The goal of Method Activity 2 is to advance the skills developed in the first me

The goal of Method Activity 2 is to advance the skills developed in the first method activity by
incorporating more complex research analysis, deepening your engagement with the scientific
method, and synthesizing concepts from Chapters 6 and 7. By now, you should be more familiar
with the research process, particularly in terms of methodology and data collection. This
assignment requires you to critically reflect on your research, describe how it is evolving, and
articulate the direction your research is heading as it connects to your overall project.
This activity will also serve as a foundational step toward your Literature Review project. You
will demonstrate mastery in discussing the methods you are employing, reflect on data
collection, and consider how these contribute to answering your research questions. Pay special
attention to the terminologies and methodologies discussed in Chapters 6 and 7 and
synthesize them into your ongoing research process
Structure of Structure of Method Activity 2:
1. Introduction
○ Briefly introduce your research topic, including your research questions and
○ Provide an overview of where you are in your research process.
2. Data Collection and Methodology
○ Describe in detail your data collection methods. What tools are you using, and
○ Reflect on any challenges or adjustments made to your original data collection
○ Explain how your methods connect to either qualitative or quantitative
3. Scientific Method in Action
○ Outline how you are applying the scientific method to your research.
○ Discuss how you are formulating hypotheses, identifying variables (both
independent and dependent), and testing your research questions.
○ Evaluate the successes and challenges you have encountered in applying this
4. Synthesis of Chapters 6 & 7
○ Reflect on key concepts from Chapters 6 and 7 of the textbook.
○ Discuss how the reading informs your current research methods and data
collection process.
○ Integrate relevant terms and theories from these chapters into your analysis.
5. Reflection on Research Progress
○ Provide a critical reflection on where your research is heading. What have you
learned so far?
○ How are your findings shaping your understanding of your research questions?
○ Discuss how your research methods are contributing to the overall project and
future directions, including the upcoming Literature Review.
6. Conclusion
○ Summarize your progress, noting any significant adjustments made along the
○ Discuss the next steps in your research and how you will address any remaining
Expectations: William H. Hannon Library Search: Students should use ProQuest and other
academic databases from the William H. Hannon Library to find peer-reviewed journal
articles and primary sources relevant to their research. They should identify the
databases they use and explain why these resources are important for their research
Primary Data and Research Significance: Identify the primary data being collected
and discuss how this data is central to the research. Explain how this data serves the
overall study and its potential contribution to the field.
● Variables and Depth of Analysis: Analyze the variables (independent and dependent)
at play in their research and how these are measured. Take the paper further by (cont’d)

This log should be based on concepts from chapter 4. Submit an Application Log o

This log should be based on concepts from chapter 4.
Submit an Application Log of at least 250 words in which you articulate applications of concepts, covered in Chapter 4, that you have either (1) personally experienced in a place of current or past employment, or (2) potentially could experience in your chosen career field after graduation. To receive credit, your weekly Application Log must:
refer to specific terms and concepts from Chapter 4
include multiple citations (with page number) of the reading
be at least 250 words

