I have included the document that gives the instructions of what i am supposed t

I have included the document that gives the instructions of what i am supposed to do. I also added my essay that the slides are supposed to be based on. Please add 4 pictures with their citations.
The paper isn’t supposed to be copy and paced to make the slides. The Slides are supposed to be briefly based on the paper. Please use the sources from the paper as well. Also the slides are supposed to be presented IN GOOGLE SLIDES.
here are the sources that I used in the paper and should be used in the slides:

This final research project proposal should include all earlier elements/compone

This final research project proposal should include all earlier elements/components of the research project previously completed. The final paper should reflect all revisions based on the feedback you received in earlier assignments.
Final Research Topic FEEDBACK:This is a great topic choice! Something to think about as you move forward is how you are going to measure your research questions in the methodology section. For research question one, how would you measure importance? This is subjective and not truly measurable. I think you can reword. I would start by looking at other studies and see how they have studied nonverbal. Your second research question is not a question – it is a statement.
Look at other research in this area from your references to get some ideas. Let me know if you have any questions.
Submission Guidelines
Your paper must include the following sections in a formal essay formatted in APA style.
Title Page (APA style)
Research Questions/Hypothesis(es)
This section will begin with the theory section, expanded to a minimum of 1-2 pages
Methods (Proposed Methods for Analysis)
References Page (APA style)
NOTE: The final proposal must follow the above format with each section clearly labeled. There is an excellent sample student paper attached to this assignment for you to review.

I need you to write 3-5 page essay talking about the tension in communication sk

I need you to write 3-5 page essay talking about the tension in communication skills between Lorelai and her mother in the first three seasons of the show.
Your paper should show critical thinking and clearly apply course vocabulary following the directions and rubric below.
Paper Outline
• Introduction
• Relationship Type Analysis (Chapter 11 Content and Analysis)
• Relationships Development Analysis (Chapter 10 Content and Analysis)
• Recommendations (any course material)
• Conclusion
• Works Cited (MLA format)
Tips for Success
o Be sure to include specific examples, using the characters’ names.
o Bold, italicize or underline course terms used.
o Focus your paper on describing the actual relationship types and theories observed among the characters rather than a descriiption of the characters themselves. In addition, do not spend time relaying a synopsis of the show, the plot, etc. as that is not the objective of this assignment.
o Avoid researching the show on the internet or elsewhere, as the information you find will not fulfill the requirements of the assignment and you will be guilty of plagiarism.
o Please designate a separate section for each topic.
o Include and Introduction that sets up the paper effectively and a Conclusion that ties the paper together in a meaningful way.
o MLA documentation is followed correctly.
o Proof read your paper carefully before submitting it. Maybe even ask a friend or family member to read it for you and get feedback.
o Use the SPEAK Center for help- there are virtual SPEAK hours available.

