The assignment is to write a speech on who I am as a public speaker, not literally who I am. For reference I am a poor public speaker, I suffered a traumatic brain injury making it hard for me to keep a cognitive thought. Please include these key terms in the paper and how they apply to me as a speaker. LANGUAGE: A system of communication consisting of words, sounds, and gestures used by humans to convey meaning and express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. VOCALIZED PAUSES: Sounds or words, such as “um,” “uh,” or “like,” used in speech as fillers or hesitation markers, often indicating a pause or momentary interruption in thought. KINESICS: The study of body movements, gestures, and facial expressions as a form of nonverbal communication and their role in conveying meaning and emotions. CONCRETE LANGUAGE: Language that refers to specific, tangible objects or experiences that can be perceived by the senses, making it more specific and vivid.
Category: Communication
Please do not contact the Office of Global Learning to complete this assignment.
Students are to connect electronically (phone or online) with a peer in another country or state to procure information regarding working practices, social or cultural customs that affect the workplace which are different to your own and suggestions for improvement. The goal of the assignment is for each student to engage with peers whom are pursuing similar career endeavors and to gain awareness and perspective of how culture may affect each industry at the local level.
By peers, students should understand any person who is also a student pursuing a similar career path or works in the same professional field as you.
An illustrative example would be a student who also works in an advertising company with international branches. This student should contact peers who also work in the company performing similar work, but who are located abroad.
Social or Cultural customs that affect the workplace can range from specific holidays or local festivities to workplace rituals such as extended lunch breaks or alternative schedules based on climate or culture.
Workplace practices or conditions that may affect your peers work in other countries may include differences in labor laws (i.e.: maternity/paternity leave or anti-discrimination laws) to the effects of country or city infrastructure in the daily workplace (i.e.: commute time, questions during a work interview that can take place in one country vs. another).
Suggestions for improvement should be part of this exchange. Explore ways in which workplace productivity can increase for individuals in both countries given the current practices that you discussed.
Watch this video and answer the following questions: What is your source of powe
Watch this video and answer the following questions:
What is your source of power?
Do you have what it takes to be a leader?
The answers should be written in essay format. Short essay, 1 page reaction paper. Be sure your essay contains an introduction, body, and conclusion, and use APA format to get the full credit for the assignment
Students are expected to: – outline their research topic – this must be somethin
Students are expected to:
– outline their research topic – this must be something to do with journalism, ideally digital journalism.
– main questions – what are you trying to find out? A strong question includes these elements: the topic area; a key concept from the reading list; a
selected data type; a specific community; a specific aspect of journalism.
– explain key journalism studies concepts – use one or two concepts from within a required reading* – use short quotations to explain the concept to
demonstrate you have grasped it
– describe their selected research METHODS – are you using literature review? Content analysis? Source analysis? Framing? Bourdieu? Please use a
method you can understand. If you’re not sure about what method to use then choose literature review [SEE this UTS guide here:]. If you’re doing a
content/source/frame analysis, then please take care NOT to take on too big a sample. Compare and contrast is your friend – compare two news
outlets, two nations, two time points, or representation of two different parts of society, etc.. Please do not try to analyse all the news on a topic –
pick key moments, look at two outlets at a particular day or even hour if there is masses of coverage of your topic. For literature reviews, be selective
– choose recent papers which are directly about or very close to your topic.
– Explain research ethics – Please view the FASS UG research ethics guide here:
– If your project does not involve other people it’s nil/negligible risk – use concepts from this guide to make a short statement about how you are
confident your project is ethical. If you’re involving other people please get your tutor’s OK before you survey or interview anyone AND make use of
the FASS guide. Even if you are not involving other people, you also need to consider your own comfort and safety. If your topic is sensitive please
check your topic and method with subject coordinator.
– Explain diversity principles – describe briefly how you have considered at least one kind of diversity in your project.
– Students should clearly explain how they are conducting an original journalism research project – be clear about what question you are asking, how
you chose it.
– Provide a justification for your project – Why did you choose this topic? What is its significance?
Please refer to required readings below.
I have attached my Assessment 1 which this assignment will build upon that research.
I have also attached Assignment 3 which this assignment is building on.
Form a persuasive outline you expect will change audience members’ beliefs, atti
Form a persuasive outline you expect will change audience members’ beliefs, attitudes, values, and/or behaviors. Matters of ethics are important in every type of speaking, but especially when trying to change your audience members through persuasion.
