In the simplest of terms, a strategic plan can be thought of as:
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
How will we get there?
The county/city manager has hired you for a special project where you have been tasked with developing a new 3-year strategic plan outline for a county/city in your state that you select.
Develop a 700- to 1,050-word strategic plan annotated outline that discusses the approach to the development, implementation, and assessment of a new 3-year strategic plan in the county/city of your choice.
Address the following in your outline:
List and discuss the key components that will guide your development of the new strategic plan.
Describe the process for analyzing the operational and tactical approaches in the plan.
Explain how you will garner organizational buy-in for the new strategic plan.
How will stakeholder feedback be integrated into the plan?
Include critical implementation and assessment strategies in your plan:
Key implementation strategies and supporting examples.
Strategic plan assessment strategies, including:
Empirical assessment strategies
Assessment timelines
Evaluation of plan feedback to guide strategic plan adjustments
Cite at least 3 outside references to support your assignment.
Category: Criminology
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking at the level of analytical thinking you present and the clarity of your thoughts and arguments. Be sure to offer new insight, ideas, or information in both of your posts. You are expected to write in full sentences for this assignment, although an introduction and conclusion is not necessary. Each response must be at least 4 – 6 sentences in length. Make sure to cite any outside information you’re using for support (APA format).
Chapter 11 Discussion Questions
1. Explain the characteristics of marijuana, sinsemilla, hashish, and hashish oil in terms
of the manner in which they are obtained from the cannabis plant and their respective
levels of THC.
2. Explain the social and historical factors that changed the image of marijuana from an
obscure psychoactive substance to a drug that was considered dangerous and worthy of
extreme prohibitory policies.
3. Describe the distinctions between the CB1 and CB2 receptors and how various
cannabinoids interact with these two receptor types and produce different behavioral
and physiological effects.
4. Discuss the present understanding of the chronic effects of marijuana with respect to
cardiovascular and respiratory disease, lung cancer, immunological disease, and sexual
5. Discuss the basic premises of the gateway hypothesis and present an argument that
argues against the inherent property of marijuana to cause a progression to the abuse
of more serious drugs.
6. Describe the present-day accepted medical applications of marijuana.
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking at the level of analytical thinking you present and the clarity of your thoughts and arguments. Be sure to offer new insight, ideas, or information in both of your posts. You are expected to write in full sentences for this assignment, although an introduction and conclusion is not necessary. Each response must be at least 4 – 6 sentences in length. Make sure to cite any outside information you’re using for support (APA format).
Chapter 8 Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the oral, injection, inhalation, and absorption routes of drug administration.
Rank the four administrations roughly in terms of the speed by which a drug enters the
2. Compare and contrast the major forms of drug interactions.
3. Define drug tolerance and describe the circumstances under which environmental
and contextual cues play a role in the development of behavioral (conditioned)
4. Contrast the concepts of physical dependence and psychological dependence.
5. Describe the major behavioral criteria in the DSM-5 that are used in the diagnosis of
substance use disorder.
6. Briefly discuss some evidence in favor of viewing drug-taking behavior in terms of
genetic, physiological, and neurochemical factors.
7. Compare and contrast the behavioral perspective and the cognitive perspective in
terms of the inclination to engage in a pattern of drug-taking behavior.
8. Describe in a few words the main tenets of strain theory, social control/bonding
theory, differential association theory, subcultural recruitment and socialization theory,
and labeling theory with regard to drug-taking behavior.
9. In what way is a study of risk factors and protective factors an “theoretical” approach
to examining drug-taking behavior?
10. Describe the three risk factors that pertain to all drug-taking behaviors in the
Pemberton et al. (2014) study. Why do you think these risk factors would be so
important for so many drug-taking behaviors? Choose a risk factor that either predicted
drug-taking behavior in the opposite direction as predicted or a risk factor that
pertained to only a specific drug-taking behavior. Why do you think these patterns
would be observed?
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking
Choose two of the following questions to answer in your post. I will be looking at the level of analytical thinking you present and the clarity of your thoughts and arguments. Be sure to offer new insight, ideas, or information in both of your posts. You are expected to write in full sentences for this assignment, although an introduction and conclusion is not necessary. Each response must be at least 4 – 6 sentences in length. Make sure to cite any outside information you’re using for support (APA format).
Chapter 5 Discussion Questions
1. Describe the judicial events in the four phases of the American criminal justice
2. Describe the special circumstances that require an imposition of increased federal
penalties for drug trafficking. Discuss the arguments that these special circumstances
should have stricter penalties.
3. Briefly describe the historical events that created the mandatory minimum sentences
for drug-law offenders.