Expanding an Executive Communication Report Proposal into a Formal Report Backgr

Expanding an Executive Communication Report Proposal into a Formal Report
Background: In today’s fast-paced business world, effective communication is essential for organizational success. Executives often rely on concise communication reports to make informed decisions. This assignment builds on the skills you developed in creating a 2-page executive communication report proposal. Now, you will take that proposal and expand it into a full formal report, providing in-depth analysis, comprehensive information, and actionable recommendations.
Assignment Task: You are required to expand the executive communication report proposal you previously created into a formal report. The formal report should be single-spaced and 8-10 pages in length (excluding the cover page, table of contents, and a minimum of 5 references), including at least one visual aid, and adhere to the structure and guidelines of a standard business report (keep in mind, this will be in APA style, unlike a true business report shown in the text). This assignment will test your ability to gather and synthesize information, analyze data, draw meaningful conclusions, and present your findings in a well-structured and cohesive manner.
Report Structure: Your formal report should utilize the following sections where applicable:
Purpose (or problem statement)
Research (or methods)
Recommendation (or solution)
Overview of alternative options
Methods of operation
References (APA)
Your formal report will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Clarity of writing and organization
Depth of analysis and critical thinking
Quality of research and use of sources
Appropriateness of recommendations
Proper formatting and adherence to report structure
Essential Activities:
Reading Module 6 will assist you in writing your paper.
This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
week5 Paper marks and comments
This is an excellent start to the long report! You provide ample research on the topic. While the subject is relevant you could narrow the focus further. In other words, discussing a specific industry or company would make research easier and recommendations more explicit.
The visuals support your ideas well and are relevant for this paper. For week 6 be sure to explain them in further depth. In other words, what does the visual show regarding case studies?
This paper is well written with references listed. I look forward to reading the week 6 paper!

Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:
Content: Exhibits a complete mastery of ideas. __25__30 points
Organization & Format: Demonstrates logic and flow. __19____19 points
Style: Employs a professional tone and is clear and concise. __19___19 points
Writing: Constructs an assignment free of grammatical & spelling errors. _7____7 points

Read the lecture then answer the Discussion post question as instructed. How to

Read the lecture then answer the Discussion post question as instructed.
How to do debates:
Each debate is available for you to actually link to the Debate Page prior to it even starting. Plan on participating multiple times throughout the period they’re open. If you wait until the “day of” to do all your replies, I’ll see that and grade accordingly as you did it “last minute”. It’s not because I need you to post early. The later you post, the more difficult you make it for your classmates to actively participate. It’s not about you, Karen!
For each Debate, I’ll propose a thought-provoker, which you should then insightfully respond to, based on the terms, content, material in class so far. The key here is to be explicit (cite it!) in what material (& who authored the ideas) you refer to, so we know how your argument is supported.
You should respond to debates directly in the text boxes provided by BB (not by attaching documents with your response). Use APA style to reference your materials using an in-text citation method. Remember, in-text cite ALL materials from which you get your ideas, but page numbers are only necessary for direct quotes. You’ve already seen in your lectures that I provide sources for everything we talk about/read, so you’ll always be able to reference who the material actually comes from [that means that unless it’s something about me specifically, you’re never citing ME or a lecture (which is an inanimate object & so can’t author anything), bc I’ve provided actual sources for everything IN the lecture – it’d be plagiarism for me to not cite me sources, either, right?].
Here’s an example statement you might make as part of a post:
This relates to the idea of morals versus values (Johnson, 2008). For example, deception of principles (Peters et al., 1999) is shown in cases of cheating on exams versus writing assignments or “learning to use sources appropriately” (Eckstein et al., 2010, p. 17).

If you cite in-text the material from something covered in the course, there’s no need to provide a References “page” at the end – you only need to do that for sources you incorporate that aren’t provided to others in the course – which I do not expect you to use in these debates!

Further, the goal is NOT to provide your opinion (unless explicitly asked to do so, like in D1’s initial post only). Also, debates should not just reply to someone. [For ex, saying “good point” to someone’s post is a waste of space – your responses to others should always move the debate/talk forward]. The goal is to show you can engage in a critical (that means considering all sides & talking about them/analyzing them, even if you don’t agree with what you’re bringing up) argumentative discussion BASED ON the material we’re reviewing at the time. The goal is APPLICATION & to write in your OWN WORDS – the style & language you’d use if debating/arguing with friends.

