Submit a 4 page (approx.) template on the geriatric patient. The document attached should be downloaded and saved (see below) to your computer. Fill in all appropriate sections and include 2 references (see below) or sources for your information.
The Wilkins text has excellent general information about each patient type however the template requires details about each heading area. Students should plan on 4-5 sentences per heading. Students will include at least two peer-reviewed references; typically these are journals and not websites (in addition to your required texts) in APA format, for this assignment.
Category: Dentistry
Submit a 4 page (approx.) template on the geriatric patient. The document attach
Submit a 4 page (approx.) template on the geriatric patient. The document attached should be downloaded and saved (see below) to your computer. Fill in all appropriate sections and include 2 references (see below) or sources for your information.
The file name should be created like this: DH 113-B, JSmith-geri (your report needs your first initial and last name embedded in the name of the file). Confirm the type of document you submit is accessible on Canvas (Word or PDF) Google docs and Pages will not open within the rubric area.
The Wilkins text has excellent general information about each patient type however the template requires details about each heading area. Students should plan on 4-5 sentences per heading. Students will include at least two peer-reviewed references; typically these are journals and not websites (in addition to your required texts) in APA format, for this assignment.
If a student submits a report after the deadline, this will result in a loss of 10% off the final score for each day it is late OR if they turn in the report after 5 days, the student will receive a “0” for the report.Geriatric Patient Template
Geriatric Patient Template
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCARIES RISKincreased intake of carbohydrates in aging population – why? (sugar level in grams-include at least one serving from a typical day), root surface exposure and risk, recurrent decay and open margins
3 ptsExcellent
1 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSYSTEMIC CONDITIONSLIST common ones found in this age range (HBP, diabetes, cancer), medications common in this range & side effects
4 ptsExcellent
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTYPICAL CHALLENGESOHI, manual dexterity changes in age, periodontal risks (implants, dentures), mobility & ADL (activities of daily living)
3 ptsExcellent
1 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeACCESS TO DENTAL CAREfamily knowledge/history of dentistry, past experience with dental care (very little or sufficient), dental insurance access
4 ptsExcellent
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCOMMUNITY LOSS/ISOLATIONdeath of friends & spouse, lack of driving, other transportation issues (cost), elder abuse (S&S), mandatory reporter status as DH
3 ptsExcellent
1 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFINANCIALfixed income, lack of insurance (medical), retirement, raising grandchildren (impact of and stress related)
3 ptsExcellent
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKEY APPROACHlisten, consider deficits (hearing, sight, dexterity) comfort in chair (pillows, breaks), semi-supine required?
3 ptsExcellent
1.5 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeREFERENCES2 APA Peer-reviewed journal articles + Wilkins pages
2 ptsSatisfactory
2 APA references + Wilkins pages included
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
1 APA reference and/or Wilkins pages not included
2 pts
This will be a graded discussion board post and requires each group (15 points f
This will be a graded discussion board post and requires each group (15 points for initial post), and individual (10 points for 2 responses) to respond to at least two of the alternate groups with feedback, references REQUIRED for posted information and/or a clinical observation discussed in ALL posts.
The initial posting (worth 15 points) by the group should include all of the subheadings below. I recommend you work together for this section in a collaborative Google Doc BUT post ONLY ONCE for the entire group. So someone should be the “leader” of the group. If you use references please cite them:
periodontal risk (for specific age range)
tobacco use/side effects and oral manifestations
financial concerns (for specific age range)
typical work/family concerns (for specific age range)
restorative needs/requirements for replacement of faulty restorations
insurance accessibility (coverage through work or none)
systemic diseases/health challenges commonly found (for specific age range)
cosmetic concerns (discuss ALL: whitening, veneers, orthodontics, crowns and implants)
childcare issues (as applicable)
aging parents (“sandwich generation” to an external site.)
The initial “group” posting is expected to be 500 words or more by November 17th by 11:59pm.
