ROSOMAXA – “Routing Optimizations with Self-Organizing Maps And EXtrAs” 1.use hi

ROSOMAXA – “Routing Optimizations with Self-Organizing Maps And EXtrAs”
1.use his(…
Perform Data Preprocessing–by python(vrp-cli)!and I will place it below
We cluster the solutions using Growing Self-Organizing Map (GSOM).
We select clustering features specialized in solution geometry.
We use 2D visualization to analyze and understand the algorithm’s behavior.
In the solution improvement phase, we utilize reinforcement learning techniques in dynamic hyper-heuristics to choose one of the meta-heuristics
If you can, please contact me, and I will provide you with CSV data

complete the following questions using the soccer scenarios. 1. Identify System

complete the following questions using the soccer scenarios.
1. Identify System Requirements using FURPS+ in your explanation.
2. Identify and classify all the stakeholders.
3.Create at least one user story for each stakeholders. Write user story in sentences format using correct user story format- be sure to include the acceptance criteria.
4.Create use case diagrams to reflect the requirements and your stakeholders. Try to add “Includes” and “ Extends”.
5.Create either a Domain Class or a Class Diagram to represent the system. why did you choose this module?
6. Create either a activity flow or interactive diagram to represent how the system works.
7.Create an ERD to model the data. Place all entities in a third normal form; Identify all keys; and label.

