Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No reference

Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No reference is needed. 
Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:
This week, consider the following terms:
– Electronegativity
– Free radical
– Resonance
– Polar molecule
– Vector
What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term?
What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word?
What does the term mean in technical language to chemists?
How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Use electronic structure to describe atomic bonding?
What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term?
What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

   Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No referen

Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No reference is needed. 
Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:
This week, consider the following terms:
– Nuclear charge
– Electromagnetic radiation
– Electromagnetic spectrum
– Endothermic
– Ground state
– Bond
– Metal
– Nonmetal
– Periodic table
– Quantum mechanics
– Wave
What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term?
What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word?
What does the term mean in technical language to chemists?
How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Use electronic structure to describe atomic bonding?
What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term?
What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by aski

Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.  Responses must consist of at least 130 words, do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying. 
M. F. 4/11/24, 9:30 PM NEW
Element: The first time I heard the term element in chemistry, it was in middle school science class, learning about pure substances and the periodic table. Many people use the term “element” to describe things such as forces of nature like wind, earth, water, or fire, such as shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender. Other times, the word element in everyday use could describe a pivotal piece of something, like my mom talking about needing “the element of surprise” so she could pull a joke on my dad. The definition in chemistry differs from everyday use, and in our textbook an element is defined as a pure substance that chemical changes cannot break can down into simpler substances. This term will help us within this course to understand the building blocks of our world, and allow us to see how chemical changes affect these elements to create substances necessary to maintain life, such as oxygen, carbon, water, and more. The terms in everyday use and within the subject of chemistry are somewhat similar. Everyday use of the term defines it as something that is necessary or key to something; needing the “element” of surprise, or saying a book has the “elements” of a fantasy novel. However, in technical use the definition is more limited on what could actually be called an element, which is only pure substances that cannot be broken down any further. With previous knowledge added onto my learning from this chapter, I do not believe that the similarities or differences of these definitions will cause me to have difficulty with learning any concepts this course.
Density: I learned about density in elementary school, learning why certain objects like rubber ducks would float on water, versus objects like coins that would sink. Density is often used in everyday conversations to describe something as being thick or heavy. I would often hear my mom say something like “that pasta sauce is too dense for me”, meaning the sauce was too heavy for her taste. In our textbook, density is defined as a ratio of mass to volume for a substance or object. Within this course, density will help us to further understand the relationship between mass and volume, and will help us understand things such as anatomic weights, and why certain elements are more dense than others. The everyday term uses density or dense to describe something only as thick or slow, but the technical use of the term uses density to describe all levels of itself, from low density to high density. I do not foresee myself having issues with this term in understanding the course material as long as I remember density is not defined as just mass alone, but also in relationship to volume within chemistry.

Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by aski

Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.  Responses must consist of at least 130 words, do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying.
Z. A. 4/10/24, 11:12 AM 
Density is a term I have some prior knowledge on in regards to air density and the ideal gas law. This applies to my work as a Flight Nurse in regards to oxygen utilization and oxygen consumption of patients during air transport. The term density in Chapter 1 is defined as the ratio of the mass of sample of the substance (solids, liquids, gases) to its volume (mass/volume). An everyday example of density could be the relationship between ice and water. Ice floats because while it has a higher volume, it has a lower density. An everyday way I hear people utilize the word density would be people describing the weather/increased humidity as more, “dense.” To chemist, the term density can be applied to solids, liquids, gases as a unit of measurement. This relates to the course student learning outcome of explaining matter at the microscopic level because density in this context is broken down to its smallest quantification of weight by mass/volume. Some similarities between everyday use of the term are how we describe things in mass or quantification by density. This similarity impacts my learning of chemistry concepts by providing everyday context.
Molecule is a term I have prior knowledge of regarding two atoms being joined through a bond. I would say a common term people use in everyday life or language regarding molecules would be the description of water, which is a covalent bond. This comes to mind in casual conversation regarding hydration with water and even tying into salt consumption. The word molecule people often utilize to describe something small and compounded. The term molecule in Chapter 1 is defined as two or more atoms joined by a chemical bond. This term is technical to chemist as the basis of collections of pairs of atoms formed together. This relates to the course student learning outcome of explaining matter at the microscopic level as molecules are quite literally a main concept of microscopic chemistry relating to bonds.