The individual student responses are expected to be 250 words or more (substantial, new and accurate information added to original post – avoid repeating their information and only complimenting which are NOT included in words counted and are due by Monday, November 20th at 11:59pm.
Histology Project subject : cleft palate -you can include pictures, make sure i
Histology Project
subject : cleft palate
-you can include pictures, make sure in each slide you write in the comment box information for me to read ( I have to record my voice over this powerpoint), each slide i have to talk aproxmitly for a minute, don’t use hard words)
Histology Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
10 ptsFull Marks
Introduction is easy to follow. Introduces developmental disorder and content of the presentation
5 ptsPartial Marks
Introduction is poorly organized, unclear, or does not introduce developmental disorder and content of the presentation well
0 ptsNo Marks
Introduction not present
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of disorder
10 ptsFull Marks
Accurate information, good descriptions
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly incorrect information or poor/unclear
0 ptsNo Marks
No descriptions given or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEtiology
10 ptsFull Marks
Adequate discussion of etiology, including histology if applicable
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly inadequate or incorrect information
0 ptsNo Marks
No discussion of etiology or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTreatment and prognosis
10 ptsFull Marks
Accurate information, good descriptions
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly inadequate or incorrect information
0 ptsNo Marks
No discussion of etiology or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
10 ptsFull Marks
Summarizes key points well. Flows nicely
5 ptsPartial Marks
Poorly organized, unclear, or does not summarize developmental disorder and content of the presentation well
0 ptsNo Marks
No conclusion
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, punctuation grammar, formatting
10 ptsFull Marks
Correct spelling, punctuation, spelling, and use of grammar. Correct APA citations
5 ptsPartial Marks
Five or less mistakes with spelling, punctuation, use of grammar, or APA citations
0 ptsNo Marks
6 or more mistakes with spelling, punctuation, use of grammar, or APA citations
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10 ptsFull Marks
Demonstrates a good understanding of subject matter, focused on key concepts
5 ptsPartial Marks
Demonstrates fair understanding of subject matter
0 ptsNo Marks
Demonstrates poor understanding of subject matter
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity/ Visuals
10 ptsFull Marks
Student used an interesting digital tool or used it in a different way, showing that the student put forth thought and effort. Visually appealing. 5-10 images
5 ptsPartial Marks
Visuals were lacking quality, or not enough images/ too much text. Could have spent more effort on creativity
0 ptsNo Marks
Final product appeared to be compiled too quickly/ last minute, with little thought or effort. Not visually appealing
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
10 ptsFull Marks
3 credible references All citations in correct APA format
5 ptsPartial Marks
3 credible references Mistakes in APA formatting
0 ptsNo Marks
Less than 3 credible references
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
10 ptsFull Marks
Digital media was 10+ minutes in length or 10+ slides
5 ptsPartial Marks
5-9 minutes or 5-9 slides
0 ptsNo Marks
Less than 5 minutes or less than 5 slides
10 pts
Total Points: 100
The assignment is DUE for your mentor to grade on November 22 by 11:59 pm. This
The assignment is DUE for your mentor to grade on November 22 by 11:59 pm.
This is type-written, 12 font, double-spaced document to be submitted as a PDF or Word file (doc,docx,pdf). Please see specific instructions in the rubric for content of reflection.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTyped (12 font, double-spaced)PDF / Word document submitted
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical strengthsdiscuss in 2-3 paragraphs, your clinical strengths observed since starting at SWC
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical weaknessesdiscuss in 2-3 paragraphs, your clinical weaknesses identified since starting at SWC
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecific plan for improvementdiscuss in 2-3 paragraphs your plan for improving the areas of weakness identified above
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflect how skills have changed from Preclinic to Clinic IIdescribe the aspects of clinical care that you have seen positive changes and improvements (instrumentation skills, planning, patient management, etc.)