4. How did mandatory minimums and other get-tough strategies contribute to mass
5. Discuss the ways that the “War on Drugs” impacted minorities and women.
6. How might more recent reforms that have contributed to the decline in the
incarceration impact drug offenders?
Must use the attached Word doc resources and PEER-REVIEWED journals and empirica
Must use the attached Word doc resources and PEER-REVIEWED journals and empirical studies. NO LAW JOURNALS. Rubric attached.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Issue Presented: Summarize the issue in the form of a brief one sentence question: Should juveniles be tried as Adults or sentenced to life without the possibliity of parole?
Short Answer: Provide a short answer which summarizes the conclusion of the paper.
Statement of Facts: Describe how the issue may negatively affect public perception of the criminal justice system.
Discussion: Provide a brief discussion of the issue, including the recent history of the issue and any legal precedents related to it.
Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the details of the issue outlined in the Discussion section.
What are some of the complexities to proposing a solution to your chosen issue?
What immediate actions need to be taken to implement the proposed solution? Be sure to justify the necessity and feasibility of these actions with evidence.
What are the types of necessary data required to assess whether or not your proposed solution will be successful in its implementation?
Apply criminological theory to justify how your proposed solution will address the underlying causes of the issue.
Your submission should be 2 to 3 pages in length (in addition to title and reference pages) and should use double spacing, 12- point Time New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use APA style to cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
The midterm project requires you to design a police/community program to enhance
The midterm project requires you to design a police/community program to enhance the theme of beyond tolerance. The training or event should focus on enhancing the relationship between police and the residents of a community that is multicultural, racially diverse, and/or comprises a variety of special populations.
Be sure to identify and discuss changes you believe are necessary for the criminal justice system to facilitate among the ranks of its practitioners. Also include what is necessary to create an environment of trust for the criminal justice system within a diverse community.
Draw on your own professional and personal experiences, research new ideas, and be creative. Remember the examples given in the “Beyond Tolerance” podcast and strive to be as creative as those that were highlighted. Begin peeling back the “layers of the onion”.
Below is a list of brief steps that will assist you in staying on task to successfully complete your project:
Identify the issue and population
Create an event
Develop an action plan, keeping in mind possible
a. Outcomes
b. Mode of delivery
c. Notification/announcement
d. Audience
e. Materials needed (handouts, guest speaker, event items, etc.)
There is a video on YouTube about five incredible prison rehabilitation programs
There is a video on YouTube about five incredible prison rehabilitation programs.
Assignment details:
Rehabilitation programs address mental health, addiction, and anger management issues in most cases, but rehabilitation programs can also focus on building confidence and breaking down the negative image of prisons.
The video reviews the following programs:
Locked up with sloths, The Oracle of San Quentin, Convict Cowboys,The Bard Behind Bars, and Learning to Dance with Your Demons
Address the following questions:
How are these programs similar? How will these programs keep an offender from returning to prison? Do you think it would be helpful to have these types of programs in more prisons?Why or why not? Which program do you think would be the easiest to implement? Why?
I have to I identify report writing trends for new technology that has impacted
I have to I identify report writing trends for new technology that has impacted communication and reporting within the criminal justice system
Question 1: Which data sources might you use to research substance us
Question 1:
Which data sources might you use to research substance use trends in substance use disorders? Which trends do you predict might be evident in the data for this group, and why?
Question 2:
How can de-escalation techniques be used with individuals with a Substance-induced crisis in terms of the professionalism of law enforcement in responding to calls?
Question 3:
How can an awareness of implicit biases help to inform your personal development and professionalism in criminal justice or your career relations with others?
1) Choose 1 forensic science article or case study of interest to you from a for
1) Choose 1 forensic science article or case study of interest to you from a forensic science journal, newspaper article or online media sources.
2) Write a minimum of 2 pages (12 pt. font, double-spaced), which gives a brief overview of the case. Be sure to include the significance of the study, any forensic tools used, and results/findings of the study.
3) Include the reference for the article found, which should include the article’s title, author, journal title, year, and inclusive page numbers.
4) Create 10-12 Powerpoint slides for your Case Study. This presentation should include the main points of the case, crime scene photos (if available), and the conclusions.
You can locate journal articles by going to:
A list of possible suggestions of forensic journals are:
• Journal of Forensic Science (JFS)
• Egyptian Journal of Forensic Science
• Microgram (DEA Publication)
• Forensic Science International
• Forensic Science Communications (FBI)
*** Note- You are not limited to the aforementioned titles. You may use any article from a peer-reviewed journal.