The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity;
To read the book I Hear You by Michael S. Sorenson in the area of mediation and conflict resolution.
To increase your knowledge of mediation and conflict resolution in a specific area.
Your reading should result in not more than two to three pages, single spaced, overview of the book you choose. Please submit is as a Word document.
Please answer the following questions.
1. Identify key learnings, what you believe is most helpful, from your reading.
2. Explain how you might use what you learned in your personal and professional life.
3. Other observations or comments?
4. Would you recommend this book to others? YES I WOULD, WHY? Explain why you would recommend the book to others.
Your submission should be in Word format and uploaded as a file.
BOOK TO REVIEW: I Hear You by Michael S. Sorenson
Category: Communication
You will be observing an hour-long court case and writing an observation essay o
You will be observing an hour-long court case and writing an observation essay on it. I will attach the rest of the directions and links.
this is the link to the court case:
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Speech AND Outline Grading Rubric (Primary Evaluation)
This is the rubric for grading the speeches and the outline in COMM 101. It is designed in a manner
to ONLY have you interact with the Rubric when something is missed. This should speed/simplify
your time and feedback to students. See below – but of course – you are still free to enter
“comments” once you hit a button. This allows you to still enter “positive” feedback per item or
toward the end of the rubric in the “Feedback to Learner” section. _____Make sure you start by
entering in the Full 150 Points on the first rubric item. _____The rest of the rubric will be used to
“deduct” points where appropriate. Or, you can select, “-0” to open the comments for that item.
_____ Penalty Items must be entered “manually a.k.a via overide”.
Levels of
Criteria Points
Start by Assigning the Total Points of 150 150 to
Introduction Elements____________________________ 0 to 0
— Open with Impact (Properly use Story or List). -5 to 0
— State 1 Sentence Thesis (Topic and Purpose) -5 to 0
— State Reason to Listen (Address both Polemic Audiences) -5 to 0
— State Ethos (Personal and Borrowed) -5 to 0
— Preview (State Main Point Labels and Use Signposting Gestures) -5 to 0
0 to 0
Main Point I (Label Length and Organization) -5 to 0
Rubric Detail
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Levels of
Criteria Points
— MP I (Oral Citation of First CWI Library Source) -5 to 0
— MP I (Visual Aid 1) Entre/Adios in Timely Manner. Must NOT be textbased.
-5 to 0
(First Full Oral Transition) use Signposting Gestures and Speaker’s
Triangle Movement
-5 to 0
Main Point II (Label Length and Organization) -5 to 0
— MP II (Oral Citation of Second CWI Library Source) -5 to 0
— MP II (Visual Aid 2) Entre/Adios in Timely Manner. Must NOT be textbased.
-5 to 0
(Second Full Oral Transition) use Signposting Gestures and Speaker’s
Triangle Movement
-5 to 0
Main Point III (Lable Length and Organization) -5 to 0
— MP III (Oral Citation of Third CWI Library Source) -5 to 0
— MP III (Visual Aid 3) Entre/Adios in Timely Manner. Must NOT be textbased.
-5 to 0
0 to 0
— Summary (Restate Main Labels and Use Signposting Gestures) -5 to 0
— Close with Impact (Properly use Story or List) -5 to 0
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Levels of
Criteria Points
— Call-to-Action. _____ “Persuasive Speeches” MUST have a Reasonable
and Specific Call-to-Action. _____ “Informative Speeches” MUST NOT
have any kind of Call-to-Action.
-5 to 0
— Memorable Line (Properly Use Quotation or Rhyme). -5 to 0
0 to 0
Voice – Conversational Vocal Style -5 to 0
Eyes – Shared and Sincere Eye Contact -5 to 0
Posture – Standing Delivery. _____Posture under control (NOT swaying,
pacing, etc.)
-5 to 0
Speech Penalty Warning 1:
Oculesics/Reading. _____DO NOT READ. _____ This is Public “Speaking”
NOT Public “Reading”. _____If too much of the speech is read, up to 20
Points deducted. _____ This penalty must be manually entered (via
overide) by instructor.
