I want to get a help with project introducing for this thesis chapter. I have at

I want to get a help with project introducing for this thesis chapter. I have attached the published paper for the work. Simply i want a little background introduction and to explain the whole paper i have attached with the literature work under the introduction. chemical structures and figures are not needed. If you want to explain with structures, please use the same numbers that are given to the structures in the paper. Feel free to add anything you think is important.

In this task, you will be creating a newspaper column/essay/written piece on whe

In this task, you will be creating a newspaper column/essay/written piece on whether it is effective to use electrochemical technologies as alternative sources of energy to prevent pollution, save money, help the environment etc. You will also talk about important issues with electrochemical technologies.

you will be creating an information brochure/pamphlet/instruction manual to be

you will be creating an information brochure/pamphlet/instruction manual to be given to workers in a company and hospitals based on the optimal (perfect for that chemical reaction to take place) conditions for chemical reactions.
The detailed instructions are given in this link.

Weekly Assignments Content Procedure to complete the assignment.1. Download the

Weekly Assignments Content
Procedure to complete the assignment.1. Download the assignment file.2. Watch the video on safety rules in the chemistry lab.3. Answer the questions using MS Word.4. Save the final document in PDF format on your computer.5. Submit the document via Blackboard.Safety Rules Assignment Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ The following web address directs students to the safety rules video created by the American Chemical Society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o77QEeM-68. Please watch the video to answer the following questions about the safety rules that should be followed by students working in a chemistry laboratory. 1. Why should small containers be used to handle liquids in the laboratory?
2. What are the correct rules for the safe use of Bunsen burners?
3. What are the procedures to be followed when spills of corrosive reagents occur on oneself or a lab surface?
4. What is the protective equipment to wear in the chemistry laboratory?
5. Mention the essential emergency equipment to be used in the chemistry laboratory.