It is a assignment of career development. How I am going to develop my career in

It is a assignment of career development. How I am going to develop my career in coming 5 years. We need to show what I will do in every year. Every years my activities can be present in chart, table , graph. Normal table is not recommended. Professor want design table. Each year can be divided quarterly. I completed my bachelor of fine arts(BFA) and masters of fine arts (MFA). Major in painting and graphic art. I have 7 years of work experience in a fashion house as a senor a senor fashion designer. Now I’m pursuing my MBA. After that, in next five years i want to be a assistant general manager ( Fashion). I want to grow my career in Canada. Table, pie chart, graph are highly recommended. I attached my indigo assessment. There you will found my skill and where i need to develop. you can mention that how I can develop. if i need any course then the amount and timeline of the course need to be mentioned. Please make sure the introduction is clear and make it at least 1 page. Reference need to be take from IRCC, federal government sites or national occupation and classification ( NOC). APA format need to follow and no AI and plagiarism. Please let me know if you need any information. Word need to be 1600-1800

Please check the attached file to understand the Rubric and others requirements.

Please check the attached file to understand the Rubric and others requirements. I have uploaded the Indigo Assignment that will help you to generate the plan and the evidence. Please respect the expected requirements and APA format with no Plagiarism. You should add at least 6 references for this assignment and minimum 3 references should come from IRCC… In this work, there should be 2000 words with images and all the picture should have the references under the image.

RE: Case Study As a member of the team in this scenario, my immediate reaction w

RE: Case Study
As a member of the team in this scenario, my immediate reaction would be a sense of frustration and concern. While I enjoy spending time with my teammates and appreciate the camaraderie we have developed, it is clear that our lack of focus and productivity is putting our project at risk. With the deadline looming, I would feel anxious about the potential consequences of our current behavior and worry about the quality of the final product.
This situation could have been avoided by setting clear expectations and goals from the beginning of the project. Establishing a timeline, dividing tasks among team members, and regularly reviewing progress could have kept us on track and accountable for our work. Additionally, creating a structured agenda for each meeting and sticking to it would have helped to ensure that we stay focused and productive.
One approach to resolving this conflict could be the confrontation approach. In this approach, a team member (or myself) would directly address the issue with the team and express concerns about our lack of productivity. By opening up a dialogue about the situation and discussing the potential consequences of our current behavior, team members would be confronted with the reality of the situation and may be more motivated to change their behavior. By mastering the confrontation approach, individuals can hone their interpersonal skills and contribute to a more harmonious and productive work environment.
To make this approach successful, it is important to approach the conversation with a constructive and non-confrontational attitude. Emphasizing the common goal of the project and the importance of working together as a team to achieve success can help to create a sense of unity and motivation among team members. Additionally, providing specific examples of how our current behavior is impacting the project can make the issue more tangible and urgent for team members.
When attempting to resolve this conflict, it is important to avoid blaming or shaming team members for their behavior. This can lead to defensiveness and resistance, making it harder to reach a resolution. Instead, focusing on the impact of the behavior on the project and the shared goal of achieving success can help to create a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members. With open communication, clear expectations, and a shared commitment to the project, the team can overcome their current challenges and work together to deliver a successful final product.
What is your immediate reaction to the scenario? How would you feel if you were a member of the team writing about this situation?
How could this situation have been avoided?
What approaches to resolving this conflict are appropriate? Choose one or more of the 5 approaches in Chapter 11.
What are some things that, if done, would make this approach successful?
What are some things to avoid when attempting to resolve this conflict? Why?

The Impact of Population Growth The discussion for this week will focus on popul

The Impact of Population Growth
The discussion for this week will focus on population growth. To prepare for this discussion, visit the Real-time world statistics resource from your readings.
Please respond to the following:
When you visited the Worldometers site, what was most surprising to you?
Considering where you grew up and your life today, what issues related to population growth have you encountered?
What impact, if any, have the issues related to population growth had on individuals and society?
How can human services professionals influence the effects of population growth in the 21st century?

