TED talk: An Impossible DomeLinks to an external site. — comes with closed capt

TED talk: An Impossible DomeLinks to an external site. — comes with closed caption subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La-TpRw5yw8&feature=youtu.be Great Mystery SpecialLinks to an external site. — this comes with closed caption subtitles. (Click “yes” to the question: Is KCET your station) https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/great-cathedral-mystery/ Great Cathedral MysteryLinks to an external site. — this is on Youtube with no subtitles available. Links to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3LGWjel0r8&feature=youtu.be

Described the main points that the author addresses in the text? What are the ke

Described the main points that the author addresses in the text?
What are the key terms or concepts the authors used to describe the issues, and how are the terms defined?
What methods and evidence are used by the author to read, analyze, and understand different forms of architecture?
If there are multiple texts, do the readings compliment each other? Which readings do you find more compelling?
List one critical question that the readings provoke or was left unanswered by the readings.

Described the main points that the author addresses in the text? What are the ke

Described the main points that the author addresses in the text?
What are the key terms or concepts the authors used to describe the issues, and how are the terms defined?
What methods and evidence are used by the author to read, analyze, and understand different forms of architecture?
If there are multiple texts, do the readings compliment each other? Which readings do you find more compelling?
List one critical question that the readings provoke or was left unanswered by the readings.

-I have a research paper about the origins of architectural elements, and I woul

-I have a research paper about the origins of architectural elements, and I would like the researcher to answer the following questions:
-What are the historical origins of architectural elements?
-How have architectural elements evolved over time?
-Theories of shape generation.
-Comparison of heritage architectural elements in Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with those in neighboring countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Oman, Yemen, Iraq, and India.
-Did the heritage architectural elements in Al-Ahsa exhibit influences from those countries, or were they unique in their form?
)The comparison should be illustrated with images(
What are the origins of heritage architectural elements such as arches, columns, ceilings, doors, windows, minarets, domes, etc. in Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
Analysis of heritage architectural elements in Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in terms of:
– Formation origins
– Formal formation
– Structural formation
– Visual formation
– Decorative formation
– Influence of the element on other elements
– Analysis of the element’s function
What factors contributed to the development of heritage architectural elements in Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
-architectural elements:
– Arch
– Column
– Ceiling
– Windows
– Doors
– Minarets
– Mihrab (prayer niche)
– Dome
– Wind catchers
Castle towers

Ketika ibu dan ayah bekerja adalah suatu hal yang tak terhindarkan di saat kondi

Ketika ibu dan ayah bekerja adalah suatu hal yang tak terhindarkan di saat kondisi ekonomi keluarga sedang tidak baik, namun karena kedua orang tua bekerja anak pun sering di tinggal sendirian di rumah.
Kehadiran orang tua sangat lah penting untuk anak yang masih mengalami masa balita hingga awal remaja, karena jika anak terlalu sering di tinggalkan di rumah sendirian dapat memengaruhi kondisi psikologisnya.
umur 0-5 tahun merupakan golden age anak untuk berkembang. Masa golden age merupakan masa tahapan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang mana pada saat itu otak dan fisik mengalami pertumbuhan maksimal. Fase ini penting untuk diperhatikan oleh orang tua karena pada fase ini pertumbuhan anak berkembang begitu pesat. Penelitian mengatakan sekitar 50% kecerdasan orang dewasa mulai terbentuk di usia 4 tahun.
Terlalu sering meninggalkan anak sendirian di rumah dan juga kurang memberi perhatian dapat memberi dampak negatif untuknya, seperti:
Rasa Percaya Diri Rendah
Memiliki Masalah Emosi
Menjadi Dewasa Terlalu Cepat

This is a continuous project that is done in Revit. Architectural plans draft in

This is a continuous project that is done in Revit. Architectural plans draft in Revit. i have done all of project 2 instructions except the addition of a ceiling and roof. It is due tonight at midnight. I know its impossible to get all of project 3 instructions done I just need to get as far on it as I can

What three architectural areas of the Parthenon have architectural sculptures? I

What three architectural areas of the Parthenon have architectural sculptures? In other words, where was the sculpture originally found ON the temple? On the stylobate? On the cornice? On the frieze? What kind of frieze?
What is the subject matter of each type of architectural sculpture? What do the scenes concern? A Greek myth or a religious practice? An everyday event? You can describe this in brief for each type of architectural sculpture. (I don’t need an in-depth list, figure by figure.)
List two examples where we see the influence of these High Classical sculptures in other artistic traditions (given the content of the Bonnie Greer video.
What is Joan Connelly’s theory about the subject matter of the Parthenon frieze? Now you know the traditional interpretation of the subject matter of the Parthenon Frieze, but what is Joan Connelly’s theory? Find out with this New York Times Review by Caroline Alexander of Connelly’s book or this new Yorker Article by Daniel Mendelsohn