Hello I need to write an introduction to my paper.Look for this paper. I want to

I need to write an introduction to my paper.Look for this paper. I want to write like this introduction. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/…
You should change the references, and I want to add or change some methods in this introduction.
Please note that the similarity percentage should be very, very small.

Project Overview You will reflect on your own culture, beliefs, and values by co

Project Overview
You will reflect on your own culture, beliefs, and values by completing a Culture and Values Organizer for this project. Then, using the information from your organizer, you will create a slide presentation in which you will make connections between your own culture and workplace cultures. You will also make recommendations for improving workplace culture in your presentation.
In this project, you will master the following competency:
Describe the influence of culture on beliefs, values, and behaviors
Williams & Marshall, LLC, wants to make sure its company values match the values of the people who work there. This means the company needs to learn more about its employees and what they care about. To do so, it is giving employees an opportunity to share what is important to them with their coworkers. Williams & Marshall, LLC, hopes this will create a workplace culture that is more open and productive.
Your manager, Demita Williams, has asked you to lead a presentation and then report back to her with ideas on how to improve the workplace culture at Williams & Marshall, LLC. In this project, you will think about your own culture, beliefs, and values. Then, you will compare them to other cultures, including different workplace cultures.
1. Culture and Values Organizer
Your company wants to build a healthy and culturally aware workplace. For part of this initiative, your manager, Demita Williams, has asked you to lead a brief presentation to your team about culture.
She wants you to start by thinking about your own culture first. To put your thoughts together, use the Culture and Values Organizer to make a list of your culture’s beliefs, values, and norms. Be sure to answer all of the questions in the organizer. Keep in mind that there are many possible correct answers to the questions in the organizer. Your answers will be unique to you. While it can be challenging to describe your own culture(s), be sure to answer all the questions to the best of your ability.
2. Slide Presentation: The Impact of Culture
Once you’ve completed the organizer, create a presentation (5–7 slides) to share your findings about culture with your team. Mrs. Williams wants to save your presentation to train future hires, so she has asked you to
Record the presentation (3–5 minutes)
Provide detailed speaker notes (700–750 words)
If you choose to use speaker notes instead of recording, she wants the notes to reflect what you would say in an audio or in-person presentation. In your 5–7 slides, you may include a combination of graphics and text to support your message.
For your presentation, think about the questions in the organizer. Then, plan how to discuss your culture, values, and beliefs with the team. You should focus on how personal cultural elements influence the overall workplace culture.
Note: For this project, assume that Williams & Marshall, LLC, has the same workplace culture as somewhere you have worked.
In your presentation, be sure to address the following:
Describe your culture: Mrs. Williams wants your presentation to help you connect with your coworkers, so she has asked you to start by talking about your own cultural background. Describe how the beliefs, values, and norms associated with your culture(s) impact your behaviors and decision making. Be sure to provide some examples. Consider these questions:How do cultural elements (beliefs, values, and norms) influence the decisions you make at work?
How does your culture influence how you present yourself at your workplace?
What are some behaviors associated with your industry or the job you perform? Think of the clothes you wear, how you organize your desk, how you interact with customers, and so on.
What cultural elements help you maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Make connections: Next, Mrs. Williams would like you to make connections between workplace cultures and values and your own personal culture, values, and beliefs. You should consider how the values you outlined in your organizer connect with the overall workplace cultures and values:
What similarities and differences are there?
How does your own culture mesh or conflict with the workplace culture?
How do you think you are perceived within the organization?
How could your culture, values, and beliefs be misunderstood?
What assumptions might people make about you?
Give recommendations: Finally, make three to five recommendations for improving workplace culture. Consider what values you think should be adopted by the organization to make it a great place to work. Include the reasons behind your ideas.
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Culture and Values Organizer
Fill out the organizer by thinking about your own culture. You will reflect on different cultural elements, such as beliefs, values, norms, expected behaviors, and attitudes.
Slide Presentation: The Impact of Culture
Using the Culture and Values Organizer document, show how your cultural background impacts your decisions and self-presentation at work. Make sure to talk about how personal cultural elements influence the overall workplace culture.
Your presentation should be 5–7 slides. adding detailed speaker notes (700–750 words). Use the How to Design and Deliver an Effective Presentation document if you need help with presentation tools or design.