0 to 0
Speech Penalty Warning 2: Chronemics/Time (5:00 – 7:00 minute
timeframe). Thus, -10 for more than :30 seconds under time. _____
Maximum Time is 7:30. Any content after 7:30 will not be watched or
graded. _____ This penalty must be manually entered (via overide) by
0 to 0
Speech Penalty Warning 3: Unviewable Video Link. Students are required
to submit a working link to their hosted video (YouTube, etc.) at the top of
their Final Speech Outline. That link must be present, functioning, and
lead to a viewable video. _____Unviewable Video Link: When speech is
submitted online, the speech links MUST be viewable. ____ For example,
link set to private, video with no audio, no video, etc. _____Students must
provide a “link’ to an externally hosted video (YouTube, Vimeo, MS
Stream, etc.). The videos MUST NOT be directly loaded to Blackboard.
____If this portion of the assignment is not met, you may earn a zero
grade. See course policies and/or contact instructor. _____This penalty
must be manually entered (via overide) by instructor.
0 to 0
Speech Penalty Warning 4: Technology-Recording Quality. ______If
speech has poor sound, poor lighting, poor framing, etc. that make it
0 to 0
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Levels of
Criteria Points
either difficult or impossible to watch/hear/grade the speech then the
speech can receive up to a full-point (-100 points) deduction. _____The
amount of penalty is 100% up to instructor’s discretion. ____Therefore,
per course instruction and Speech Prep week, make sure your speech is
of high quality. ____ This penalty must be manually entered (via overide)
by instructor.
Outline Grading
0 to 0
First Level Format/Content (Intro-Body-Conclusion) Centered and Bolded -5 to 0
Introduction Outline
0 to 0
—OWI, Thesis, RTL, Ethos, Preview – Labels Present, Bolded, and to Left
-5 to 0
—Extemporaneous Introduction Support – Formatted unbolded and with
Hanging Indent. ____ (Like OWI “reminder narrative” – “polemic
audiences” – “personal and borrowed ethos” – etc.
-5 to 0
Body Outline
0 to 0
—Main Point Labels – Short Labels, Bolded, to Left Margin, Use (I, II, II)
Roman Numerals
-5 to 0
—Subpoint Labels – Unbolded, Indented, Use uppercase letters (A, B or A,
B, C)
-5 to 0
—3 Oral Citation Reminders of CWI Library Resources – Minimum of 1 for
each Main Point, Highlighted in Blue. _____And each CWI Citation MUST
have working hyperlink to that Library Resource.
-15 to 0
—Visual Aid Reminders – Minimum of 1 for each Main Point, Highlighted
in Yellow
-5 to 0
(Transition Reminders) – in parentheses, Bolded, to Left Margin -5 to 0
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Levels of
Criteria Points
Conclusion Outline
0 to 0
—Summary, CWI, Call-to-Action (ONLY for Persuade), Mem. Line. _____
Labels Present, Bolded, and to Left Margin
-5 to 0
—Extemporaneous Conclusion Support – Formatted unbolded and with
Hanging Indent. ____ (Like “summary – main point labels”, “reminder
-5 to 0
Outline Penalty Warning 1: Oultine NOT Esssay. _____If the outline is
submitted in “essay” rather than “outline” format, 35 points will be
deducted from the Outline. ____One of the key objectives of the class is
to make sure that students know how to use an extemporaneous (limited
notes) outline. _____ This penalty must be manually entered (via overide)
by instructor.
0 to 0
Outline Penalty Warning 2: Unviewable Outline. _____When outline is
submitted online, the outline links MUST be viewable. ____ For example,
do not share links set to “view only”, in wrong filetype, etc.
_____Students must provide a working “link” to an externally hosted
document via (One Drive.). _____The documents MUST NOT be directly
“attached” or “loaded” to Blackboard. ____. If this portion of the
assignment is not met, you may earn a zero grade. See course policies
and/or contact instructor. _____ This penalty must be manually entered
(via overide) by instructor.
0 to 0
Write 400+ words in a word processing application reflecting on the following prompts:
Share 2 reasons that you are satisfied or even proud of your speech work revealed in your self-evaluation.
Share a specific plan on how you will improve in at least 2 areas of public speaking in future speeches.
Visually Signpost your journal by using APA Headings and Paragraphing to show which questions you are answering. Also, use indentation, Double-Spacing, and meet collegiate writing expectations.
“words of death” and do some research on it. Identify 2-3 blogs or articles tha
“words of death” and do some research on it. Identify 2-3 blogs or articles that discuss that topic from a Christian standpoint and summarize the main points. In addition, do some research in the Bible and find what scriipture says about your topic. In reading through this material, try to identify overarching themes and suggestions. Is all the information consistent? If not, how do we deal with the contradictions? Synthesize all this information into a 2-3 page paper that both summarizes what the Bible and the research says about the topic, and provides suggestions for how Christians should navigate that area in their own lives.
