Find  a dataset of interest to you that includes at least one nominal, one  or

  Find  a dataset of interest to you that includes at least one nominal, one  ordinal, and one interval or ratio variable. This dataset can be sourced  online, from your work, or even be a dataset you create yourself.    Analysis: Conduct a univariate analysis of each variable you identified. This should include:    
Creating a frequency distribution for the nominal and ordinal variables.
Calculating common summary measures (e.g., mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance) for the interval or ratio variable. 
Interpretation:  Provide an interpretation of your findings. What can you infer from the  distribution and summary measures? How does the type of data (nominal,  ordinal, interval/ratio) influence the kind of analysis you can perform  and the insights you can gain?
    Reflection: Discuss the importance of understanding the type of data and appropriate descriptive statistics in data analysis.  
 Submission Format: Your submission should be a maximum of 500-600 words. Submit your assignment in APA format as a Word document or a PDF file. Include  both your written analysis and any visualizations or tables that  support your findings. If you use any software for your calculations  (like R, Python, Excel), please include your code or formulas as well.  

Q1- What equipment and protocols are required for establishing network enterpris

Q1- What equipment and protocols are required for establishing network enterprise architectures/security architectures? Provide 2-3 examples and discuss how they provide layered security.
Q2- Voice over IP (VoIP) is a central system that manages phones within an enterprise. What advantages does VoIP provide companies in maintaining security?

1. Concerning security assessment, discuss the aspect of internal, external, and

1. Concerning security assessment, discuss the aspect of internal, external, and third-party testing minimum requirements.
> Your assessment should address online vulnerability, penetration testing, code review, interface testing, and other topics.
2. Regarding online managing security operations, discuss the elements of asset inventory, asset management, configuration management, and explaining the need-to-know privileges and service level agreement.
Need 5-6 pages with peer-reviewed citations. No introduction or conclusion needed.

examine an HKCU hive for evidence of unauthorized access. Read the scenario care

examine an HKCU hive for evidence of unauthorized access. Read the scenario carefully, as you may consider it interview notes with your client. This is often one of the first real examination tasks you’re likely to encounter and will be a test of your ability to make inferences, be thorough in your search, and document your examination.
You’ll need to use the following resources to complete the assignment:
Investigation 01 Sample Evidence located in the Virtual Lab
A registry analysis tool, such as Registry Explorer by Eric Zimmerman located in the Virtual Lab
(Optional) Download and use the report template (See the Investigation and Forensics Challenge module for the templates)
After reading the Investigation 01 scenario, open your forensic tool and import the sample evidence into the tool. Begin a forensic report and begin your search. As you do, be sure to take special note of these answers to these questions. These questions represent those that need to be answered to arrive at a logical conclusion to this scenario. They are provided here, but in the future, you will be required to decide these questions on your own.
This scenario takes place circa 2012. You were recently contacted by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate a suspected corporate espionage incident. They have reason to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by an enemy spy who used the generic vibranium account to access and exfiltrated sensitive information from an endpoint connected to the SHIELD network with the hostname of nromanoff. Nick Fury believes that the culprit may be a recently terminated employee named Jim Tandy. Jim was recently fired under suspicion of leaking confidential information to Hydra. Your job will be to examine the NTUSER.DAT file containing the HKCU registry hive for the vibranium user to determine the answers to the following questions.

  Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and bu

Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report.


Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option

Picked   Blockchain for Data Security

You may use the same topic option previously chosen.
In your role as a consultant in your chosen business scenario, put together a slide presentation for an industry conference that includes:
A technical description of the purpose (what it does) and function (how it works) of the topic option
How the use of this emerging technology can raise legal concerns
How the use of this emerging technology can raise ethical concerns
How this emerging technology can be misused
How this emerging technology can be protected
Assessment Requirements/Submission Requirement:
10 slides minimum, not including title and reference slides
Enough text narrative in the Notes for each slide that would produce a 10-minute presentation
Submit in PowerPoint format (download from Google Slides or export from Keynote)
3 scholarly references

examine an HKCU hive for evidence of unauthorized access. Read the scenario care

examine an HKCU hive for evidence of unauthorized access. Read the scenario carefully, as you may consider it interview notes with your client. This is often one of the first real examination tasks you’re likely to encounter and will be a test of your ability to make inferences, be thorough in your search, and document your examination.
You’ll need to use the following resources to complete the assignment:
Investigation 01 Sample Evidence located in the Virtual Lab
A registry analysis tool, such as Registry Explorer by Eric Zimmerman located in the Virtual Lab
(Optional) Download and use the report template (See the Investigation and Forensics Challenge module for the templates)
After reading the Investigation 01 scenario, open your forensic tool and import the sample evidence into the tool. Begin a forensic report and begin your search. As you do, be sure to take special note of these answers to these questions. These questions represent those that need to be answered to arrive at a logical conclusion to this scenario. They are provided here, but in the future, you will be required to decide these questions on your own.
This scenario takes place circa 2012. You were recently contacted by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate a suspected corporate espionage incident. They have reason to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by an enemy spy who used the generic vibranium account to access and exfiltrated sensitive information from an endpoint connected to the SHIELD network with the hostname of nromanoff. Nick Fury believes that the culprit may be a recently terminated employee named Jim Tandy. Jim was recently fired under suspicion of leaking confidential information to Hydra. Your job will be to examine the NTUSER.DAT file containing the HKCU registry hive for the vibranium user to determine the answers to the following questions.

  Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and bu

Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report.
Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option
Picked   Blockchain for Data Security
You may use the same topic option previously chosen.
In your role as a consultant in your chosen business scenario, put together a slide presentation for an industry conference that includes:
A technical description of the purpose (what it does) and function (how it works) of the topic option
How the use of this emerging technology can raise legal concerns
How the use of this emerging technology can raise ethical concerns
How this emerging technology can be misused
How this emerging technology can be protected
Assessment Requirements/Submission Requirement:
10 slides minimum, not including title and reference slides
Enough text narrative in the Notes for each slide that would produce a 10-minute presentation
Submit in PowerPoint format (download from Google Slides or export from Keynote)
3 scholarly references

  Describe how the dd command is used in the lab and why dd is a dangerous Lin

Describe how the dd command is used in the lab and why dd is a dangerous Linux command. In addition list and describe two other dangerous linux commands.
List and discuss two common SSH security risks. Describe how you would avoid and mitigate each of these risks.
What do the events information, audit success, audit failure, warning, and error mean in the context of windows logs. List and describe any two event codes that you would monitor for Windows security logs and why?
Research iptables firewall rules and write and describe a rule that would drop all SSH connections from a specific IP address.
Write an iptables firewall rule that will allow established and related incoming traffic. Describe what this rule does and why it is not considered a security risk.
why is only port 80 open on What iptables rule would open for http, https, and ssh connections?

  Describe how the dd command is used in the lab and why dd is a dangerous Lin

Describe how the dd command is used in the lab and why dd is a dangerous Linux command. In addition list and describe two other dangerous linux commands.
List and discuss two common SSH security risks. Describe how you would avoid and mitigate each of these risks.
What do the events information, audit success, audit failure, warning, and error mean in the context of windows logs. List and describe any two event codes that you would monitor for Windows security logs and why?
Research iptables firewall rules and write and describe a rule that would drop all SSH connections from a specific IP address.
Write an iptables firewall rule that will allow established and related incoming traffic. Describe what this rule does and why it is not considered a security risk.
why is only port 80 open on What iptables rule would open for http, https, and ssh connections?