Assume that your company has suffered a security breach in which it appears that

Assume that your company has suffered a security breach in which it appears that some sensitive information belonging to your clients may have been accessed by unauthorized users. You do not know if the breach resulted from an internal source or an external source. In analyzing your network traffic, address the following in your main post:
Describe the types of traffic you will look at in order to uncover the source of the attack
Explain the tools you are going to use.
After your main post, reply to a minimum of two classmates’ posts and analyze the tools and methods you would use in comparison with those of your fellow learners. Each response must be substantive and advance the discussion while focusing on concepts related to materials in this module.

Gathering requirements and collecting data are important elements in learning ab

Gathering requirements and collecting data are important elements in learning about the organization’s security posture status, and as input to any proposal or action plan for improvements. There are many methods of collecting data and information.
After reading the article Setting the Course PDF on about gathering and analyzing project requirements, write an initial post in which you share your experience with data collection and requirement gathering for a proposal or project. Align your experience with the importance of how data is collected for security awareness programs. Explain what method you used to collect it. Why did you select this method over others? How does this compare to data collection for security awareness programs? 

Requirements : MS VISIO AND MS ASSESS  The group project requires you to develop

Requirements : MS VISIO AND MS ASSESS 
The group project requires you to develop a database application to solve a real world data management problem. The entire project consists of three deliverables: 1) a project proposal describing the nature of the problem(s), the proposed database solution to the problem(s), and the associated ERD. 2) An updated group proposal with an enhanced database/ERD, a prototype of the application that contains a preliminary Access database and a set of functionalities your database plan to provide, and 3) the final fully functional database application with actual tables loaded with data and working queries.  The project will be completed as a group project with up to 2 students in each group.   
The first deliverable is a proposal in MS Word document (using the attached template) that includes: 1) the description of the business context and the problem(s) that your application is trying to address, 2) a list of the entities involved (with descriptions) and their attributes (with descriptions and data types), 3) business rules that define all the relationships among entities, the constraints, and the attribute domains (if any). Note that each relationship requires 2 business rules (see examples in the template). 4) A tentative ERD with all primary/foreign keys, relationships, and constraints specified, and 5) a brief outline of the functionality of the application (i.e. what the users can do with this application). The proposed ERD should include at least 6 entities (a supertype/subtype hierarchy will count as one entity) and should have at least one of each of the following relationships – 1:1, 1:M, M:N (broken in 1:M through an associative entity), unary relationship, and supertype/subtypes with different overlapping/specialization constraints specified. Please read the attached sample file carefully and ensure all the above requirements are met.
Important: To ensure all group members participate in the group project and avoid free-riding. Every student should independently work on requirements 1), 3), and 4) first and submit the individual proposal to other group members for discussions no later than September 17 (you are encouraged to set an earlier date upon agreement of all group members). The group will then select one ERD and expand it into a group proposal that addresses the above 5 requirements. After the group develops the proposal, all students should submit a word document independently that includes the final group proposal and the individual proposal that contains requirements 1, 3, and 4). Both parts will be considered in the grading of this deliverable. If any student fails to submit their individual proposal to the group, the group should not share the the final proposal with this student and should notify the instructor immediately.
Every student should submit his/her individual proposal (that includes #1, 3 and 4) as well as the group proposal (that include #1 through #5) in one MS Word document, and include separate visio files for their individual ERD and the group ERD. Name the file as Deliverable_1_LastName.docx (and.vsdx). For example, if my proposal was not chosen to be the group proposal, then my 3 files will be named: Deliverable_1_Liu.docx, Deliverable_1_Liu.vsdx (individual ERD)  and Deliverable_1_Liu_Group.vsdx (for the group ERD), respectively. For those whose individual ERD is chosen by the group, please indicate so in the proposal and submit only the first two files.

