This page lists six short-essay questions and provides links to any resources necessary to answer them. You will submit your answers to these questions in the next (and final) section of the course.
As you read through these questions, please remember that we’ll be looking to see the application of the ideas reviewed in the previous interactive activities. You will upload your answers in a single Word document in the next course section.
Important! You must provide answers to all parts of these six questions.
If you’ll recall back to Section 1.3, you submitted an Integrity Pledge that the work in this seminar is your own work. Please type the Integrity Pledge at the top of your submission.
“I do honest work. The words in this exercise are mine
Category: and I attend [name of school].””
unless other sources are clearly identified. My name is ________
This page lists six short-essay questions and provides links to any resources necessary to answer them. You will submit your answers to these questions in the next (and final) section of the course.
As you read through these questions, please remember that we’ll be looking to see the application of the ideas reviewed in the previous interactive activities. You will upload your answers in a single Word document in the next course section.
Important! You must provide answers to all parts of these six questions.
If you’ll recall back to Section 1.3, you submitted an Integrity Pledge that the work in this seminar is your own work. Please type the Integrity Pledge at the top of your submission.
“I do honest work. The words in this exercise are mine