For this discussion, you get to explore one specific element and share the historical context and modern day application of that element with the class. Your initial post should address the following questions about the element you chose:
1. How did the element you chose get its name and who discovered it?
2. What are the properties this element possesses that places it where it is in the periodic table?
3. Write a sufficient summary of the element in common language that could be understood by the general public.
4. Describe the implications for society, benefits, drawbacks, practicality, and reactivity of the element.
5. What are some applications and hazards of this element and how is it commonly encountered?
6. Discuss your personal thoughts regarding the element.
7. Add a picture that is relevant to the discussion.
8. Give a citation of an external peer reviewed resource that you would like to discuss, including a direct link to it that we can visit.
Category: Chemistry
Use of AI in any papers or other writing assignments in this program is prohibit
Use of AI in any papers or other writing assignments in this program is prohibited, and is considered in violation of the academic dishonesty policy. In this course, several topics are covered which relate to chemistry and/or physics, for example, force and pressure; fluids and flow; acids, bases and buffers, etc. For your paper you will choose a chapter topic that we cover in the course. Your paper should explain why this topic is important to Nurse Anesthesia and/or how it relates to anesthesiology. Explain the key concepts of your chapter topic and show original example equations/calculations that are used relative to the topic you’re covering. The same examples from the book or power points are not to be copied/used, but you may use similar examples.
The Paper should contain at least four full pages of original content, in addition to the cover and reference pages. Regarding quoted/cited material, the paper should include no more than 20% quoted/cited material. Quotes/citations should not exceed 40 words.
Please follow AMA format. Paper must have at least two references from peer-reviewed journals. May use a textbook in addition to the two or more other references. Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero.
Do Not use I, we, or you when writing the report. Write it in 3rd person and ple
Do Not use I, we, or you when writing the report. Write it in 3rd person and please do not be redundant. All experimental actions should be described in the past tense but lab equipment, theories, and the report itself should be referred to in the past tense.
The rest of the instructions are listed in the doc file I attached
Malachite, Cu2CH2O5, is a green mineral containing copper. How many atoms of cop
Malachite, Cu2CH2O5, is a green mineral containing copper. How many atoms of copper are in 350.0 g of malachite?
Ozone is an unstable form of oxygen that consists of three oxygen atoms bonded t
Ozone is an unstable form of oxygen that consists of three oxygen atoms bonded together. The ozone layer is located high above Earth’s surface in the stratosphere, and it protects us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ozone itself is toxic to humans, as it contributes to respiratory problems, and also harms plant life. So when ozone is near the surface of the Earth, it can be quite harmful.
Every year since the mid-1970s, scientists have noted a disappearance of approximately 70% of the ozone layer above Antarctica during the Antarctic spring, creating what is commonly known as the “ozone hole.” In 1974, two scientists published a paper claiming that commonly used chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds were causing major damage to the ozone layer.
In this discussion, you will examine the cause of the ozone hole, chemical reactions associated with it, and its implications on our world. Compose a main response that addresses the following questions:
1. What are some of the physical and chemical properties of CFCs that contributed to their popularity and widespread use?
2. Identify one chemical reaction involving CFCs in the atmosphere. List the chemical reaction and explain the role it plays in the atmosphere.
3. Do you think alternatives to CFCs might bring on new problems? Explain why or why not.
4. What are some ways we can lessen our effects on the ozone hole? Are there actions we can take as individuals, or would state or federal policies be more effective? Explain your reasoning.
I have a research paper that needs to be rewritten for plagiarism. I have attach
I have a research paper that needs to be rewritten for plagiarism. I have attached an example paper as well for reference. Please try your best to use my information to write in your own words! Please let me know if you have any questions.
I am working on this assignment with a group. We are supposed to come up with 5
I am working on this assignment with a group. We are supposed to come up with 5 ways that chemical technology is used in the home.
What I need help with is to discuss the following:
1. cleaning products
2. personal care products.
I also need help coming up with an introduction to the essay. Obviously I don’t know what they are going to include in the essay but just a general introduction and we can add the remaining.
Basically it should be about 3 paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. discuss chemical technology #1 – cleaning products
3. discuss chemical technology #2- personal care products
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions, Oh My! Atoms are everywhere and in everything you ca
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions, Oh My!
Atoms are everywhere and in everything you can see. The computer, phone, or tablet you are using to access this assignment is made of atoms. Even YOU are made up of atoms! In this assignment, you will highlight the role of one atom, one molecule, and one ion and their functions in the human body.
Atoms, molecules, and ions are distinctively different. The way elements combine shows you that they are made of atoms. For example, it is possible to make two gases from carbon and oxygen: one gas is a poison (CO), while the other gas is not (CO2). It takes exactly twice as much oxygen to turn the carbon into the nonpoisonous gas as the poisonous gas. Every molecule of the nonpoisonous gas contains two atoms of oxygen (and one atom of carbon), while every molecule of the poisonous gas contains one atom of oxygen (and one atom of carbon).
Select one atom, one molecule, and one ion that are present in the human body.
format – outline
APA – intext citations
An intresting chemistry related topic locatable in an academic journal article o
An intresting chemistry related topic locatable in an academic journal article or related citation source. It should be a peer-reviewed journal article and should not be a review paper or a news article. Review papers summarize a large amount of information that has been reported on a topic.
The report/summary of the article which should include the following information: (If Google/Bing/other search engine was used)
Description of your search [4 points]
What did you type into the search bar?
Why did you choose the topic you did?
Why did you chose this specific article?
a summary of the article [10 points]
what did they examine?
how did they do it?
what did they conclude?
what did you think of the article? [4 points]
was it easy/difficult to understand?
do you think the general public would be able to understand it?
what questions do you still have?
BONUS (optional): News media often takes journal articles and misinterprets scientific articles to create sensational headlines (whether it is intentional or not is up or debate). Is there potential for misrepresentation in what is being said in the article to create a headline that would incite panic/fear/excitement.
A single document that contains the following: • A summary of the chemistry topi
A single document that contains the following:
• A summary of the chemistry topic at some level that classmates from Chemistry 1 would comprehend. Length: 3–4 paragraphs.
• A summary and description of the actions taken (or not taken) by the
government, the legislation proposed, the incidents discussed, or issues being
debated in the video how chemistry is involved and how people are
affected. If possible, you can take an informed position on the issue. Length: ~4
• The total length of this document should be about 3 pages
Documents should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font
I have a summarized introduction to the paper; this was a pre-assignment to give you an idea of what to write on and base information on. He is looking for timestamp citations from a video and the link is provided at the bottom of the attatched document.