income. 

  Develop an operations plan that is 1-2 pages in length and includes at least t

Develop an operations plan that is 1-2 pages in length and includes at least two quality academic resources in which you:
Propose a strategy that medical providers and public health agencies should include in a response plan that combines the efforts of both groups.
Outline a strategy for the practice that demonstrates how communication with employees and patients will be maintained, how to secure patient and financial records and ensure resources are available to care for patients before, during, and after a natural disaster or public health emergency.

Read rubric verbatim Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapter 1

Read rubric verbatim
Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapter 18 
Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks
What to Submit
Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format.

  Please answer the following questions regarding markets and consumer surplus.

Please answer the following questions regarding markets and consumer surplus. You are expected to complete all parts of the question below.I also include a bonus point you can get if you like it, but don’t feel the need to complete it. You can upload the graph to the corresponding test written section. You may also email me a image if you want.
Let the quantity demand function be: QD=20-2P
Let the quantity supply function be: QS=2P
1) Solve the equilibrium price and quantity of the markets above you should show your work: (points: 2)
2) Please graph the market above (points:1)
3) What is the consumer surplus in the market assume the market is at equilibrium price (2)?
Tell me an appropriate joker: (1)

Read rubric verbatim Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapter 1

Read rubric verbatim
Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapter 18 
Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks
What to Submit
Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format.

  Please answer the following questions regarding markets and consumer surplus.

Please answer the following questions regarding markets and consumer surplus. You are expected to complete all parts of the question below.I also include a bonus point you can get if you like it, but don’t feel the need to complete it. You can upload the graph to the corresponding test written section. You may also email me a image if you want.
Let the quantity demand function be: QD=20-2P
Let the quantity supply function be: QS=2P
1) Solve the equilibrium price and quantity of the markets above you should show your work: (points: 2)
2) Please graph the market above (points:1)
3) What is the consumer surplus in the market assume the market is at equilibrium price (2)?
Tell me an appropriate joker: (1)

(a) Run an OLS regression of logarithm wage (lwage) on years of schooling (educ)

(a) Run an OLS regression of logarithm wage (lwage) on years of schooling (educ), i.e.,
lwagei = α + βeduci + ui.
Use a sentence to interpret βˆOLS.
(b) Use ivreg command to run a Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) regression. Use father’s years of
schooling (fatheduc) as the instrument variable. Use a sentence to interpret βˆ
(c) Check the F-statistics from the first-stage regression. How large it is? Is the instrument variable
(d) Perform a Hausman’s test to compare OLS with 2SLS estimators. Write down your test hypoth-
esis, p-value and conclusion.
(e) Discuss if father’s years of schooling (fatheduc) is a solid instrument variable, i.e., satisfies con-
ditions of instrument variables.