You have a choice in this speech between changing people’s thoughts (beliefs, attitudes, or values) or their behaviors. While the two goals may overlap (that is, you might have to change someone’s perceptions in order to convince that person to change behavior), they are sometimes separate. The speech should clearly be a claim of value, fact, or policy.
You should consult a variety of sources, such as newspaper articles, magazines, peer-reviewed academic journals, books, and websites. You should include an APA formatted reference page with your outline.
This should be a detailed outline for a persuasive speech.
find four credible information sources about one of the topics listed below. Are
find four credible information sources about one of the topics listed below.
Are humans still evolving?
What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
What are the dangers and benefits of using nuclear power?
What was the women’s suffrage movement and how did it change America?
Your uploaded document should include 1) which topic you chose, 2) where you searched for the sources, 3) what keywords you used 4) 1-2 paragraphs describing your search process, and 5) an APA formatted list of the 4 sources.
You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The
You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The attached file is an outline of the Introduction. Please make this introduction half a paged in length and cover the topics I outline within it. I also provided the references I used for the introduction.
For the Body Paragraphs:
1st body paragraph should talk about how Gymshark has used social media as a form of business communication and the positive impact social media has had on the growth of Gymshark company and brand.
o Gymshark’s Influencer Strategy
2nd body paragraph is going to talk about how Adidas has used social media as form of business communication and the impact Kanye West had on the sales and image of the company when he went on his anti-sematic rants. Talk about how they used social media to recover from this and the negative impact that relationship had on the company during that short time frame.
Negative Brand Impacts:
o Adidas and Kanye West
KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior. Emblems: gestures that have
KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.
Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign.
Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.
Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and leaning forward.
Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.
Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.
In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors, and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work, etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table…
Describe at least ten separate gestures.
What type?
What are they conveying? How many repetitions?
What are the circumstances?
Please submit your essay to this dropbox and include the following:
At least two pages typed– MINIMUM of 675 words
Double spaced
Paragraphs, not bullets
Include nonverbal terminology
Specific examples
Reminder: All written work must comply with standard English rules, such as proper capitalization, grammar, and spelling. The assignment must be submitted by the deadline listed on the calendar.
Writing Assignment 1 – DueOct 20, 2024 11:59 PM Human Communication Section 17 F
Writing Assignment 1 – DueOct 20, 2024 11:59 PM
Human Communication Section 17 Fall Semester 2024 CO
General Assignment Guidelines
Writing assignments are designed to allow you to apply course content using real world examples and situations while personally relating topics covered to your own experiences. You are expected to write at a college level. Take time to run your work through spell check and grammar check to catch any obvious errors. Responses will need to be a minimum of 300 words and will need to contain concepts and vocabulary from the readings.
All responses must be typed in 12pt. font
Left margins
Parenthetical citations and work cited pages when needed – MLA format
Follow proper grammar guidelines.
Citation Generators are not your friends – take a few minutes to double check that the citations they are giving you are up to date and correct.
Wikipedia,, and online (or print) dictionaries/encyclopedias will not count towards required number of sources for speeches
Be very careful with using outside resources as you write. When words and ideas are generated by anything/anyone but yourself and passed off as your own ideas and words, this is plagiarism. Your words should be your own, not coming from an A.I. generator/writing assistant software.
After reading about artifacts in Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication please answer the following questions using full sentences and paragraphs.
Our personal presentation, style of dress, and surroundings such as a dorm room, apartment, car, or office send nonverbal messages about our identities. Analyze some of the nonverbal signals that your personal presentation or environment send. What do they say about who you are? Do they create the impression that you desire?
Much of our discussion of nonverbal communication is based on an assumption that people are physically present. Because more of our school, work, and even family life is being conducted remotely, how can you adapt your nonverbal communication behaviors to signal things like liking, status, and responsiveness in online settings?
*****Chapter 4 link****
Please follow the instructions attached for the Weekly Summaries 26-28. The temp
Please follow the instructions attached for the Weekly Summaries 26-28. The template is also attached. You WILL NEED ACCESS TO THE REQUIRED TEXTBOOK “Origins and traditions of organizational communication” for summaries 27 and 28. This access can be found via my account at Login information will be available for the assigned writer.
Click on Brandon’s Bookshelf and the book is there.
Here are the Weekly Summaries:
(S26) Stephen Klien – Cultural Identity, Power, and Privilege
( 39:22 mins
• (S27) Nicotera Chap 10: Workplace Relationships
• (S28) Nicotera Chap 18: The Structuration of Emotion