Write an applied mathematics multiple-choice question regarding any topic and le

Write an applied mathematics multiple-choice question regarding any topic and learning objectives listed below. Please try to relate it to the field of infection prevention. There should be 5 answer choices, include the correct answer choice by highlighting it.
Topic: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Discrete Probability Distributions
– Binomial distribution
– Normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution
– Inferences about one-population proportion
– Inferences about two-population proportions
– Poisson distribution
Learning Objectives: To define, understand, apply, and interpret the fundamental concepts associated with
one- and two-sample hypothesis tests, including null and alternative hypotheses, significance levels, test
statistics, critical regions, and p- values; to define, understand, apply, and interpret the fundamental
properties of the binomial and Poisson distributions; to select and apply the appropriate statistical tests (e.g.,
binomial test for equal proportions) and their formulas to analyze discrete data and interpret the results; to
read and interpret the binomial and Poisson distribution tables

FIND a news or journal article related to an application topic listed on the lin

FIND a news or journal article related to an application topic listed on the linked document, that somehow uses one of the statistical topics, also listed on the linked document. You can select an article from the 20th century or one that is more recent to show how much the research has progressed. Regardless, this should be an article that you find interesting and relevant.
WRITE 1 paragraph that summarizes the article and another that clearly describes the role that statistics played in drawing the conclusions in the article. You could focus on the statistical methods and/or results that led to the primary conclusions. In your write-up, it should be clear that you were able to understand these statistical methods and/or results.

my assigned number is 26. You just have to solve no.26 In this discussion, you

my assigned number is 26. You just have to solve no.26
In this discussion, you will solve quadratic equations by two main methods: factoring and using the quadratic formula. Read the following instructions in order and view the MAT222 Week 4 Discussion ExampleDownload MAT222 Week 4 Discussion Exampleto complete this discussion. Please complete the following problems according to your assigned number. (Instructors will assign each student their number.)
If your assigned number is
Use FACTORING to solve
Use the QUADRATIC FORMULA to solve
1×2 + 9x + 20 = 02 on p. 646
2×2 + 11x + 30 = 04 on p. 646
36×2 + 7x – 20 = 06 on p. 646
4×2 + 3x + 2 = 08 on p. 646
5×2 + 7x + 12 = 010 on p. 646
6×2 – 9x + 14 = 012 on p. 646
7×2 + 6x – 27 = 014 on p. 636
8×2 – 2x – 24 = 016 on p. 636
9×2 + 3x – 18 = 018 on p. 636
102×2 + x – 1 = 020 on p. 636
112×2 – x – 3 = 022 on p. 637
12×2 – x = 024 on p. 637
13×2 + x – 42 = 044 on p. 637
14×2 + x – 20 = 046 on p. 636
15×2 + 5x = 048 on p. 637
162×2 + 5x – 3 = 050 on p. 637
173×2 – 10x + 7 = 052 on p. 637
18×3 – 9x = 054 on p. 647
1925x – x3 = 03×2 + x – 2 = 0
202×2 + 2x – 24 = 02×2 – 7x + 5 = 0
21×2 – x – 6 = 02 on p. 658
22×2 + 6x + 8 = 04 on p. 658
23×2 + 2x – 15 = 06 on p. 658
24×2 – 2x – 15 = 08 on p. 658
252×2 – x – 3 = 010 on p. 658
266×2 – x – 15 = 02 on p. 680
27×2 + 14x + 49 = 04 on p. 680
28×2 – 6x + 9 = 06 on p. 680
29×2 – 16 = 08 on p. 680
304×2 – 25 = 010 on p. 680
31×2 + 10x + 21 = 012 on p. 680
32×2 – 6x – 7 = 014 on p. 680
33×2 + x – 2 = 016 on p. 680
34×2 – 4x – 12 = 018 on p. 680
35×2 –10x + 25 = 020 on p. 680
36×2 + 6x + 5 = 022 on p. 680
373×2 – x – 24 = 024 on p. 680
383×2 – 6x – 24 = 026 on p. 680
39×2 + 9x + 18 = 028 on p. 680
402×2 – x – 15 = 030 on p. 680
41×2 – 7x + 12 = 02×2 – 3x + 1 = 0
4225×2 – 20x + 4 = 016×2 + 1 = 8x
43×2 + 5x + 6 = 03×2 – 10x + 8 = 0
44×2 – 6x + 5 = 03×2 + x – 2 = 0
45x(x – 5) = 02×2 – 7x + 5 = 0
For the factoring problem, be sure you show all steps to the factoring and solving. Show a check of your solutions back into the original equation.
For the quadratic formula problem, be sure that you use readable notation while you are working the computational steps. Refer to the Inserting Math Symbols handout for guidance with formatting.
Present your final solutions as decimal approximations carried out to the third decimal place. Due to the nature of these solutions, no check is required.
Incorporate the following four math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing. Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.Quadratic formula
Completing the square
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Only two questions are required to be solved The solution in detail, steps, and

Only two questions are required to be solved
The solution in detail, steps, and explanation of the steps in a simple and not complicated way
The solution should be in the simplest way from the following book
Write the solution method for any unit completed in this book
Triola, M. F. (2011). Elementary statistics using the TI-83/84 Plus calculator. (3rd Edition). Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-0-321-64148-9 (print version)