CD/FS 115 Analysis and Evaluation of Material This is an essay and should be wr

CD/FS 115 Analysis and Evaluation of Material
This is an essay and should be written in paragraph form. Provide detail and depth for each question. Please number each area.
Relationships Today Refer to Text and Personal Experiences
1.There are many certifications or licenses one must have for various reasons. One must have a license to drive a vehicle. Should parents have to obtain a certificate or license to have children? Why or why not? Please give 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against the idea.
After this assignment, please consider what would be the requirements if one had to get a certificate or license to have children. What would be the requirement in order to get the certificate or license?
2.How would you define a” bad “parent? How would you define a “good” parent. Provide four concrete answers for each adjective.
3. What qualities do you look for in a mate? Choose three. Why are these areas important for you? What do you feel are your three best qualities? Share and describe how these qualities would help in a relationship.
4. What areas in a relationship are important to you? What are you willing to compromise on? What areas do you feel strongly about and would have difficulty making a compromise on? These are personal and accepted as a meaningful tool to learn about others feelings and thoughts about the subject. Refer to your text. Reminder…areas can be celebrations, values, traditions, food, beliefs, faith, child rearing,
and other examples shared throughout our text. Choose at least four areas important for you.
5. Refer to your text for supportive references. Has contemporary society or culture gone too far in accepting sex without romantic love? Do you agree? Disagree? Why or why not? Provide answers for both viewpoints.
6.Do you feel people expect too much emotional satisfaction from a cohabitation partner or spouse? Who is responsible for happiness? What should one expect from a partner? How should one prepare for a relationship? There are four parts to this answer.
7.Are benefits such as family leave or tax credits for childcare unfair to workers without children? Pros & Cons Refer to Chapter 14.
8.Would feelings between a couple change based on how they see housework, childcare, and other expectations as well as role changes throughout time? How might these feelings change? Good and bad. What could one do to prepare for these changes in a relationship?
Overall Evaluation: Should couples answer these prior to making a commitment? How early should or at what age should one consider some of these issues? What are your thoughts about these questions? These issues were all addressed in our text. Application and processing of information is critical to any course. It is an honor to learn from others based on experience, gender, age, culture and belief. One does not have to agree or disagree but to learn and understand the values, beliefs and feelings of others in order to gain more insight into personal reasons for how you believe. Take time to prepare your answers. I am looking for detail, depth and supporting material to
support your entries. Thank you

Provides with an opportunity to choose two of three different scenarios to write

Provides with an opportunity to choose two of three different scenarios to write about. Choose two of the following to write a 150 to 300-word paper – single-spaced, double-spaced between paragraphs, and put each one on a different paper. Be aware that no use of chat-gpt. No references are necessary.
Option A
Create a Corporate Story: You can tell a corporate story for your own company (family’s company!), OR one that you want to create in the future! You can use a corporate story for the company you work for as well. Make your story personal, interesting, and use your imagination on description. A great example is Burt’s Bees.
Corporate Story Telling
Option B
Layoff Memo: Your company has directed you to close your department and layoff 12 people. You are not even certain about your own future. You do not know if any of them will be called to return to work or even if your company will survive. Create a memo that you will personally deliver to each employee (no script necessary!): The memo should thank the employee for their good work over the last several years; makes it clear this is not about work performance; offer to provide a positive letter of recommendation; and, if the job returns in the future, you would be delighted to invite them to return.
Negative Messages
Option C
New Product Memo: You have been providing polo-shirts and t-shirts with sports teams imprints on them to 20 regional stores in southern California. You have just come out with a new product of face masks, t-shirts, and shorts with the imprint of the various major sports teams in baseball, football, basketball, hockey, and soccer and would like to introduce this to the 20 stores you serve via a Zoom meeting next week.
Persuasive Messages

Skill Hero Assignment Introduction In this assignment you’ll practice identifyin

Skill Hero Assignment
In this assignment you’ll practice identifying transferable skills by creating your own Superhero, Skill Hero. Similar to a Superhero, a Skill Hero holds a unique set of skills and strengths they use in a variety of settings, ultimately to perform a mission.
The clip from Spiderman, No Way Home gives us one way to think about transferable skills. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spidermen don’t know how to work together as three different Spidermen because they’ve always been solo superheroes on their own. But the Tom Holland Spiderman likens his collaboration with the Avengers to the task at hand, three different Spidermen coming together. Similar to Tom Holland’s pitch to the other two Spidermen, you’ll need to understand how your various experiences relate to a future career. Both for your own understanding and ability to identify relevant career paths and for future interview settings.
Review the attached templateActions
Refer to the previous assignments and circle, highlight or take note of common phrases, themes, and language
Identify strengths and skills reflected in your values ranking, interest areas, and community of care assignment. Support these with specific experiences, course projects, or accomplishments.
Finally start brainstorming a research question. Some questions to consider and possibly answer before creating a final research questionWhat are some emerging trends in the job market? How might this impact career paths?
How is AI affecting your industry of interest? What are the implications of the gig economy in an industry of interest?
What skills do I currently possess and do these differ from key skills and competencies needed to succeed in a field of interest?
What are some of the challenges and opportunities professionals are facing?
What role will lifelong learning play in your career path?
Completed template. If you’re having trouble with the PDF you can answer all the questions in a word doc.
Skill Here
Dig Deeper
Review the page below to learn more about how hiring recruiters are shifting to skill-based hiring. Use this resource to continue reflecting on your degree/ major from a competency-based approach.
Start With Skills | Roadtrip NationLinks to an external site.

