Team Mates Placating Saying it Straight Summarize what you learned from each top

Team Mates
Saying it Straight
Summarize what you learned from each topic.
Please write in separate paragraphs.
That means one paragraph on Team Mates
One paragraph on Placating
One paragraph on Saying It Straight
In each paragraph select a topic from the textbook, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills, that relates to the topic.
Include in your discussion of each topic (Team Mates, Placating, Saying It Straight) an example from the textbook that relates to the Say It Straight Topic.
Make sure you use textbook citations to support your ideas (Saba, Chapter 1) (Golden & Golden Say It Straight).
Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!

MOVIE ANALYSIS PAPER Purpose: To identify and analyze small group communication

MOVIE ANALYSIS PAPER Purpose: To identify and analyze small group communication concepts and theories. Assignment: Write a 3-5 page paper on the film, Formatting: Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12-font, 1 inch margins, stapled, APA style, and include a cover page. Paper Formatting Guidelines: Papers should be written in 5 paragraphs: Paragraph 1: The Introduction The first sentence of your paper should be an attention-getter to capture the reader’s attention. You may use a quotation, rhetorical question, or shocking statistic in order to captivate your reader. In the next 2-3 sentences, introduce the name of the movie as well as the names of the characters that you will be analyzing in your paper. Please use the characters’ fictional names as opposed to the actors’ names. The last sentence of the first paragraph is your thesis statement. Your thesis statement may say something like, “In the following paragraphs, I will analyze group roles, leadership, and conflict management displayed in the movie Paragraph 2: Group Roles Identify and analyze a minimum of three specific task, maintenance role, and self-centered roles (example – energizer, supporter, blocker) that the main characters in the film played. First, identify the group role that the character played. Second, define the group role. Third, give a detailed example from the film that illustrates why you feel the character played a particular role. Please use smooth transitions throughout. Paragraph 3: Leadership Identify and analyze the leadership depicted in the film. First, identify who you feel is the leader of the group. Use examples from the him to justity your response. Second, discuss whether you felt that the leader’s style was autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire. Use examples from the film to justify your analysis. Third, identify the type of power (example – coercive, legitimate, reward, referent, expert) used by the leader in the film. Use examples from the film to illustrate your point of view. Paragraph 4: Conflict Management Identify and analyze a specific conflict portrayed in the film. First, describe the details of the conflict and identity some possible causes of the conflict. Use examples from the film to support your perspective. Second, identify the conflict styles of the individuals involved in the conflict (example – accommodating, compromising, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating). Provide examples from the movie. Finally, explain whether your feel that the conflict was a pseudo, simple, or ego conflict. Use examples from the film. Paragraph 5: The Conclusion The first sentence of your conclusion should summarize your paper. For example, “Group roles, leadership, and conflict play an integral role in the small group communication analysis of the film, ” Second, give your personal opinion about the film selection. Finally, end paper with a strong closing statement.

Positive Self Image Change Project Make a series of notes to yourself and post t

Positive Self Image Change Project
Make a series of notes to yourself and post them in prominent places so that you are constantly reminded of your 3-day project. You might tape a reminder on your door so that you see it every time you leave your apartment or dorm. Carry a reminder in your notebooks or textbooks that you carry around campus or on your desk at work.
Specifically, your project is to be very
upbeat, positive, and complimentary toward others
while avoiding unnecessary negative thoughts, reactions, and interpretations.
Make a list of the positive behaviors that you will pursue every day for 3 days. For example, your list might include:
Looking for opportunities to compliment people for their ideas, behaviors, dress, and such (WITHOUT being phony!!);
Recognizing when you think a negative thought or when you interpret a situation as being negative when you really are not sure that it is. Immediately replace such negative self-talk and interpretations with a positive alternative;
Smile and greet people whom you know as well as strangers you meet on the street;
Help people in need; for example, the frail old lady who is struggling to lift a bag of groceries from her shopping cart into her car, etc.;
Disclose something about yourself that you are comfortable sharing with others in an attempt to allow them to know you better.
Keep a daily journal about your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to this assignment as you move through the week, addressing the following questions:
How did it make you feel:
Did your thoughts/feelings change during the course of the week? How so?
What was the response of others?
What was your response to the response of others?
Was this a difficult challenge for you?
What did you learn about yourself as a result of this project?
Make sure that you include people in this project that you see every day. This may include family members, spouses, friends, children, etc.
Project will be written in APA format: Title page, Running head, page numbers, Abstract, Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced. Note: Use of contractions are NOT permitted in APA format; please write in 1st person point of view.
Your journal should be 3 FULL pages, not including the title page. DO NOT include your word count for this project.