Directions/ Rubric:
Grammar/Writing (5pts)
Papers should adhere to MLA format, double spaces, 12 point font and be free of grammatical and typographical errors. Papers should be written in third person.
Introduction (10pts)
Set up the paper by identifying the show, characters and concepts you will be analyzing in the paper. Include a clear preview of the paper and effective thesis statement. Points will be deducted for missing elements or intros that are hard to follow, ramble, give too much of a synopsis of the show and/or give your personal opinion about why you chose the show.
Relationship Type Analysis (30 points) Chapter 11 content
Choose to focus ONE relationship type (either a Friend, Family OR Romantic Relationship). Identify one friendship, family or romantic relationship in the show to analyze.
• Friendship: Describe what type of friendship it is using specific textbook terminology (p.304-311) observed. Analyze the communication in this relationship by stating how effective, beneficial, healthy you believe this friendship to be and why based in what you have learned so far this semester and characteristics of successful friendships (p.311-313)
• Family: Describe what type of family system it is using specific textbook terminology (p.316-319). Analyze the communication in the relationship by stating how effective, beneficial, healthy you believe this family to be and why based on what you have learned so far this semester and characteristics of effective communication in families (p.319-324).
• Romantic: Describe which components of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love are present in the relationship (p.325-327). Analyze the communication in this relationship by stating how effective, beneficial healthy you believe this romance to be and why based on what you have learned so far this semester and characteristics of effective communication in romantic relationships (p.328-321)
• (10 points) includes at least 2 clearly identifiable course terms. Defines the terms in their own words accurately.
• (10 points) Provides at least 2 clear specific examples from the show that demonstrate each course term discussed.
• (10 points) Demonstrates communication competency by analyzing the health/benefit of the relationships and communication with in. Uses terminology and concepts from throughout the course (i.e. listening, self-concept, culture, etc.) to support assessment of communication in the relationship.
Dialectical Tensions or Relationship Stages (30 points) Chapter 10 content
Choose to focus on either Tensions or Stages. Identify one relationship to analyze from the show.
• Dialectical Tensions: Describe the dialectical tensions present between one set of characters in the show (p. 285-289). Identify which tension(s) are experienced, using examples. Describe the strategies they currently use to manage these tensions and evaluate if these are effective or not and why.
• Relationship Stages: Identify which relationship stage one of the relationships in the show is in (p. 278-284). Explain why you placed it in this stage giving examples from their interactions. Predict how you think this relationship will continue to develop. Will it get more intimate, start to deteriorate, or stay the same? Give evidence to support your prediction.
• (10 points) includes at least 2 clearly identifiable course terms. Defines the terms in their own words accurately.
• (10 points) Provides at least 2 clear specific examples from the show that demonstrate each course term discussed.
• (10 points) Demonstrates communication competency by analyzing the effectiveness of communication within the relationship stages or dialectical tension. Uses course terminology and concepts from Chapter 9 or beyond to support your descriiptions and predictions.
Provide Recommendations (10 points)
Provide at least 2 recommendations for how the characters can improve or maintain their relationships in light of your analysis. If the characters are perfect communicators, what can/should they be doing to continue to build or maintain their relationships? If they have communication challenges or flaws, what suggestions do you have for them to improve their communication with one another? Suggestions should demonstrate an understanding of effective communication skills, self-awareness, show critical thought and be applicable to the characters. Points will be deducted if the suggestions or too broad or hard to understand, not helpful and/or incomplete.
Conclusion (10 pts)
Briefly review the concepts and theories addressed in the paper. Bring your ideas together to reinforce the thesis and main points of the paper. Every paper needs to have a conclusion. Points will be deducted for lack of focus, adding new information during the conclusion or missing components.
Works Cited (5 pts)
Include citations for the episodes that you watched. You are welcome to use the text book. If you use direct quotes from the text, please include those in MLA format and list it in the works cited. You are welcome, but not required to complete outside research to gather more insight for your paper. Be sure to include any additional materials in the works cited

Take notes ON (physically on the reading, in the margins, etc.) at least 1 pages

Take notes ON (physically on the reading, in the margins, etc.) at least 1 pages of the reading. Among the notes you make, please mark the following:
Definitions of words you don’t know
Definitions of concepts/references you don’t know
Key ideas or phrases of the text
Questions that the text provokes in you
Ways the text reminds you of something else
Details that you particularly love or hate
You might also underline/note the claims you see
Write a short reflection (200 words) on the part you annotated–some questions to prompt you: why did you choose that section? How did that section contribute to your understanding of the text/argument as a whole? Did you see connections to the in-class discussions this week? If so, what were they?
You can submit photos, scans, or saved pdf annotations of the above along with your weekly response.

In an essay of 1,500-1,750 words, describe how behaviorism, cognitivism, and con

In an essay of 1,500-1,750 words, describe how behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism might inform your teaching of communication curriculum. What situations might lend themselves to one theory over the other?
Pretend you are teaching cultural sensitivity, explain how you would apply each of Bloom’s three domains of learning (cognitive, affective, behavioral).
Support your essay with a minimum of five sources.

You must provide a scholarly source and demonstrate critical thinking and effect

You must provide a scholarly source and demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication, including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations.
View the TED Talk “Try Something New for 30 Days”. (TED, 2011) by Matt Cutts. Respond to the following questions:
• What are your impressions of his talk?
• How did Cutts aim to persuade his audience?
• What was especially effective about his speech?
• Do you relate?
Be sure to respond to your peers as well. As a reminder, connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk.

TED. (2011). Try something new for 30 days. https://www.ted.com/talks/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days

You will write a 3-4 page bibliographic research paper about an intercultural co

You will write a 3-4 page bibliographic research paper about an intercultural communication topic of intertest, citing your textbook and 3-4 external sources, and discussing how your chosen topic relates to the concepts covered throughout the course. This assignment gives you an opportunity to explore what is currently being researched in the field of intercultural communication.
Some topics covered throughout the class are
Discussions around culture
What is perception
Nonverbal communication across cultures
Religions, values and identity
Gender and identity
Migration and world cultures
Identity and communities

Follow the guidelines in the file there is a format you write under its not a fu

Follow the guidelines in the file there is a format you write under its not a full essay its just a outline not full sentences so I can follow when I write the actual paper and for the points I should mention the sites I used for the evidences. There is and example of the outline just follow it and write the citations ONLY USE GOOGLE SCHOLAR TO SITEE