For my thesis, I need the the literature review that is 10.000 words (but 275 wo

For my thesis, I need the the literature review that is 10.000 words (but 275 words a page is way too low if written in 12) A serif font such as “Times new roman” or “Cambria” at 12 font size with a line spacing of 1,5. That is wrapped a must that it needs to be in, illiberalism needs to be diged (on the meaning) but i can already provide: With references that I provided, I would like to see new ones mentionned in the text also to reached approx 20 references

MINIMUM OF TWO FULL PAGES, all APA requirements must be followed Profiling Seria

MINIMUM OF TWO FULL PAGES, all APA requirements must be followed
Profiling Serial Offenders: Understanding Patterns and Behaviors
Provide a brief overview of what serial offenders are and why profiling them is crucial in law enforcement.
Be sure to explore the different approaches to profiling serial offenders, such as investigative psychology, geographical profiling, and psychological profiling. Highlight the importance of integrating various methods for a comprehensive profile.
Case Studies:
Analyze one well-known case a of serial offender and how profiling played a role in their apprehension.
Discuss the challenges and successes of profiling in these cases.
Summarize the key points discussed in the paper.
Emphasize the importance of profiling in understanding and catching serial offenders.
Highlight areas for further research or improvement in profiling techniques.

Life under Sharia Law & Islamic Law in the World Today Based on the videos and a

Life under Sharia Law & Islamic Law in the World Today
Based on the videos and articles posted for this module, address the general idea in relation to the topic for your initial post.
Critique every thought.
Clarify your arguments.
Cite each of the lecture materials at least once in your posts.
Submission Instructions:
At least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
ReadTerrill, R.J. (2016).
Islamic Law pp. 387-441
The Significance of Islamic Law in the World TodayLinks to an external site.
Anderson, J. N. D. (1960). The significance of Islamic Law in the world today. The American Journal of Comparative Law, 9(2), 187–198.

Part 1: Define and explain: (a) The two forms of incompatibilism (b) Compatibal

Part 1: Define and explain:
(a) The two forms of incompatibilism
(b) Compatibalism
Part 2: Plato’s Ring of Gyges. In this story, Gyges finds a ring which makes him invisible (just like Lord of the Rings). Often the story is stated such that when you are invisible you are “free to do anything you wish,” but there are many things you can’t do. If you couldn’t do math before, you still can’t. If you don’t know how to play an instrument, you still can’t. So, it seems that in some areas, freedom requires education.
(a) At what point in our lives do we truly become free where we are truly responsible for our actions (if ever)? Was Gyges responsible not matter what age he was when he put on the ring?
( b) When we do reach the point of being responsible (whatever age that happens to be), then are people only free to reach the limits of their natural abilities? (i.e., I can’t be held responsible for not being as fast as a professional runner.). Which natural abilities do we have that have limits? (intelligence? Strength? All of them?) Are there any abilities we have that don’t have limits?

Final Presentation In a PowerPoint please post in the course upon completion, no

Final Presentation
In a PowerPoint please post in the course upon completion, no live presentation of your findings from your final theory paper in needed. Imagine you are a speaker at a convention or TED Talk. Be sure to:
Introduce the topic.
Explain the theory and topic selected.
Use the literature to establish context.
Introduce concepts
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Support your answers with 5 references. They should be published within the last five years, scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)
Required Textbook(s):
Terrill, R.J. (2016). World criminal justice systems: a comparative survey. Routledge.
Print: 9780323356466
eBook: 9781315624389