This paper will be 8-10 pages long, analyze *any* work or works which relate to

This paper will be 8-10 pages long, analyze *any* work or works which relate to class, and must include at least two secondary sources
class is psychopath of film
use the the film silence of the lambs
discuss how gender norms are challenged in the film and how they play a role in Clarices experiences especially her relationship with Dr lector. also discuss how gender norms play into the psychopathy of buffalo bill. all tying into gender, power, identity

Resolving Conflict With Communication [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior

Resolving Conflict With Communication
[WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, you should have read all of Jandt (2021) and then selected four additional sources from the Recommended Resources Download Recommended Resourcesdocument or found scholarly sources in the UAGC Library.
This course has focused on exploring types of conflicts and how they can be resolved by using effective communication techniques. In this final paper, you will apply what you have learned in this class to analyzing a conflict and evaluating the techniques that were used and what could have been used for a better outcome.
In your paper, you will
Explain what conflict is.
Choose a conflict from your personal life, or one you have witnessed, and explain the most important details and how it meets the criteria for what counts as conflict as outlined by one or more scholars.
Categorize the selected example of conflict as family, workplace, or something else, and explain the dynamics of this type of conflict, using a scholarly source. THIS IS NEW AND WAS NOT REQUIRED ON THE WEEK 3 OUTLINE.
Explain five themes from the list below you are using to analyze the conflict and your rationale for the selection. TWO THEMES WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR INITIAL WEEK 3 OUTLINE. Listening and conflict management – Chapters 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Power and conflict – Chapters 2 through 4.
Conflict management styles – Chapters 1, 3, and 9.
Culture and conflict – Chapters 2 through 4.
Negotiation skills and resolving conflicts with others – Chapter 9.
Ethics and conflict – Chapter 5. Please note that Jandt does not cover this topic as thoroughly as others, so if you use this theme, please do some additional research.

Anger and conflict – Chapter 6.
Mediation – Chapters 4 and 7.
Apologies, forgiveness, and reconciliation – Chapter 8.
Apply five conflict topics/themes to the example. This means you will analyze your conflict through each of the five themes above, including a consideration of race or ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality, as applicable to your case, using the textbook and scholarly resources. You will be “applying” these themes directly to your conflict. Therefore, for each theme, you should show how it is relevant to your case, how it intersects with communication, and how its understanding can aid in effective resolution of conflict.
Describe the role communication played in the conflict. THIS SECTION IS ALSO NEW AND WAS NOT REQUIRED IN THE WEEK 3 OUTLINE.
Explain two communication techniques that could have been used toward a better outcome, identifying a clear benefit to using the techniques.. Please be specific and devote a whole section to this, outlining specific communication processes that could have been used from Jandt and others. THIS SECTION IS ALSO NEW AND WAS NOT REQUIRED IN THE WEEK 3 OUTLINE.
The Resolving Conflict With Communication final paper
Must be 2,000 to 2,500 words in length, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. Be sure to include a title pageLinks to an external site., a references listLinks to an external site., and in-text citationsLinks to an external site..
Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusionLinks to an external site. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statementLinks to an external site. that indicates the purpose of your paper and the conclusion should restate the thesis and explain how it was supported in the paper.
Must use at least four scholarly sourcesLinks to an external site. in addition to the course text. If you need help with doing research in the library, review the Library OneSearch Tip SheetLinks to an external site.. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Quick and Easy Library Research tutorial.Links to an external site.

