For the initial post, share with the class a time when you had to address (or we

For the initial post, share with the class a time when you had to address (or were involved with) conflict in a work setting. Then, address the following, using the provided headings to format your post:
Conflict Setting
Describe the setting, the people involved, the emotions experienced, and the outcome.
Provide insight into how the situation could have been handled better by referencing the textbook and an outside source.
Place your two APA citations in this section.

Step 1: Download & Review the Assignment Introduction. Step 2: Download the Cupc

Step 1: Download & Review the Assignment Introduction.
Step 2: Download the Cupcake Worksheet and save it to your computer.
Step 3: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the assignment.
Step 4: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR300_ A1
Step 5: Submit your assignment using the Week 4 assignment link in Blackboard.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Step 1: Download & Review the Formative Activity 1 instructions document. Step 2

Step 1: Download & Review the Formative Activity 1 instructions document.
Step 2: Download the Formative Activity 1 paper template document and save it to your computer.
Step 3: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the assignment.
Step 4: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR300_ FA1
Step 5: Submit your assignment using the Week 3 assignment link in Blackboard.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

MLA style Format 3 pages I will upload links to 3 video and you can choose whic

MLA style Format 3 pages
I will upload links to 3 video and you can choose which one you would like to write the rhetorical essay
i will also attach instructions and sample essays that the teacher provided.
1) steve cutts: A briefe disagreement.
2) steve cutts: happiness

3) squatty potty commercial

Pick and watch a Title/Intro from the website (

Pick and watch a Title/Intro from the website (
What I’d like you to do, in particular, is watch the title and discuss it for a half to a full-page typed covering the below
1 . How is the type displayed (is it static and faded in/out? Or does it move across the screen? Does it do all these things? etc).
2. Use the categories of “Calligram” and “Rebus” to describe the text when appropriate so PLEASE READ THESE before you write your Assignment).
3. How does the Title/Intro communicate the story or plot of the film (is it fairly direct? Abstract? Does it start before the film, or is it part of the film right away? etc).
4. Does the Title/Intro tell the story of the film well (or do you think it hampers it, or is so “out there”, that it misses its chance to help out the film)?
5. Also, any other thoughts you find of interest to fill out the discussion.

Please write a peer post Why is the concept of praxis important for psychiatri

Please write a peer post
Why is the concept of praxis important for psychiatric nursing students?
I believe that the concept of praxis is important for psychiatric nursing students for multiple reasons. Firstly, praxis is defined as “the process of acting and reflecting on the world in order to bring about transformation” (McEldowney, 2007, p. 20). As nursing students, reflection is part of our everyday practice, whether for assignments during clinical placements or for our self-improvement. I believe that it is important for psychiatric nursing students to be able to reflect on their own practice in terms of decision-making and clinical judgment to enhance their own learning while also learning to become competent in their actions. According to the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), the regulatory body of nurses in British Columbia, self-reflection is a part of the quality assurance in which every nurse must meet yearly (2023). Without reflecting on our choices, we are unaware of what other options we could have chosen, for better or for worse. Although many scenarios have multiple right answers or options, the reasons that we choose one intervention over another may have serious implications for our own practice and the health of our patients. Being able to reflect on this, and provide rationale may promote change for the better, and promote better outcomes for our patients.
Should nurse educators teach for change?
I believe that it is extremely important that nurse educators teach for change to ensure that patient care is exceeding expectations and that the healthcare system improves for more clients. One way that I believe this is currently done is through the expanded education given surrounding Indigenous Peoples. In my previous nursing program, this topic was briefly touched on, however, did not provide in-depth information into the discrimination that Indigenous Peoples have faced in the healthcare system. In today’s practice, this topic is one of the leading points to educate nurses (and the public) on how important person-centered, trauma-informed care is. This type of teaching for change ensures that nurses are able to empathetically care for their clients while ensuring that they have up-to-date, evidence-informed knowledge to guide their practice.

Assignment 1 Meso-Level: Advocacy and Policy Change Following the email sent to

Assignment 1 Meso-Level: Advocacy and Policy Change
Following the email sent to your supervising colleague during week 3’s discussion forum, you have not found the level of intervention or change required to adequately address your identified problem. You will be required to escalate your advocacy to a higher level of authority to lead in long-lasting, effective change. You will be writing a professional letter to a real person in a position of power to provide allyship or with the power to grant the change required (i.e., Director/ CEO of a Health Authority, an identified person in the Ministry of Health, your local MLA, etc… be creative!).
In this letter, you shall:
Provide a formal greeting, including the address and information of a real person working currently in this department, organization, or institute.
Reiterate your detailed problem in the body of your letter. This time, be sure to include evidence to support your rationale as to why this concern is a problem in which requires immediate action.
Provide an overview of steps taken so far to address this problem, and your experiences of approaching this at your current place of work.
Provide evidence-informed solutions (what does a better situation look like?), be sure to address any potential barriers. Be sure to integrate which current policies are being addressed within this plea.
Close your letter professionally with what reasonable time lines may be for next steps.
See the following for APA formatting of Professional Letters: Tips and Hints for APA Letter Writing

(I will upload my outline for this assignment and the reading 1 Goffman and read

(I will upload my outline for this assignment and the reading 1 Goffman and reading 2 Hall.)
In your Reflection #1, you will be asked to describe a real-life event/topic/issue that you are interested in and will be asked to analyze it through TWO readings from the course list. In analysis, make sure you include TWO keywords from the study guide for each reading.
In your reflection, please include the following:
1) A descriiption of your topic/issue/event you are about to analyze: Give a general introduction or summary of the subject and discuss what you have found particularly interesting about this topic. This should work as an effective opening to your analysis forward and provide enough background information to the reader.
2) Analysis of your topic in (1) through Reading #1: This should include your thorough analysis of the reading and critical evaluation of the reading on the topic using TWO or more keywords from the study guide.
3) Analysis of your topic in (1) through Reading #2 : This should include your thorough analysis of the reading and critical evaluation of the reading on the topic using TWO or more keywords from the study guide.
4) Your evaluation of the topic and the readings based on how the readings confirm/complicate/add a new perspective to the understanding of the topic, and vice versa.

Writing Instructions:
Format: 12-pts Times New Roman, 1-inch margin, double-spaced.
Length: approx 750- 1,000 words. Please limit your response to no more than five pages.