Week 6 discussion topic Mr. Scott seems satisfied that TechWorx has a solid plan

Week 6 discussion topic
Mr. Scott seems satisfied that TechWorx has a solid plan to secure the three physical perimeters. Now he wants to transition to the cyber (logical) aspects of the organization.  He is interested in establishing sound policies and procedures and wants your input.
Part I: Watch this short video on passwords from several years ago.
Is this an issue?  Do you think this is a problem today? 
Part II:  Mr. Scott wants to know what the password policy is for TechWorx.  
1. What is a brute force attack in the cyber world? 
2. What is an example of a brute force attack in the physical world? (This is not a cyber attack) 
3. What do you recommend Techworx use for the length and complexity of our passwords? Consider a balance between both security and functionality.
4. Discuss the concept of account lockout Policy. Here is a reference (click here)Links to an external site. 

Explain these settings to Mr. Scott and make a recommendation on what settings Techworx should use moving forward. 
What is an account lockout policy?
Account Lockout Duration?
Account Lockout Threshold/Max Failures
Reset Account Lockout Counter

Note:  The video below is a good introduction to group policy if you are not familiar with it.   This is only one resource and you may need others to help you solve these challenges. 

Assignment 4: ERD Use the following business rules to create a Crow’s Foot ERD.

Assignment 4: ERD
Use the following business rules to create a Crow’s Foot ERD. Write all appropriate connectivity and
cardinalities in the ERD.
 A department employs many employees, but each employee is employed by only one
 Some employees, known as “rovers,” are not assigned to any department.
 A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by only one division.
 An employee may be assigned many projects, and a project may have many employees
assigned to it.
 A project must have at least one employee assigned to it.
 One of the employees manages each department, and each department is managed by only
one employee.
 One of the employees runs each division, and each division is run by only one employee.

This week there are three requirements.  1. Mr. Scott would like for you to ap

This week there are three requirements. 
1. Mr. Scott would like for you to apply what you have learned about perimeters on the physical building to a single computer.  
2. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)
3. Using the NICE challenge framework, complete a new challenge. 
Week 4 discussion topic
1. Read/Review Security in the Digital World Chapter 1-11Links to an external site.  (This is more a starting point for those that might not have a lot of IT/Computer experience, This is certainly not an assignment to read all 11 chapters.  Not all of this material will apply.)
2. Review Defense in Depth concepts Download Defense in Depth concepts 
3. Review the NICE challenges student guide found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/108gn4WCV5IhNHueZfhcTKfUPdXbm3cYUtkQKH7NPCQw/edit?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.
4. Optional networking basics refresher: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/basics-computer-networking/Links to an external site.
Assignment Part 1:
How would we define the perimeters (outer, inner, and interior)  of a computer as we did with the Techworx building?   
Define and justify the perimeters of a computer you have chosen.
What technology, software, or hardware exists that could protect each perimeter?  No more than two examples per perimeter.  In other words, I do not want a list of 10 examples.  Explain your choices.
Assignment Part 2:  Mr. Scott attended a meeting about a new concept called Zero Trust.  Please provide a short summary of this   
Zero Trust Architecture Explained: A Step-by-Step Approach (comparitech.com)Links to an external site.
Browse NIST SP 800-207 Framework on Zero Trust ArchitectureLinks to an external site.
Key terms to consider
Multi-Factor authentication (MFA)
Least Privilege Access
Assignment Part 3:  Play with and familiarize yourself with the NICE challenges.   I will discuss this during the live session.  There are three times that you are available for you to complete this week’s challenge. (M-T, Wed-Thurs Fri-SAT).   You only need to solve the nice challenge one time. 
Dangerous Drives
Please do include any solutions in the public discussion but include a screenshot of the green checks.    The Technical Tutorial challenge is also available if you did not complete that in week 2.  
Grading Late Submission (attached)