For this assignment, you are to create a meme using

For this assignment, you are to create a meme using or any meme generator you know. The meme must illustrate a concept we have learned this semester. Your meme can relate to anything we’ve covered, from media law and ethics to media theories, books, newspapers, recorded music, TV, film, public relations or the Internet. You will be graded on your creativity and how successfully your meme conveys a theory or concept we covered. Once you have created your meme, download it and attach it as a file or submit the link to the final meme if it’s published online.
Here are a few samples from previous students, who all got 100%:

According to the graph attached, answer these questions based on the graph. Use

According to the graph attached, answer these questions based on the graph. Use your own words and don’t use any outside resources. –>
Now that you have synthesized the research into a journey map explain what
lessons we can draw from it. List the following in this order. For each item,
address the points in the table below. Be brief and precise.
1. For each pain point. . .
• Describe the pain point.
• What opportunity does this pain point provide?
2. For each unmet positive expectation. . .
• Describe in what way the expectation was not met
3. For each positive experience. . .
• Why is it important to point out this positive experience?

Read Hackman and Johnson, Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Compare and contrast Charismatic

Hackman and Johnson, Chapters 4, 5, & 6
Compare and contrast Charismatic and Transformational Leadership.
After reading the material on credibility, identify two people: one who is credible and one who is not. Then apply the text material to each one explaining why they have or lack credibility. You must select people you know and give them both names, factitious or real.
Analyze your own language to determine how you are being powerful and un-powerful in your communication.
How can you become an influential leader by using the techniques in Chapter 8? Use material to answer this question that you have not used in the previous questions.
Write the questions out completely and then answer them. This paper should be at least 7 to 10 pages. Include the page number of the text even when you are paraphrasing.

Attached Files: Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx – Alter

Attached Files:
Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx – Alternative Formats (18.937 KB)
Module 7 – SPSS Output.spv (8.952 KB)
AGuidelinetoReportingStatisticsinAPAStyle.pdf AGuidelinetoReportingStatisticsinAPAStyle.pdf – Alternative Formats (271.009 KB)
1. Interpret the multiple regression output exploring Fear of Missing Out Total as the Dependent Variable and BFI_Extraversion, and BFI_Conscious as the Independent Variables. Use the video provided along with the attached resources (a research article with an example results section) to guide you in calculation and interpretation of the statistic in SPSS.
2. Write an APA results section for the multiple regression, being careful to frame your results as significant or insignificant using the written resources attached to this assignment. Focus on drafting the written narrative in APA format based on the guidance attached to this assignment. Include a table based on the APA style manual 7th edition if relevant. *Note: SPSS usually does not generate tables in APA format so reformating of your results in Microsoft Word will likely be necessary.
3. Include a copy of the SPSS output as an appendix after writing your results section.Your assignment must be formatted using APA Style (7th ed)–student research paper template.