In the Unit 2 Discussion Board, you researched a specific criminal behavior and

In the Unit 2 Discussion Board, you researched a specific criminal behavior and engaged in a discussion on the implications of criminal offending. In your criminal law course, you learned an important concept involving the use of the criminal sanction. Specifically, while the purpose of the criminal sanction is to punish the crime, it is the responsibility of the criminal justice system to provide treatment, when necessary, to the offender.
Using the interpersonal crime that you selected for the Unit 2 Discussion Board, practice your research skills by conducting a treatment inventory. A treatment inventory is a research activity collating the state of treatment programming with an emphasis on what exists and the reported effectiveness of those treatment interventions.
In preparing your treatment inventory, supply a statement of the problem documenting the extent of the direct and indirect harm caused by this crime. Offer no less than 3 different treatment (intervention) programs aimed at reducing the crime, and supply at least 1 research study that was conducted on the treatment intervention. Consider whether this research works to reduce recidivism. The treatment inventory must be 4 pages and should include a chart comparing the different treatment (intervention) programs. Use no fewer than 6 scholarly resources.
The treatment inventory will be 4 pages and will include a chart comparing the different treatment (intervention) programs. The specific steps are as follows:
Select any 1 of the following criminal behaviors:Intimate Partner Violence
Conduct independent research on treatment programming used to treat offenders who commit this crime.
In 1 paragraph, provide a statement of the problem documenting the extent of the direct and indirect harm caused by this crime.
Provide a summary of no fewer than 3 different treatment (intervention) programs aimed at reducing the crime.
Provide at least 1 research study that was conducted on the treatment intervention, emphasizing what is known about the effectiveness of the treatment intervention.
Create a chart comparing the different treatment (intervention programs).
Use no fewer than 6 scholarly resources.

Unit 2 Discussion This week’s discussion is about the Administration of Organiz

Unit 2 Discussion
This week’s discussion is about the Administration of Organizations in Criminal Justice. There are two topics of discussion for this assignment (1 & 2). You must write a minimum of 300-word count for each question and use three scholarly sources. For each discussion topic, one source must be a peer-reviewed journal article published in the past 7 years. You may also use your textbook as a source for this assignment. Use in-text citations and remember to cite your sources in APA format.
Make sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a point reduction. I will check the word count for each question and deduct additional points if the explanation/answer does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia!
General Instructions: Assignment A
Quality of service. Providing quality service is the goal of most organizations – small to large, for-profit to non-profit, private to public. Is the public safety sector a customer service endeavor? Is there a difference between customer service and public service? If there are differences, are there similarities?
General Instructions: Assignment B
Demographic factors such as age, race, gender, and socioeconomic class have all been identified as factors in the crime rate. What are some of the negative impacts that can occur when the demographics of those policing are different than the demographics of those being policed?
Course Text Book:
Allen, J. M., & Sawhney, R. (2018). Administration and Management in Criminal Justice (3rd Ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).
*Friendly reminder: I expect perfect APA technique at this level. Word counts are based on content only. The reference list does not count towards the (assignment) word count minimum. You must have 3 scholarly sources, one source can be the textbook provided in the course and the other source must be a peer-reviewed journal article published in the past 7 years.

The writing assignment provides an opportunity for you to describe your own view

The writing assignment provides an opportunity for you to describe your own views on crime causation and apply the theories covered in this course to your views on crime causation. Through this assignment, I want you to develop your personal explanation of crime causation and consider why your thoughts on crime causation are the way they are (i.e., why you feel the way you do about the causes of crime). Make sure to address the following in your essay and incorporate material from the course:
Your general thoughts on why people break the law.
One or more criminological theories that relate to your general thoughts on why people break the law. Make sure to connect the specific tenants of the theory to your thoughts about why people engage in crime. This section should be the longest section of your essay.
Exceptions or situations that run contrary to your explanation of crime causation. For example, which types of offenses or offenders do not support your position?
Crime policies or programs discussed in class that align with your perspective.
Is it really possible to reduce crime in the United States?

In your opinion, how does the family influence juvenile delinquency? Provide an

In your opinion, how does the family influence juvenile delinquency? Provide an example from an outside source of when a child was delinquent because of the family’s influence. You may use newspaper articles in your response. Please be sure to provide a link to the source you use. APA style

Question: Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between

Question: Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?
MUST REFERENCE: The Humanities Through the ArtsLee A. Jacobus & F. David Martin, 2018 (I do not have the book).
Responses typed, using a standard font 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability. Response must have introduction paragraph, body paragraph(s) and closing paragraph. Response must follow a APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.