  Instructions Format: Complete the assignment in a Word document and then upl

Complete the assignment in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading.
When assigning a name to your document, use the following format: Lastname-Assignment#.
Make sure to include a title page (with your name and date) and a reference page (with your sources).
Double-space paper, 1-inch margins, 12-point font.
When submitting the paper, it will automatically be processed through Turnitin for review. 
This assignment is due by 2355 EST on Sunday.
Instructions: Use examples from the readings, lecture notes, and outside research to support your answers. Use high-quality sources (no Wikis, blogs, or anonymously authored articles). Be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source material. Answer the below questions (250 words for each question):
1. (250 words + 1 reputable source)
Read Chapter 8. Review Question #4 on page 261 and then answer the following question: The district court is considering whether the exercise of personal jurisdiction is proper. What should it decide and why?
2. (250 words + 1 reputable source, which can be the case itself on page 275)
Read Chapter 9. Answer the following question: Apple Inc. and Major League Baseball (MLB) signed an agreement for the broadcast of games. MLB will offer two live games per day, subject to black-out restrictions. Then MLB plans to roll out an entire offering of out-of-market games currently offered only through its premium live streaming video service. Read the case, and describe how DRM can help protect Apple, MLB, or both. WARNING: Do not simply state your opinion without support.

 Research Topic (Successful implementation and operation of a biometric security

 Research Topic (Successful implementation and operation of a biometric security system)
The assignment for this week is to flesh out your Week # 8 Research Paper Outline. Please see below for the details:
Week 2: Research Paper Topic Selection
Week 5: Research Paper Outline due (i.e. this week by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.)
Week 8: Research Paper Due
Research Paper Outline: For this assignment – create your research paper outline and include the following all in APA format:
Title page with the title of your paper, name, date, class, professor, and university info.
Top level headers which outline what you will be talking about in your paper.
Second level headers (sub-headers) which outline detail for each of your top level headers
A reference section list with at least 5 sources that you have researched (you will need a total of ten for the final paper).
Submit your outline in a word file with the following file naming convention: ISSC325_Outline_First_Last.doc(x)

Project: Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Senio

Project: Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Senior management at Health Network has decided they want a business impact analysis (BIA) that examines the company’s data center and a business continuity plan (BCP). Because of the importance of risk management to the organization, management has allocated all funds for both efforts. Your team has their full support, as well as permission to contact any of them directly for participation or inclusion in the BIA or BCP. Winter storms on the East Coast have affected the ability of Health Network employees to reach the Arlington offices in a safe and timely manner. However, no BCP plan currently exists to address corporate operations. The Arlington office is the primary location for business units, such as Finance, Legal, and Customer Support. Some of the corporate systems, such as the payroll and accounting applications, are located only in the corporate offices. Each corporate location is able to access the other two, and a remote virtual private network (VPN) exists between each production data center and the corporate locations. The corporate systems are not currently being backed up and should be addressed in the new plan. The BCP should also include some details regarding how the BCP will be tested. For this part of the project:
Research BIAs and BCPs.
Develop a draft BIA plan for the Health Network that focuses on the data center. The BIA should identify:

Critical business functions
Critical resources
Maximum acceptable outage (MAO) and impact
Recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO)

Develop a draft BCP that could recover business operations while efforts are ongoing to restart previous operations. You may use or repurpose a BCP template you find online. Include a description of how you would test the plan.
Submission Requirements
Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
Font: Arial, size 12, double-spaced
Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide
Estimated length: 6–10 pages

1) Explain the relationship between motivation and job performance. Can you iden

1) Explain the relationship between motivation and job performance. Can you identify a situation in which a factor other than your skill or motivation level affected your performance?
2) Review the characteristics of transformational leadership (Exhibit 8-6), adaptive leadership, and servant leadership (Exhibit 8-9). Which characteristics apply to Kenny?

1. What are the elements of goal-setting theory? Explain and provides personal

1. What are the elements of goal-setting theory? Explain and provides personal Reflections
2. What are some important characteristics of each of the following generations?
Baby Boomer
Generation X
Generation Y
. I would expect 4 to 5 page discussion plus cover page and reference page.