Hello i need help setting a SEO plugin in my website.
You can use Yoast or rank math. (Please note that the SEO plugin you choose I will pay for pro/premium subscription)
Also i need design proposals of what you think you can do to improve this website
attached the link to the website.
once we agree i will send you the wordpress admin logins.
I recommend you check different pages of the website so that is easier when negotiating for your pay.
Category: Computer Science homework help
I need topic and approval format in one day topic should be related to cybersec
I need topic and approval format in one day
topic should be related to cybersecurity or my suggested topic in file.
I need to submit topic and get an approval from professor before writing chapter 2 which is 40 pages so i need good and reliable person who can work and communicate on regular basis.
Note no plagiarism.
Deadline for topic is one day after that chapter 2 40 pages is one week.
Price is 5 dollars per page.
Hello i need help setting a SEO plugin in my website. You can use Yoast or ra
Hello i need help setting a SEO plugin in my website.
You can use Yoast or rank math. (Please note that the SEO plugin you choose I will pay for pro/premium subscription)
Also i need design proposals of what you think you can do to improve this website
attached the link to the website.
once we agree i will send you the wordpress admin logins.
I recommend you check different pages of the website so that is easier when negotiating for your pay.
I need topic and approval format in one day topic should be related to cybersec
I need topic and approval format in one day
topic should be related to cybersecurity or my suggested topic in file.
I need to submit topic and get an approval from professor before writing chapter 2 which is 40 pages so i need good and reliable person who can work and communicate on regular basis.
Note no plagiarism.
Deadline for topic is one day after that chapter 2 40 pages is one week.
Price is 5 dollars per page.
Business Case: Recommendation Systems Powered by AI—Still Room for Improvement
Business Case: Recommendation Systems Powered by AI—Still Room for Improvement
Much has been written about the wonders of some of the most well-known recommendation systems in use today at companies like Amazon, Netflix, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. These recommendations are credited with giving their companies a significant competitive advantage and are said to be responsible for significant increases in whatever system the company uses to keep score. For Amazon, that would be sales dollars. The Amazon recommendation system is said to be responsible for 35% of sales, a figure that has been cited by several authors dating back to at least 2013 (MacKenzie, Meyer, & Noble, 2013; Morgan, 2018). The Netflix recommendation system is also believed to be one of the best in the business. Netflix counts success in terms of how many shows people watch, how much time they spend watching Netflix, and other metrics associated with engagement and time on channel. But the Netflix recommendation system is also credited with moving dollars to the company’s bottom line to the tune of $1 billion a year (Arora, 2016).
In the realm of social media, score is kept a little differently, and in the case of Facebook and LinkedIn, recommendation systems are frequently used to suggest connections you might wish to add to your network. Facebook periodically show you friends of friends that you might be interested in “friending,” while on LinkedIn, you are frequently shown the profiles of individuals that might make great professional connections. Finally, YouTube’s recommendation system lines up a queue of videos that stand ready to fill your viewing screen once your current video finishes playing. Sometimes the relationship between your current video and the line-up of recommended videos is obvious. While watching a clip of a Saturday Night Live sketch, you can see that several of the recommended videos waiting for you are also SNL clips. But not always, and that is probably where some cool recommendation engine juju comes into play, trying to figure out what will really grab your interest and keep you on-site for a few more minutes, watching new clips and the increasingly annoying advertisements that now seem to find multiple ways of popping up and interrupting your use of YouTube’s platform without paying the price of admission.
While all of these companies are to be credited for pioneering recommendation technology that most likely generates beneficial results, it seems that more often than not, the recommendations we get are not as impressive as what so many blog writers would have us believe.
Today, all these recommendation systems have been infused and super-charged from their original creations with the power of artificial intelligence.
Answer the following questions:
Has this really changed much in terms of the user experience?
How many times do you really send a friend request to that person Facebook tells you that you share four friends in common?