2 ptsSatisfactory
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
2 pts
Total Points: 10
Research Paper Topic: Talk about the history of Digital panoramic ( x-ray machin
Research Paper
Topic: Talk about the history of Digital panoramic ( x-ray machine that takes digital panoramic images of teeth). Start with the history of film panoramic, then follow with digital. Start with who was the inventor, what year etc.
5 pages:
-1 title page
-3 research paper
-1 Referencesb
Background According to the American Dental Association (2023): In 2000, the Sur
According to the American Dental Association (2023):
In 2000, the Surgeon General issued a report on the status of oral health in the US,
recognizing an association between periodontal diseases and cardiovascular health,
stroke, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and calling for more research to
determine whether causation may be established.
For this project, you will be answering the call to action placed by the Surgeon General. Your
group will choose which topic/objective you would like to research to determine whether
causation between oral health and systemic health may be established. You will pick an
objective from the Healthy People 2030 website:… that correlates with a
topic we are learning from your textbook: Dental Management of the Medically Compromised
Patient. 9th edition. Little, Falace, Miller, Rhodus. Elsevier 2018. ISBN 978-0-323-44355-5.
First Part of Project
Once your topic has been chosen, you and your partner will conduct the research to gather the
appropriate data necessary to draw a conclusion. You will then individually write a 3-5 (not
including title and reference) page paper. APA 7 format with at least 3 references (1 referenceMedically Compromised Special Needs Project
Medically Compromised Special Needs Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Complete description of pathophysiology of medical conditions including a brief anatomy and physiology and clinical manifestations, both intraorally and extraorally
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:List of common medications (classifications and specifics) that patient may be on
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Needs assessment (problems that may require treatment interventions) and interventions to meet those needs
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Spelling and Grammar, format size and font size 24 (for presentation or larger). For your paper: APA 7 format. Font and size: Arial or Times New Roman and 12pt. Double spaced. At least 3 credible references. 1 reference can be your textbook.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Provide 10 National Board Style test questions with rationale and references, answers must be in bold
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presentation clear, concise, accurate and professional
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presenter prepared, organized, covers all material listed in written requirements and understands topic
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presenter prepared to answer questions from colleagues (classmates/peers) and instructor
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presentation is within the 15 minute maximum (this 15 minute maximum includes your 10 questions/answer/rationale and time for any Q&A)
**one point deduction for every 2 minutes over time, or under 7 minutes.
For example – your infographic presentation may only take you 3 minutes, your 10 questions may take you 2 minutes, and time for Q&A is 1 minute = 6 minutes total = Your group will receive -1 point deduction. If it goes over to 16 minutes, your group will receive -1 minute deduction. So aim to reach the sweet spot at 7-10 minutes.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeINFOGRAPHIC: ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION (OHE) AWARENESSOHE awareness strategies well developed and concise. Easily able to understand the complex concepts between the systemic disorder and oral health connection.
10 pts
may be your course textbook).
Second Part of Project
Once your research has concluded, you will create an infographic to help your audience
understand the complex concepts between the systemic disorder and oral health based on your
research findings. You and your partner will also create 10 national board style questions on your
topic. You will provide the correct answer for each question along with the rationale for the
answer. The rationale MUST be properly cited to include the source information. The question
must be well written, and appropriate questions. Please limit the amount of easy/simple questions
and strive to develop questions that are challenging , detailed, and will require applied,
developed, and critical thinking.
Putting the Project Together
You and your partner are free to decide how you would like to finalize your project for your in
class presentation. Whether you use PowerPoint, PDF file, a file for your infographic and a
flashcard style presentation for your 10 questions etc that is your choice, but it must be agreed
upon. On your presentation day, your group will have 15 minutes to present. Once you have
completed your presentation, one of you will post the 10 board style questions on the discussion
board titled “10 National Board Style Questions
please create a research paper that talks about Marijuana Abuse only ( do not ta
please create a research paper that talks about Marijuana Abuse only ( do not talk about any other drug or alcohol abuse). use the info in this chapter and you can use some online resources as well. make sure you add all the resources. the paper should be about 6 pages. please address everything about marijuana, like etiology and epidemiology etc…..
us this file attached to help you
Background According to the American Dental Association (2023): In 2000, the Sur
According to the American Dental Association (2023):
In 2000, the Surgeon General issued a report on the status of oral health in the US,
recognizing an association between periodontal diseases and cardiovascular health,
stroke, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and calling for more research to
determine whether causation may be established.