Putting all of that together, then, each post only counts toward your total if it does 3 things (so do these 3 things in every post you make or it’s wasted time!).
1. Incorporates material correctly – using APA in-text citation method, which is ONLY LastName, year for anything paraphrased. See above example. Dumbed down version: If you make a post that has no material/sources cited in it, I don’t even read it; it doesn’t count.
2. Moves the convo forward – ask rhetorical questions of the class, play devil’s advocate, challenge even yourself on how you might be wrong or interpret things from another perspective than the one you just put forward, etc. Dumbed down: If you just post your opinion and forget to also pose a thought-provoker/challenge/argument, then it gets graded down.
3. Is posted early/on time. That means you need to start discussing (i.e., your first/initial debate post) by Wednesday each week. If you don’t do this, it’s like being absent for an in-person class. That means it’s a good idea to “come to class” to do/read your materials on Monday, post by Wed, and then continue posting until the debate closes at the end of the week. Dumbed down: Show up & follow instructions on the schedule!

Finally, remember that doing the bare minimum in anything is standard/average/expected work. Imagine a job. If you did only the bare minimum expected of you in a job, you might not get fired, but you’d never get promoted/rewarded. Same here. The minimum thoughtful responses to others’ posts is 1 initial post + 3 replies — for each weekly discussion, so you’ll want to go WAY above that amount to really get a grade higher than a C in any one discussion. The replies don’t need to be lengthy at all. Each one just needs to do the 3 things mentioned above.
I’ve got some more “helpful hints” for doing these debates – see your Resources folder.

Expanding an Executive Communication Report Proposal into a Formal Report Backgr

Expanding an Executive Communication Report Proposal into a Formal Report
Background: In today’s fast-paced business world, effective communication is essential for organizational success. Executives often rely on concise communication reports to make informed decisions. This assignment builds on the skills you developed in creating a 2-page executive communication report proposal. Now, you will take that proposal and expand it into a full formal report, providing in-depth analysis, comprehensive information, and actionable recommendations.
Assignment Task: You are required to expand the executive communication report proposal you previously created into a formal report. The formal report should be single-spaced and 8-10 pages in length (excluding the cover page, table of contents, and a minimum of 5 references), including at least one visual aid, and adhere to the structure and guidelines of a standard business report (keep in mind, this will be in APA style, unlike a true business report shown in the text). This assignment will test your ability to gather and synthesize information, analyze data, draw meaningful conclusions, and present your findings in a well-structured and cohesive manner.
Report Structure: Your formal report should utilize the following sections where applicable:
Purpose (or problem statement)
Research (or methods)
Recommendation (or solution)
Overview of alternative options
Methods of operation
References (APA)
Your formal report will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Clarity of writing and organization
Depth of analysis and critical thinking
Quality of research and use of sources
Appropriateness of recommendations
Proper formatting and adherence to report structure
Essential Activities:
Reading Module 6 will assist you in writing your paper.
This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
week5 Paper marks and comments
This is an excellent start to the long report! You provide ample research on the topic. While the subject is relevant you could narrow the focus further. In other words, discussing a specific industry or company would make research easier and recommendations more explicit.
The visuals support your ideas well and are relevant for this paper. For week 6 be sure to explain them in further depth. In other words, what does the visual show regarding case studies?
This paper is well written with references listed. I look forward to reading the week 6 paper!

Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:
Content: Exhibits a complete mastery of ideas. __25__30 points
Organization & Format: Demonstrates logic and flow. __19____19 points
Style: Employs a professional tone and is clear and concise. __19___19 points
Writing: Constructs an assignment free of grammatical & spelling errors. _7____7 points