Would you accept a friend request from that individual if they sent one to you?
How often do you try to connect with the professionals that LinkedIn recommends to you?
Or do you find the whole process of deleting all those suggestions a pain?
Finally, how often have you sat down to watch Netflix, and after scrolling through all their movies and television shows, you end up watching another channel or maybe decide to go read a book?
Or when was the last time you purchased an unsolicited product that was recommended to you on Amazon?
Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages long using APA format. Provide appropriate citations
Evolution Of computer science (PowerPoint) I would like professional slide show
Evolution Of computer science (PowerPoint)
I would like professional slide show with effects.
The required already attached
Retail stores, such as Target and Walmart, along with eCommerce sites, such as
Retail stores, such as Target and Walmart, along with eCommerce sites, such as Amazon and eBay, rely heavily on the holiday shopping period of October, November, and December to drive their overall revenue. In recent years, these types of retailers have coupled big data with time series analytics to enhance marketing, supply chain, operations, and customer relations.
Using the Internet, identify an example of where a retail company has done this. Your example could be positive or negative, but should clearly include evidence that the company used big data and time series analytics in an effort to improve their revenue. If the example you find does not discuss the use of analytics, it is not a candidate for this discussion. You must select an example that shows that the company used analytics to magnify their business effectiveness through data and analytics activities. Provide a summary of the example you have chosen. Specifically discuss the analytic techniques the company used and what they intended to accomplish through their data-driven activities. Report on the company’s success in their endeavors. If there are negative aspects of their efforts, be sure to highlight those (examples might include errors in their analysis or forecasts, or backlash from consumers for some reason).
The remote workplace has become common throughout all industries, and as such, p
The remote workplace has become common throughout all industries, and as such, presents new challenges for cybersecurity professionals and new opportunities for bad actors. Moving a workforce to a remote work scenario requires that current security policies be adjusted to consider remote work-specific attack vectors and associated vulnerabilities.
Create a 10- to 12-slide digital presentation for upper-level management exploring cybersecurity issues related to remote work, including data loss prevention (DLP), secure network connectivity, confidentiality, insecure local environments, etc. Additional considerations are expected to be presented beyond the few suggested. Also research remote work security design failures that leave companies with remote workers vulnerable to attack. Address the following:
Describe four security design failures specifically related to remote work and not working in general. Identify the specific design principles that have been violated for each security design failure.
Relate the security failures to the principles of cybersecurity (CIA triad).
Identify the design principles involved or needed for remote workers.
Include a title slide, reference slide, and detailed slide notes, with citations and references explaining what is being presented on each slide.
Additionally, include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
Group decision support systems provide structure and aid teams in managing the i
Group decision support systems provide structure and aid teams in managing the ideas from all members. Some of the key tools incorporated in such a system are: electronic questionnaires, electronic brainstorming tools, idea organizers, tools for setting priorities, and policy formation.
> Research the tools currently available and select one for “each” category.
> In your own words, present a scenario in which it could be used and your case for why this tool is the appropriate choice.
Need 3 pages with peer-reviewed citations. No introduction or conclusion required.
Instructions Details of Project Paper (10%): You must include at least ten ref
Details of Project Paper (10%): You must include at least ten references.
Prepare a 10-15 page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 10% of the final grade) in APA format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (350 words per page). The paper should be between 2500 to 5300 words excluding the title page content and the references page content. At a minimum include the following:
Detailed description of the area researched
Technology involved in the area
Future trends in the area
Example companies involved in the area
Regulatory issues surrounding the area
Global implications for the area
References (minimum of 10)
You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must be at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc… are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 10 references are required.
The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed).
Papers will be automatically added to and checked against the standard Turnitin repositories. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student in roughly 15 minutes of the submission. Multiple submissions are allowed.
Save the file using the following file naming convention: ISSC366_Project_First_Last.doc(x) (where first and last are your first and last names resp.) and submit the file in this assignment area.