For this project, you will be answering the call to action placed by the Surgeon General. Your
group will choose which topic/objective you would like to research to determine whether
causation between oral health and systemic health may be established. You will pick an
objective from the Healthy People 2030 website:… that correlates with a
topic we are learning from your textbook: Dental Management of the Medically Compromised
Patient. 9th edition. Little, Falace, Miller, Rhodus. Elsevier 2018. ISBN 978-0-323-44355-5.
First Part of Project
Once your topic has been chosen, you and your partner will conduct the research to gather the
appropriate data necessary to draw a conclusion. You will then individually write a 3-5 (not
including title and reference) page paper. APA 7 format with at least 3 references (1 reference
may be your course textbook).
Second Part of Project
Once your research has concluded, you will create an infographic to help your audience
understand the complex concepts between the systemic disorder and oral health based on your
research findings. You and your partner will also create 10 national board style questions on your
topic. You will provide the correct answer for each question along with the rationale for the
answer. The rationale MUST be properly cited to include the source information. The question
must be well written, and appropriate questions. Please limit the amount of easy/simple questions
and strive to develop questions that are challenging , detailed, and will require applied,
developed, and critical thinking.
Putting the Project Together
You and your partner are free to decide how you would like to finalize your project for your in
class presentation. Whether you use PowerPoint, PDF file, a file for your infographic and a
flashcard style presentation for your 10 questions etc that is your choice, but it must be agreed
upon. On your presentation day, your group will have 15 minutes to present. Once you have
completed your presentation, one of you will post the 10 board style questions on the discussion
board titled “10 National Board Style Questions.”
Medically Compromised Special Needs Project
Medically Compromised Special Needs Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Complete description of pathophysiology of medical conditions including a brief anatomy and physiology and clinical manifestations, both intraorally and extraorally
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:List of common medications (classifications and specifics) that patient may be on
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Needs assessment (problems that may require treatment interventions) and interventions to meet those needs
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Spelling and Grammar, format size and font size 24 (for presentation or larger). For your paper: APA 7 format. Font and size: Arial or Times New Roman and 12pt. Double spaced. At least 3 credible references. 1 reference can be your textbook.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWRITTEN:Provide 10 National Board Style test questions with rationale and references, answers must be in bold
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presentation clear, concise, accurate and professional
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presenter prepared, organized, covers all material listed in written requirements and understands topic
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presenter prepared to answer questions from colleagues (classmates/peers) and instructor
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRESENTATION:Presentation is within the 15 minute maximum (this 15 minute maximum includes your 10 questions/answer/rationale and time for any Q&A)
**one point deduction for every 2 minutes over time, or under 7 minutes.
For example – your infographic presentation may only take you 3 minutes, your 10 questions may take you 2 minutes, and time for Q&A is 1 minute = 6 minutes total = Your group will receive -1 point deduction. If it goes over to 16 minutes, your group will receive -1 minute deduction. So aim to reach the sweet spot at 7-10 minutes.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeINFOGRAPHIC: ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION (OHE) AWARENESSOHE awareness strategies well developed and concise. Easily able to understand the complex concepts between the systemic disorder and oral health connection.
10 pts
Total Points: 160
Please create a PowerPoint. PowerPoint should include the objectives in this pap
Please create a PowerPoint. PowerPoint should include the objectives in this paper. talk about sealants, tooth brushing technique, fluoride and nutritional counseling. be creative. you can add games, videos, anything that can be fun and easy to understand because it will be presented to kids of age 4-5 years old.
use this paper to help you with the objectives and make sure you add the objective in the powerpoint