Working individually, research and describe the following topics: Kerberos Firew

Working individually, research and describe the following topics:
For Kerberos, discuss the following topics:
What it is
Describe the protocol
Requests and authentications
Technologies that rely on it
For firewalls, discuss the following topics:
What they are
Describe how each generation works
List and describe different open-source and shareware firewalls
Compare and contrast the different products you have found
Pick one product and describe the installation process on Linux Ubuntu
Cite ALL references you use to create the paper. APA-style citation style is recommended, but any style is acceptable, as long as I am able to understand where your information came from.

Working individually, research and describe the following topics: Kerberos Firew

Working individually, research and describe the following topics:
For Kerberos, discuss the following topics:
What it is
Describe the protocol
Requests and authentications
Technologies that rely on it
For firewalls, discuss the following topics:
What they are
Describe how each generation works
List and describe different open-source and shareware firewalls
Compare and contrast the different products you have found
Pick one product and describe the installation process on Linux Ubuntu
Cite ALL references you use to create the paper. APA-style citation style is recommended, but any style is acceptable, as long as I am able to understand where your information came from.

Working individually describe the compression/archive utilities listed below: 7-

Working individually describe the compression/archive utilities listed below:
For each utility, do the following:
Write a description of how the utility operates
List the most common arguments & describe the effect of that argument
Briefly describe any compression algorithms implemented by the utilities
Create a summary table that compares and contrasts the different utilities.
Cite any references you will use to create the paper. Not citing sources will result in plagiarism. Also copying and pasting directly from the sources without properly citing will result in plagiarism. The result of plagiarism is a grade of 0 for the assignment and may lead to consequences described in the syllabus.