This is a Group Project. Part 1 and Part 2 will be completed during the resid

This is a Group Project. Part 1 and Part 2 will be completed during the residency are are worth 1/3 of your grade.-You are a security professional for Tech R Us, an IT (Information Technology) services provider with approximately 400 employees. Tech R Us partners with industry leaders to provide storage, networking, virtualization, and cybersecurity to clients. -Tech R Us recently won a large DoD (U. S. Department of Defense) contract, which will add 30 percent profit to the revenue of the organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. Tech R Us will be allowed to make its own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions. (Note: a tollgate decision refers to the gates methodology, which is a process of project progressive definition based on a planned and standardized evaluation at the end of each phase. a gate or tollgate is a standardized control point where the projects phase is reviewed ad/or audited and approved (or not) to continue with the next phase)-As security professionals for Tech R US, you are responsible for developing security policies for this project. These policies are required to meet DoD standards for delivery of IT technology services to the U. S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency.-To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies, standards, and control descriptions for your IT infrastructure. The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies, standards, or controls in place.-For Research Project Part 1, each group will research U.S. compliance laws that may affect the firm. -Part 1A Assignment Details: For 135 points your team must:-(1) Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.-(2) Your report should include a justification or discussion as to what made the group determine these compliance laws are necessary for Tech R Us to fulfill the DoD contract.-(3) What happens with the awarded contract if Tech R US does not comply to these laws?-This assignment should be two to three pages (500 to 750 words double spaced) and is due during the first half of day 1.-Part 1B:-1. develop a list of list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains.-and-2. provide a justification or discussion as to why your team selected these policies, standards and controls.-This assignment should be two to three pages and is due during the second half of day 1.-Instructions:-Submission includes:-

Format: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman, size 12 point, double spaced
Citation style: APA format using a hanging indentation of 1/2 inch
Length of draft research documents: 2 – 3 pages
Two references cited in APA Style
All team members names should appear on the title page for this assignment.
-This is a group project. Each group is identified in Blackboard. Select a team leader, note taker, and reviewers. 

M4 R2 – Residency Group Project Part 2 – Due Day 2 of the ResidencyThe research project is a research-based paper on a current topic in the area of Cyberlaw.  Parts 1 and 2 will be completed during the residency.In this deliverable you will have to provide the following:Part 2  – The Presentations(4) During day 2, your group will present your findings in a PowerPoint Presentation. Your presentation should be at least 5 slides. Your presentation should be NO LONGER than 5 minutes. Time will be kept and you will be notified when your time is up, so it is important to remain within the time allotted.Instructions:Submission includes:

Part 2 B – PowerPoint Presentation 5 to 10 slides
Two references cited in APA Style
include in-text citations for all of your references
All team members names should appear on the title page for this assignment.
This is a group project. Each group is identified in Blackboard. Select a team leader, note taker, and reviewers. 

Project InstructionsPurpose
This course project is intended to assess your ability to identify, design, and organize information technology (IT) security policies.Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Successful completion of this project will ensure that you can develop draft IT security policies for an organization and apply learning constructs from the course. By the end of this project, you will be able to do the following:

Evaluate compliance laws relevant to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Assess policy frameworks appropriate for an organization in a given scenario.
Evaluate security controls and standards for the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure.
Develop DoD-compliant policies for an organization’s IT infrastructure.
Required Source Information and Tools
Web References: Links to Web references in this document and related materials are subject to change without prior notice. These links were last verified on January 4, 2022. The following tools and resources will be needed to complete this project:
Course textbook
Internet access
DoD instructions or directives
Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology (IT)
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Office Library
Department of Defense Information Security Program
Department of Defense Internet Services and Internet-Based Capabilities
You may consult other relevant sources, if needed. If so, include citations for those sources in the final deliverable for this report.Deliverables
This project is divided into several parts, each with a deliverable. The first three parts are research drafts, which should include organized lists and notes gathered during research, sources, and in some cases policy drafts. These documents should be organized and readable, but are not polished reports. ItemDeliverablesProject Part 1U.S. Compliance Laws ResearchDevelop a list of compliance laws required to DoD contracts. Your resport should include a justification or disussion as to what made the group determine these compliance laws are necessary for Tech R Us to fulfill  the DoD contract. What happens with the aswarded contract if Tech R Us does not comply wo these laws?Project Part 2Infrastructure Research ASubmit a draft of (1) which policy framework(s) will be followed for the project and (2) develop a list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the User, Workstation, LAN, and LAN-to-WAN Domains and (3) provide a justification or discussion as to why your team selected these framework(s) policies, standards, and controls.Project Part 3Infrastructure Research BDevelop a list of list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains and (2) develop a justificcation or discussion as to why your team selected these policies, standards, and controls.Project Part 4Final ReportSubmit the final report of your class project. This is a group project. Each group is identified in Blackboard. Select a team leader, note taker, and reviewers. Identify when you will hold weekly team meetings as a group to be sure the work is proceeding on schedule.Scenario
You are a security professional for Tech R Us, an IT services provider with approximately 400 employees. Tech R Us partners with industry leaders to provide storage, networking, virtualization, and cybersecurity to clients.Tech R Us recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30 percent to the revenue of the organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. Tech R Us will be allowed to make its own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.As a security professional for Tech R Us, you are responsible for developing security policies for this project. These policies are required to meet DoD standards for delivery of IT technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency.To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies, standards, and control descriptions for your IT infrastructure (see the “Tasks” section in this document). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies, standards, or controls in place.Tech R Us’ computing environment includes the following:
12 servers running the latest edition of Microsoft Server, providing the following:

