Class: Adv Communication in Business. Body language is a form of nonverbal commu

Class: Adv Communication in Business.
Body language is a form of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by physical behaviors, such as facial expressions, posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. It is important to understand the meaning and impact of body language. For this assignment, you will listen to a TED talk given by Amy Cuddy. Ms. Cuddy is a social psychologist and faculty member at Harvard Business School. In this talk, Ms. Cuddy discusses how body language affects the way we see others, and how it also can change how we see ourselves.
View the TED talk: to an external site.
Prepare a one-page outline of the TED talk, using one of the two sample outlines in Chapter 12 as a guide.

Module 5: Compare and Contrast Essay – Organizational Change Models Overview Ch

Module 5: Compare and Contrast Essay – Organizational Change Models
Change is the only constant reality of life and is observed not just in our personal life but also professionally. But do all of us know how to deal with change? No. Managing change and learning to adapt to it takes time, energy, efforts and training and this is the reason why several learned individuals around the globe have come up with properly structured and defined models to manage change. The focus of a change model is on people-how to change people, not things, programs, etc. An individual model for change is necessary for organizational change management to be effective. Therefore, in times of transformation, experts believe that leaders develop a change story that helps all stakeholders understand where the company is headed, why it is changing, and why the change is important. The illustration of the influence model reflects what researchers believe to be the psychology of change management and why effective communication with stakeholders is crucial in the change process.
Before you begin, ensure you have read chapter 16.
Select an approach that you would like to examine: Organization-Wide Approach, Bottom-Up Approach, or Employee Focused Approach.
Then, compare and contrast the two change models that adhere to your selected approach. For more information on the different approaches and their change models, see the table below.
Organization-Wide Approach Bottom-Up Approach Employee-Focused Approach
McKinsey 7-S Model
ADKAR Model Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model
Lewin’s Change Management Model Deming Cycle (PDCA) Bridges’ Transition Model
Take time to research your Models to organize your compare and contrast essay. You can also use a company or organization you are familiar with as a reference example in your essay.
In addition to utilizing chapter 16 of the eText, you will need to do a search on the 2 Models you will write about, as this will give you more detail on each model. To get your research started, there are links below to some research on each model to help guide your writing.
All essays should include a cover/title page and reference page and APA format.
The essay should be 2-3 pages not including the title and references pages.
Further research links
Mckinsey 7-S Model-
Lewin’s Change Management Model-
ADKAR Model-
Deming Cycle (PDCA)-
Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model-
Bridges’ Transition Model-

Overview This course includes a final case study that offers a broad view of mul

Overview This course includes a final case study that offers a broad view of multiple elements covered in the course, including critique, analysis, synthesis, and examination of the organization the student has selected with assistance from the instructor. The final project reveals the student’s overall assessment of the case study and is more detailed in connecting to course concepts covered in readings.Please use the template given for APA when completing this assignment:APA TemplateThe Case Study is a Four-step Process and the review of each process will begin in Module 1 through Module 4, with submission happening in Module 5. They include:Problem StatementProblem AnalysisPossible Solutions, Criteria, and Selection of Solution Proofreading and SubmissionYou may choose one case study from the following list. Please inform your instructor of the case study you have selected by the end of Module 1:Flint Michigan Water CrisisStep 2Define the central issue. Many cases will involve several issues or problems. Identify the most important problems and separate them from the more trivial issues. After identifying what appears to be a major underlying issue, examine related problems in the functional areas (for example, marketing, finance, personnel, and so on). Functional area problems may help you identify deep-rooted problems that are the responsibility of top management.Step 3In this section, you will discuss the possible solution and the thought processes that lead up to it. It guides the reader through the information to the solution that was implemented. This section can be your opinions and speculations. This section can be subjective, but if research from other sources is used, it must be cited. Then, after you have offered a possible solution and your thought process behind it, you will provide some relevant criteria/specifics toward a solution. Some criteria might be Cost to the Organization, Riskiness, Merit, Flexibility, etc.Step 4In step 4, you should conduct a final review and edit your Case Study Analysis before submitting it to the Module 5 Submission Folder. The Case Study Analysis should be 5-6 pages in length and should have all sources cited in the proper format.Attached is Template for case study.

Here is the video link for my peer’s information speech which on which this assi

Here is the video link for my peer’s information speech which on which this assignment is based on please reach out if you have any questions. I have also attached the informational speech rubric the way my professor wants.

Hello I have attached the material and the assignment. As you can see it is self

Hello I have attached the material and the assignment. As you can see it is self evaluation assignment I am not sure if you can do the assignment if I send you the written document that I Gave my speech from. It is just that I have to self evaluate my self based on the informational speech that I have not sure you can just write something based on my speech I will send you a written copy of speech and the rubric that my professor want us to self evaluate based on that rubric

1. Identify what you consider the main claim made by the text – and point to app

1. Identify what you consider the main claim made by the text – and point to appropriate quotes / sections / examples to explain how this claim is being made.
2. Explain how you think this claim matters – e.g. is it proving or disproving a popular belief about AI & algorithms? Would this claim affect debates around policymaking and regulation? Does it help you think about these technologies differently?
3. Forecast how we might research this claim – if we wanted to learn more about this problem, what could we look at and how?
Use the article i have attached, read and write about ONLY chapter 2 “Labor” (page 53)

In a social experiment in the late 1960s, sociologist Harold Garfinkel asked stu

In a social experiment in the late 1960s, sociologist Harold Garfinkel asked students to describe their own household as if they were a guest there. Students were asked to spend from 15 minutes to an hour in their own household assuming they were boarders (but not to act as if they were boarders). They were to describe what they saw as if they knew nothing of the people involved. They were only to describe what they observed, as objectively as possible, and not make any assumptions about the motives of those involved or the propriety of people’s behavior.
Pretend you are a guest in your home, that you do not know your family or friends.
Then write a detailed descriiption of a meal with them. Describe what happened as carefully as you can, assuming you don’t know the people and without making any assumptions about their motives.
Family members (“me”, “father”, “mother”, “brother”)

Create a Quick Start Guide that can be as little as a 1-page paper, usually, tha

Create a Quick Start Guide that can be as little as a 1-page paper, usually, that will explain to a reader how to order Chipotle off of the Website. Instructions were created already, I ask you to make a Quick Reference Guide (QRC) for those instructions that include visuals, while adhering to QRC guidelines. We want to ensure it looks as close as possible to QRC. Enclosed with this assignment is the files needed.

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman te

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman texts, with emphasis on the “Deflategate’ scandal in Liberman et al Chapter 9, as well as viewing this video: Deflategate: A timeline of controversy around Tom Brady, Patriots – Sports IllustratedLinks to an external site.
In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each) describe:
1 — How you think the organization was effective or not, and why.
2 — How did the organization’s past reputation influence the public’s perception of the situation, and how it was punished by the league.
3 — How did the personalities of the team’s star, coach and owner impact news and social media coverage of the crisis.