First read the book, “The Violence Project; How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic

First read the book, “The Violence Project; How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic” by Jillian Peterson and James Densley.
Then, consider the following “idea clusters” around which the book is organized. Pick one of these clusters and use it as an organizing structure for your 750-800 word essay entitled: “Understanding Violence and Mass Shootings in the U.S.”
Make sure to cite at least one source.
Idea Cluster A.
As a psychologist, Jill was driven to understand the pathway that leads a person to the point of mass violence. What separates someone who kills four or forty people from someone who just kills one? What was their childhood and adolescence like? What was going on in their mind and what did they hope to accomplish? Are there fundamental psychological and behavioral differences between offenders who kill family members, partners, or friends first but then go on to kill victims at random, versus perpetrators who target people they have no personal connection to or motive against? What about perpetrators who target their schools or workplaces compared to those who kill at random in other public spaces?
Idea Cluster B.
As a sociologist, James thought it was important that we examine how society was affecting trends in mass violence. Was the rise in the number of mass shootings in recent years related to our current economic and political climate? What role did the internet and social media play? Just how allegiant were mass shooters to the ideologies they tapped into? When we focused our policy conversations solely on guns and mental health, were we missing the larger social factors at play that made mass shootings a problem unique to the United States?
Idea Cluster C.
There are basic demographic variables: age, education, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, military service, immigrant status, and any criminal, gang, or terrorist affiliation. And not so basic: whether they grew up with a single parent; whether any parent had died by suicide; if they’d gone through a recent breakup or employment trouble; whether they had told others about their plans to kill ahead of time (known as “ leakage ”). A significant proportion of the variables deal with mental health: whether the perpetrator had been hospitalized for mental illness or prescribed antipsychotics; whether there was any evidence of suicidal tendencies or substance abuse. There’s also a component on the firearms used: whether they were purchased legally, illegally, or stolen, and the method of purchase, such as private sale, gun show, or store.
Idea Cluster D.
The Violence Project focus is on “ the four Ds ”:
Disruptive behaviors: behaviors that interfere with the environment, such as unruly or abrasive behavior, a low tolerance for frustration, or being unusually argumentative;
Distressed behaviors: behaviors that cause concern for the person’s well – being, such as marked changes in performance, appearance, or behavior; unusual or exaggerated emotional responses; or signs of hopelessness, despair, or suicidality;
Dysregulated behaviors: behaviors that cause others to feel uncomfortable or scared, such as a withdrawn, isolated, or depressed mood; agitation; an inability to complete daily tasks; suspicious or paranoid thoughts; or writing or drawing with unusual or concerning themes; and
Dangerous behaviors: behaviors that threaten safety or well – being, such as harassment, stalking, intimidation, procuring weapons, threats of harm to self or others, or planning or rehearsing violence.
This is not a complete list of signs to look for, but it offers some initial guidance. In each area, concern would be related to a marked change — something noticeable that feels different — from a student’s usual behavior.
Idea Cluster E.
First, many mass shooters experience childhood abuse and exposure to violence at a young age, often at the hands of their parents. Parental suicide is common, as is physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence in the home, and severe bullying by classmates. This early exposure to violence and unaddressed trauma feeds the perpetrator’s rage and despair later in life. Mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and paranoia commonly develop during adolescence and are rarely identified or treated.
Second, nearly all mass shooters reach an identifiable crisis point in the days, weeks, or months before their violence — something that pushes them over the edge .
Third, homicidal and suicidal ideation is fraught with uncertainty. Prospective mass shooters, looking for guidance, turn to past mass shooters for models of behavior, and the more they identify with them, the more they are influenced by them. They also turn on the news and scroll their social media feeds to watch the same unending coverage of mass shootings as the rest of us. Mass shooters are angry and lonely, and many of them fixate on specific people or groups they can blame for their own miserable circumstances. School shooters blame their schools. Workplace shooters blame their bosses and coworkers. Others blame racial groups , religious groups, or women. Searching for validation for their hateful beliefs, mass shooters not only research other perpetrators of mass shootings but also spend time in online communities where they become more radicalized toward violence. An increase in ideologically motivated mass shootings has coincided with the emergence of a newly emboldened far right and “ involuntary celibates,” who’ve forged national and even international alliances of hate online.
Finally , mass shooters must have the opportunity to carry out the shootings — access to firearms and to the people and places that represent their grievances. Firearms, especially heavy – duty weapons, are readily accessible in the United States at levels much higher than almost any other country. Most perpetrators buy their guns legally. Others lie on their applications or background checks are never run on them. Young shooters take their guns from their family member, most often parents and grandparents who don’t have their weapons safely stored.