Read the lecture then answer the Discussion post question as instructed. How to

Read the lecture then answer the Discussion post question as instructed.
How to do debates:
Each debate is available for you to actually link to the Debate Page prior to it even starting. Plan on participating multiple times throughout the period they’re open. If you wait until the “day of” to do all your replies, I’ll see that and grade accordingly as you did it “last minute”. It’s not because I need you to post early. The later you post, the more difficult you make it for your classmates to actively participate. It’s not about you, Karen!
For each Debate, I’ll propose a thought-provoker, which you should then insightfully respond to, based on the terms, content, material in class so far. The key here is to be explicit (cite it!) in what material (& who authored the ideas) you refer to, so we know how your argument is supported.
You should respond to debates directly in the text boxes provided by BB (not by attaching documents with your response). Use APA style to reference your materials using an in-text citation method. Remember, in-text cite ALL materials from which you get your ideas, but page numbers are only necessary for direct quotes. You’ve already seen in your lectures that I provide sources for everything we talk about/read, so you’ll always be able to reference who the material actually comes from [that means that unless it’s something about me specifically, you’re never citing ME or a lecture (which is an inanimate object & so can’t author anything), bc I’ve provided actual sources for everything IN the lecture – it’d be plagiarism for me to not cite me sources, either, right?].
Here’s an example statement you might make as part of a post:
This relates to the idea of morals versus values (Johnson, 2008). For example, deception of principles (Peters et al., 1999) is shown in cases of cheating on exams versus writing assignments or “learning to use sources appropriately” (Eckstein et al., 2010, p. 17).

If you cite in-text the material from something covered in the course, there’s no need to provide a References “page” at the end – you only need to do that for sources you incorporate that aren’t provided to others in the course – which I do not expect you to use in these debates!

Further, the goal is NOT to provide your opinion (unless explicitly asked to do so, like in D1’s initial post only). Also, debates should not just reply to someone. [For ex, saying “good point” to someone’s post is a waste of space – your responses to others should always move the debate/talk forward]. The goal is to show you can engage in a critical (that means considering all sides & talking about them/analyzing them, even if you don’t agree with what you’re bringing up) argumentative discussion BASED ON the material we’re reviewing at the time. The goal is APPLICATION & to write in your OWN WORDS – the style & language you’d use if debating/arguing with friends.

Putting all of that together, then, each post only counts toward your total if it does 3 things (so do these 3 things in every post you make or it’s wasted time!).
1. Incorporates material correctly – using APA in-text citation method, which is ONLY LastName, year for anything paraphrased. See above example. Dumbed down version: If you make a post that has no material/sources cited in it, I don’t even read it; it doesn’t count.
2. Moves the convo forward – ask rhetorical questions of the class, play devil’s advocate, challenge even yourself on how you might be wrong or interpret things from another perspective than the one you just put forward, etc. Dumbed down: If you just post your opinion and forget to also pose a thought-provoker/challenge/argument, then it gets graded down.
3. Is posted early/on time. That means you need to start discussing (i.e., your first/initial debate post) by Wednesday each week. If you don’t do this, it’s like being absent for an in-person class. That means it’s a good idea to “come to class” to do/read your materials on Monday, post by Wed, and then continue posting until the debate closes at the end of the week. Dumbed down: Show up & follow instructions on the schedule!

Finally, remember that doing the bare minimum in anything is standard/average/expected work. Imagine a job. If you did only the bare minimum expected of you in a job, you might not get fired, but you’d never get promoted/rewarded. Same here. The minimum thoughtful responses to others’ posts is 1 initial post + 3 replies — for each weekly discussion, so you’ll want to go WAY above that amount to really get a grade higher than a C in any one discussion. The replies don’t need to be lengthy at all. Each one just needs to do the 3 things mentioned above.
I’ve got some more “helpful hints” for doing these debates – see your Resources folder.

Please no AI CHATBOT/ GRAMMARLY Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson,

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Articulate why the audience is at the center of all public communication.
Define attitudes, values, and beliefs, and provide examples.
Make some generalizations about your classroom audience.
See attached file. I already answered some of the questions. Please help me answer the rest.

Case Analysis of at least 750 words (total for all questions, but not including

Case Analysis of at least 750 words (total for all questions, but not including the word-count of the questions you are answering). Your answer to each question must be supported by at least two page citations from Handout 2. Use APA styleLinks to an external site. for text citations and references. See the syllabus and grading rubric for full instructions.
must only use handout 2 questions (screenshotted the questions to make it easier) on handout I downloaded the reference to put on paper for handout. and how to cite.