Close Relationships, the five “outcomes of conflict’ are discussed: separation,
Close Relationships, the five “outcomes of conflict’ are discussed: separation, domination, compromise, integrative agreement, and structural improvement. From your observation, which of these outcomes have you witnessed most frequently? Do you think one or more of these outcomes of conflict are preferable over the others?
Explain your reasons.
S.E.E.K. is an entirely student run service for Binghamton University students t
S.E.E.K. is an entirely student run service for Binghamton University students to talk through any issue they may be facing. This service is a free, SA chartered, private resource. Our call-handlers are here to listen to any problems students might be dealing with and undergo a rigorous training by the University Counseling Center where they learn a variety of topics and skills. The phone line is open every night from 8-11pm. The only time the line is closed is when residence halls are also closed (i.e., summer break, winter break, etc.).
Our phone line is not a crisis hotline, meaning that the only situations we are not equipped to handle are individuals who are actively suicidal (have intent and a plan). In these cases, call-handlers would transfer that student in need to the proper resources that could help them (see our Privacy Notice under the ‘Resources’ tab). All of our call-handlers are extensively trained in on and off campus resources and are here to support you in the best way we can.
< apply for this internship
Just want to update the descriptions of my resume
I have included 3 attachments with this order. This essay needed for this order
I have included 3 attachments with this order. This essay needed for this order is called Exit Essay, which there is information about what is needed in an exit essay. My degree is in communication, so I am required to have 5 learning outcomes explained in a paper of how I learned these outcomes, and how I will apply them after graduation. These learning outcomes have been written and completed which I attached as a guide for what to write in the exit essay. I also attached two different rubrics that detail what is needed and what the professor is looking for in the exit essay.
To provide more information for the exit essay, I also want to mention that my minor is also in arts management. With that, I plan on working for nonprofits and also working in social media and marketing, so adding these details would be good for my exit essay. Add in skills and things that would be needed for nonprofits, social media and marketing and how I got these skills from my previous courses and skills mentioned in my five learning outcomes as attached.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need more information in how to write the exit essay. Thanks
Close Relationships, the five “outcomes of conflict’ are discussed: separation,
Close Relationships, the five “outcomes of conflict’ are discussed: separation, domination, compromise, integrative agreement, and structural improvement. From your observation, which of these outcomes have you witnessed most frequently? Do you think one or more of these outcomes of conflict are preferable over the others?
Explain your reasons.
S.E.E.K. is an entirely student run service for Binghamton University students t
S.E.E.K. is an entirely student run service for Binghamton University students to talk through any issue they may be facing. This service is a free, SA chartered, private resource. Our call-handlers are here to listen to any problems students might be dealing with and undergo a rigorous training by the University Counseling Center where they learn a variety of topics and skills. The phone line is open every night from 8-11pm. The only time the line is closed is when residence halls are also closed (i.e., summer break, winter break, etc.).
Our phone line is not a crisis hotline, meaning that the only situations we are not equipped to handle are individuals who are actively suicidal (have intent and a plan). In these cases, call-handlers would transfer that student in need to the proper resources that could help them (see our Privacy Notice under the ‘Resources’ tab). All of our call-handlers are extensively trained in on and off campus resources and are here to support you in the best way we can.
< apply for this internship
Just want to update the descriptions of my resume
I have included 3 attachments with this order. This essay needed for this order
I have included 3 attachments with this order. This essay needed for this order is called Exit Essay, which there is information about what is needed in an exit essay. My degree is in communication, so I am required to have 5 learning outcomes explained in a paper of how I learned these outcomes, and how I will apply them after graduation. These learning outcomes have been written and completed which I attached as a guide for what to write in the exit essay. I also attached two different rubrics that detail what is needed and what the professor is looking for in the exit essay.
To provide more information for the exit essay, I also want to mention that my minor is also in arts management. With that, I plan on working for nonprofits and also working in social media and marketing, so adding these details would be good for my exit essay. Add in skills and things that would be needed for nonprofits, social media and marketing and how I got these skills from my previous courses and skills mentioned in my five learning outcomes as attached.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need more information in how to write the exit essay. Thanks