This week, consider the following terms: Chemical symbol Atomic theory Io

This week, consider the following terms:
Chemical symbol
Atomic theory
Respond to the following in a minimum of 200 words in APA format. Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:
What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term?
What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word?
What does the term mean in technical language to chemists?
How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Explain matter at the microscopic level?
What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term?
What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

  Preparation PowerPoint Preparation In this assignment, you are asked to create

PowerPoint Preparation
In this assignment, you are asked to create a PowerPoint presentation that includes speaker notes. If you need information on creating effective PowerPoint slides, you can review the following:
Getting Started with PowerPointLinks to an external site..
Add Speaker Notes to Your SlidesLinks to an external site. [Video].
Research Preparation
As you research labor supply and the demand and supply of health insurance for your presentation, you may want to visit your state’s healthcare workforce data. Below is an example resource for the state of Georgia.
State of Georgia Healthcare WorkforceLinks to an external site..
Due to the increasing patient demand for emergency medical care in your community, you are considering the possibility of opening a new urgent care center. In order to secure funding for your project, you will need to present some key information to your lenders. You have been specifically asked to analyze market structure, monopolies, and monopsonies. You have also been asked to provide information on the demand for health insurance and the supply of health insurance along with factors that influence the healthcare labor market.
Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 12 slides, including the title and sources slides that contain the following information. Note that PowerPoint slides must include detailed speaker notes.
Create an overview of the healthcare market structure that includes at least three current key players in your area (Examples: Other hospitals, urgent care centers, physician offices).
Analyze in detail, monopolies and monopsonies in the selected market area.
Assess the demand for health insurance and supply of health insurance from the public and private sector healthcare markets.
Create an overview of healthcare labor supply and factors that influence labor demand for healthcare workers.
Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
Presentation Requirements
Your submitted presentation should follow these formatting requirements:
Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide is included in the required number of slides.
Sources slide(s) at the end of the presentation with five quality sources cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format.
Speaker notes should be detailed and submitted with slides.
Use clear bullet points with a summary when needed. Presentation slides should be clear and concise about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics.
Use pictures, diagrams, and graphs where applicable to make your slides more appealing.

Use PexelsLinks to an external site., or similar sites, for free stock photos and videos you may use in your presentation.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Analyze market structure and competition in healthcare.

  Preparation PowerPoint Preparation In this assignment, you are asked to create

PowerPoint Preparation
In this assignment, you are asked to create a PowerPoint presentation that includes speaker notes. If you need information on creating effective PowerPoint slides, you can review the following:
Getting Started with PowerPointLinks to an external site..
Add Speaker Notes to Your SlidesLinks to an external site. [Video].
Research Preparation
As you research labor supply and the demand and supply of health insurance for your presentation, you may want to visit your state’s healthcare workforce data. Below is an example resource for the state of Georgia.
State of Georgia Healthcare WorkforceLinks to an external site..
Due to the increasing patient demand for emergency medical care in your community, you are considering the possibility of opening a new urgent care center. In order to secure funding for your project, you will need to present some key information to your lenders. You have been specifically asked to analyze market structure, monopolies, and monopsonies. You have also been asked to provide information on the demand for health insurance and the supply of health insurance along with factors that influence the healthcare labor market.
Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 12 slides, including the title and sources slides that contain the following information. Note that PowerPoint slides must include detailed speaker notes.
Create an overview of the healthcare market structure that includes at least three current key players in your area (Examples: Other hospitals, urgent care centers, physician offices).
Analyze in detail, monopolies and monopsonies in the selected market area.
Assess the demand for health insurance and supply of health insurance from the public and private sector healthcare markets.
Create an overview of healthcare labor supply and factors that influence labor demand for healthcare workers.
Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
Presentation Requirements
Your submitted presentation should follow these formatting requirements:
Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide is included in the required number of slides.
Sources slide(s) at the end of the presentation with five quality sources cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format.
Speaker notes should be detailed and submitted with slides.
Use clear bullet points with a summary when needed. Presentation slides should be clear and concise about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics.
Use pictures, diagrams, and graphs where applicable to make your slides more appealing.
Use PexelsLinks to an external site., or similar sites, for free stock photos and videos you may use in your presentation.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Analyze market structure and competition in healthcare.

Suppose a  flask is filled with 1.2 mol of  H2 and  0.90 of CI2 . The following

Suppose a  flask is filled with 1.2 mol of  H2 and  0.90 of CI2 . The following reaction becomes possible:
The equilibrium constant  k for this reaction is 9.86 at the temperature of the flask.
Calculate the equilibrium molarity of 
. Round your answer to two decimal places.