Goal Use the modules and review resources to complete the chart on this handout

Use the modules and review resources to complete the chart on this handout comparing skull features of the chimp, human, Australopithecus africanus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens. Refer to the module pages for images of skulls of the species.
Refer to the module page Skull Images for the Assignments (Genus Homo) for images and 3-D rotations of the skulls you need to describe and compare. You will also find Comparing and Measuring the Skull (Genus Homo) useful.
Open the worksheet An111 Comparing Genus Homo Skulls.docx Download An111 Comparing Genus Homo Skulls.docx and fill out the table to compare features across the species. The rows will ask for one of the following types of answers.
Simple descriptions and comparisons are fine for our purposes, Review:
Present or absent: When a feature is either there or not, you can use a + for present and – for absent.
For example, “presence of sagittal crest” can be answered + or –.
Describe: When you are asked to describe a feature, do so with a few words or short phrase.
For example, “shape of dental arcade” can be answered “U-shaped.”
Compare: When you are asked to compare, you need to ask “compare to what?”
For Example: If there are three skulls being compared, you might say X and Y are smaller than Z. Or X is smaller than Y and Y is larger than Z.
Measure: Use the measurements you collected
Use these measurements gathered from teaching materials at LAVC to calculate the condylar index and the facial index. All measurements are in millimeters
A. africanusHuman (euro male)H. habilis (KNM ER 1813
H. erectus (WT 15000)H. heidlebergensis (Atapuerca 5)H. neanderthalensis (La Ferrassie)
basion to opisthicranion123
basion to prosthion66
nasion to prosthion71
basion to bregma104
H. heidelbergensis added 5/26/21
Learning and growth take practice and reflection and I am here to support your efforts. All assignments will receive an initial grade based on the provided rubric. If you aren’t happy with the points you receive or need to improve your submission, everyone will have the option to review my feedback, revise your work, and resubmit your assignment by the “available until” date 1 week after the original due date. If you have questions about how to improve a submission or about my feedback, please ask me.
Week 13 – Skull Images for the Assignments (Genus Homo)
Skull Images and 3-D Rotations to compare Skulls
In the Genus Homo Skull Measuring Assignment and the Comparing genus Homo Skulls Assignment this week, you will want to look at the species from a variety of viewpoints. Please use the following tools to make your descriptive comparisons. Anything that needs to be measured will be a static picture with a yellow ruler in the assignment, or I will tell you the actual measurements for you to calculate indexes and compare across species.
eSkeletons – Chimpanzee CraniumLinks to an external site.- shows the frontal, posterior, inferior, and lateral views of the chimpanzee skull
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of a male chimpanzee skull will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.
Chimpanzee skull Links to an external site. by NHM_Imaging Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Modern Humans (Homo sapiens)
eSkeletons – Human CraniumLinks to an external site. – all the useful views of the human skull
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of a male chimpanzee skull will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.
The Anatomy of the Human Skull Links to an external site. by HannahNewey Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Also, have a look at this Homo sapiens fossil from Ethiopia, dated about 150 kya. It is a very early example of our own species. The skull is called “Idaltu” and sometimes Homo sapiens idaltu.
Homo sapiens Idaltu Cranium Links to an external site. by UCFanthropology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
This is an example of a more recent Homo sapiens fossil. So even within our own species, there have been changes over time. This specimen is referred to as Skhul V. You can read more about early examples of Homo sapiens on eFossilsLinks to an external site..
Homo sapiens Skhul 5 (2501.1rp37-1) Links to an external site. by RLA Archaeology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Australopithecus africanus (a similar but slightly more recent species than Australopithecus afarensis who we used last week)
You can review the features seen in A. africanus from Week 6 – Meet the Ancestors (Ardipithecus and the Australopithecines))
Photo Credit: Bjoertvedt, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of A. africanus will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.
Australopithecus africanus skull Links to an external site. by Digital Atlas of Ancient Life Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Homo habilis
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of H. habilis will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.Links to an external site.
Replica KNM-ER 1813 skull Links to an external site. by Laboratorio 3D de Modelización Arqueológica Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Homo erectus
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of H. erectus will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer. The group of fossils classified as Homo erectus are highly variable across different geographic locations. I’ve included several different examples below. On your assignment, pick one to focus on, and be sure to note which skull you used.
Dmanisi 2
Homo erectus Cranium (Dmanisi 2) Links to an external site. by UCFanthropology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Peking Man
Homo erectus Cranium (Peking Man) Links to an external site. by UCFanthropology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
KNM WT 15000
Homo ergaster (2501.1rp31-1) – cranium Links to an external site. by RLA Archaeology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Homo heidlebergensis
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of H. heidelbergensis will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.
Homo heidelbergensis Cranium (Bodo) Links to an external site. by UCFanthropology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.
Homo neanderthalensis
If you click the arrows in the lower right corner of this image, a 3-D rotatable image of H. neanderthalensis will open. When you want to return to this screen, press the button on your computer.
Homo neanderthalensis Cranium (La Ferrassie) Links to an external site. by UCFanthropology Links to an external site. on SketchfabLinks to an external site.