Active Directory (AD)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) application (Oracle)
A research and development (R&D) engineering network segment for testing, separate from the production environment
Microsoft Exchange Server for email
Email filter
Cloud-based secure web gateway (web security, data loss protection, next-generation firewall, cloud application security, advanced threat protection)

Two Linux servers running Apache Server to host your website
400 PCs/laptops running Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft 365 office applications, and other productivity tools
Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.
Determine which policy framework(s) will be used for this project.
List controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.
List required standards for common devices, categorized by IT domain.
Develop DoD-compliant policies for the organization’s IT infrastructure.
Describe the policies, standards, and controls that would make the organization DoD compliant.
Develop a high-level deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.
Write a professional report that includes all of the above content-related items and citations for all sources.
Submission Requirements
Format: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space
Citation style: APA format using a hanging indentation of ½”
Length of draft research documents: 2–3 pages
Length of final report: 8 – 12 pages (4,000 – 6,000 words)
Group-Assessment Checklist for Final Report
We developed a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.
We listed controls placed on domains in typical IT infrastructure.
We listed required standards for common devices, categorized by IT domain.
We developed DoD-compliant policies and standards for my organization’s IT infrastructure
We described the policies, standards, and controls that would make my organization DoD compliant.
We listed all applicable DoD frameworks in the final report.
We developed a high-level deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.
We created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
We included citations for all sources used in the report.
We followed the submission guidelines.

 I need to develop a novel approach based on several metrics to measure learnabi

 I need to develop a novel approach based on several metrics to measure learnability and then draw learning curve
The goal of my research paper is coming up with equations to draw the curve
The curve should reflects the learnability of mobile applications
My supervisor need from me to come up with novel derivatives
You see ANOVA analysis, is there something similar to it? To analyze the result ?
The research I am still writing
I hope I use new metrics and come up with new method
I will show you what i have done but it is very similar to the paper and it is not acceptable
If we can edit to come up with new metrics and methods, that is fine.  Otherwise change whole
I share with you methodology because other part just definitions and related work
The scenario is not good enough also
sharing my  introduction and LR
Maybe you will find many mistake
But please it is my work not done yet and i hope to be secured
No data collected yet but we will say (several applications)
In phase1 in methodology
So my supervisor need professional work from me and i work hard but this is what i could do
The most important thing is the methodology
Then the whole file as logic and context and grammar and spelling
Also please if you add any part or even sentence please tell me
I use a study that talks about sigmoid curve  to represent novice and expert behavior, could we use the metrics to derive the sigmoid curve rather than learning curve?
I will attach the paper. It talks about it just use find tool to find(sigmoid)

Answer the following questions: 1. As an executive of an organization, what woul

Answer the following questions:
1. As an executive of an organization, what would you implement to solve and enforce GRC (governance, risk management, and compliance), standards, security, and continuity issues?
2. Thinking of your organization, describe what needs to be built and how it should be enforced throughout the organization over time.
a. Note: If you are currently not working, use your last employer as your example.
b. If you have never worked, choose a company you are familiar with as the company for your assignment.
3. Please specifically list and describe what is needed for all this to occur in relation to the industry your organization is in.
Need 6-8 pages in APA format with introduction and conclusion. Use a company from Tech Industry – software engineer role where required. Need minimum of 5 peer-reviewed citations.

Consider the data flow “octopus,” as shown in Figure 8.1. How can the analysis s

Consider the data flow “octopus,” as shown in Figure 8.1. How can the analysis system gather data from all these sources that, presumably, are protected themselves? 
Answer the questions with an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only).  Your response should have a minimum of 600 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references.  A table of contents and abstract are not required.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.  

Icanread System, Inc. is an advertising agency that specialize in selling ad spa

Icanread System, Inc. is an advertising agency that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Icanread Systems, Inc. manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Icanread Systems, Inc.’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that Icanread Systems, Inc. network be assessed and verified as secure.
Your company has designated you to be the lead architect for this project because it’s a small company and perfect for your first time.  Since you have spent the past 7 weeks in training to be a System Architect, perform your assessment. Use headers to separate the sections of information.
Submit your report in an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only).  Your report should have a minimum of 600 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references.  A table of contents and abstract are not required.