Experiment Sample Preparation Analysis Unit Centrifuge Control (version 1.0) Pre

Experiment Sample Preparation
Analysis Unit Centrifuge Control (version 1.0)
Two autonomous vehicles are involved in scientific exploration of an astronomical object in
our solar system. The first vehicle, called the Sampling Vehicle (SV), stops every kilometer
to collect four samples, sealing them in tubes that also contain reagents. The SV drops the
sealed tubes on the surface for collection and moves to its next location. The tubes may
end up in any orientation on the surface.
The second vehicle, the Collection and Analysis Vehicle (CAV), follows the SV’s path. It can
identify sample tubes with sensors and has a robot arm to pick up and load them into
trays, with each tray holding four tubes. The CAV searches for three additional samples
once it finds one and closes the tray when it secures all four. The CAV doesn’t distinguish
between tube ends, and trays may have tubes with different orientations.
The Analysis Unit (AU) of the CAV accommodates the trays and has three doors: LEFT,
TOP, and RIGHT. Only two doors can be open simultaneously. Doors can’t be closed
unless the centrifuge begins spinning, and all open doors automatically close when
spinning starts. The AU can sense and report the tube orientation, and it can also reverse
the orientation on command.
The centrifuge responds to “spin” and “stop” signals with delays of 10 to 1000
milliseconds. After a “spin” signal, it takes up to 5000 milliseconds to reach maximum
rotation speed due to inertia, and up to 3000 milliseconds to come to a halt after a “stop”
The controller of the AU is a Turing-machine equivalent processor, capable of executing
programs with standard control structures, assignment statements, and basic data
structures. Pseudo-code can be used to express algorithms for the programmers who will
be writing the final source code for the AU.
The scientific experiment’s validity hinges on ensuring that all four tubes within the
centrifuge tray have a consistent orientation, regardless of whether all tubes have their
cap-ends towards the center or all have their cap-ends towards the outer rim. The specific
orientation (center or outer rim) is not crucial; the key requirement is that they all match.
Only when this consistency in orientation is achieved can the 30-minute centrifuge cycle
commence, ensuring the experiment’s accuracy and reliability.
Your task is to design an algorithm for the AU controller that guarantees that all sample
tubes have the same orientation before initiating the 30-minute centrifuge cycle.
Additionally, you should perform an analysis of the worst-case time complexity using big-
O notation and attempt a proof of correctness for your algorithm. While not mandatory,
creating a simulation of the AU can be insightful for understanding the practical
implications of your algorithm.
Two autonomous vehicles are involved in conducting scientific exploration of an
astronomical object within our solar system (e.g., planet, moon, asteroid). One is a
Sampling Vehicle (SV), the other is a Collection and Analysis Vehicle (CAV).
Sampling Vehicle
The SV stops every kilometer and collects 4 samples at each location it stops. Each
sample is put in a tube that contains a reagent and the tube is sealed with a cap. The
sealed tube is then dropped on the surface for a collection vehicle to pick up. The sample
tubes may end up in any orientation on the surface, including all angular positions
between vertical and horizontal and with no regard for where the cap-end lies.
Collection and Analysis Vehicle
The CAV follows the track of the SV. It has sensors that can identify sample tubes. The
CAV also has a robot arm with which it picks up and loads sample tubes into centrifuge
trays. Each tray accommodates exactly 4 sample tubes. Once the CAV locates a single
sample, it searches the immediate area for 3 more samples. When the fourth
sample has been secured, the tray is closed and transferred to the Analysis
Unit (AU) of the CAV.
The collection portion of the CAV is very simple, designed to
pick up and load a sample tube into a tray. It does not have
the ability to distinguish between the two ends of the sample tube. The
centrifuge tray has been designed to accept tubes in either orientation:
cap-end towards the center or cap-end towards the outer rim. The tubes
in a closed centrifuge tray may thus not be oriented the same; that is, some may have the
cap-end towards the center while others may have the cap-end towards the outer rim.
The AU centrifuge accommodates the centrifuge tray. It also has three doors,
at most two of which may be open at the same time.
The doors are referred to as LEFT (at the nine-o’clock position), TOP (at the
twelve-o’clock position), and RIGHT (at the three-o’clock
position). When the centrifuge comes to a complete stop,
the LEFT door is automatically opened. Thus there are three possible
configurations of open doors: [LEFT], [LEFT and TOP], or
Once a door has been opened it cannot be closed except by
directing the centrifuge to begin spinning. All open doors are
closed automatically when the centrifuge is directed to begin spinning.
The AU has the ability to sense and report the orientation of any tube exposed by an open
door. The AU can also be directed to reverse the orientation of any exposed tube.
There is a delay of between 10 and 1000 milliseconds between when a command is
issued and when the centrifuge begins to respond.
The centrifuge will begin to spin or stop spinning in response to a “spin” or “stop”
command respectively. When a “spin” signal has been received, the AU closes any open
doors and the centrifuge spins until it receives a “stop” signal.
Due to inertia, there is a period of up to 5000 milliseconds before the centrifuge reaches its
maximum rotation speed following a “spin” signal. It may take up to 6000 milliseconds
before the centrifuge comes to a halt after receiving a “stop” signal.
Scientific Experiment Requirements
The validity of the scientific experiment requires all four tubes to have the same orientation
in the centrifuge tray and for the centrifuge to then run for a period of 30 minutes.
Consistency of orientation is all that’s important, not the particular orientation. Thus all
tubes may have the cap-end towards the center or all may have the cap-ends towards the
outer rim. The only constraint is that they must all have the same orientation before the 30
minute cycle can begin.
Programming Specifications
AU Controller Programming
The AU controller is a Turing-machine equivalent processor. It can execute programs that
use standard control structures (sequence, conditional, looping/recursion, subroutine/
function calls), assignment statements, and data structures (primitives, indexed
sequences, linked structures).
Pseudo-code expressing an algorithm is acceptable for the programmers who will be
writing the final source code for the AU controller.
Controller ⇄ Centrifuge
The centrifuge accepts the following commands from the controller and takes the action
BALANCED Reports whether or not the centrifuge tray is balanced (all tubes have
the same orientation); results are valid only while the centrifuge is
FLIP_LEFT Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the LEFT door (if and only
if the LEFT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
FLIP_RIGHT Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the RIGHT door (if and
only if the RIGHT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
FLIP_TOP Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the TOP door (if and only
if the TOP door is open; otherwise shuts down)
OPEN_RIGHT Opens the RIGHT door (if and only if the LEFT door is open and the
TOP door is closed; otherwise shuts down)
OPEN_TOP Opens the TOP door (if and only if the LEFT door is open and the
RIGHT door is closed; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_LEFT Reports the orientation of the tube under the LEFT door (if and only if
the LEFT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_RIGHT Reports the orientation of the tube under the RIGHT door (if and only if
the RIGHT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_TOP Reports the orientation of the tube under the TOP door (if and only if
the TOP door is open; otherwise shuts down)
SPIN Closes all open doors and starts the centrifuge spinning (if the
centrifuge is already spinning, this command is ignored)
STOP Applies brake to the centrifuge and automatically opens the LEFT
door when the centrifuge has come to a complete stop (if the
centrifuge is already stopped, this command is ignored)
CS4050 Assignment
Develop and deliver an algorithm for the AU controller that ensures all tubes have the
same orientation.
Your algorithm should not only fulfill the fundamental task of aligning tube orientations but
should also be efficient and error-resistant, as it’s intended for use in a scientific
experiment without human intervention.
Tube Orientation Strategy: Formulate a strategy for achieving uniform tube orientation.
Consider different algorithm development strategies and how each might be applied to
this situation.
Algorithm Development: Create a comprehensive algorithm outlining each step the AU
controller should follow. Be explicit about how the controller will inspect and potentially
modify tube orientations to align with your chosen strategy. Consider the possible 6 states for the problem that the algorithm must handle to achieve a balanced tray. You do not need a counter.
Worst-Case Complexity Analysis: Provide a detailed explanation of the algorithm’s
worst-case time complexity using big-O notation.
Proof of Correctness: Demonstrate the correctness of your algorithm. Present a
convincing mathematical or logical proof that your algorithm will reliably ensure consistent
tube orientation as required for the experiment.
For the algorithm part, use the attachment below to create it.

Experiment Sample Preparation Analysis Unit Centrifuge Control (version 1.0) Pre

Experiment Sample Preparation
Analysis Unit Centrifuge Control (version 1.0)
Two autonomous vehicles are involved in scientific exploration of an astronomical object in
our solar system. The first vehicle, called the Sampling Vehicle (SV), stops every kilometer
to collect four samples, sealing them in tubes that also contain reagents. The SV drops the
sealed tubes on the surface for collection and moves to its next location. The tubes may
end up in any orientation on the surface.
The second vehicle, the Collection and Analysis Vehicle (CAV), follows the SV’s path. It can
identify sample tubes with sensors and has a robot arm to pick up and load them into
trays, with each tray holding four tubes. The CAV searches for three additional samples
once it finds one and closes the tray when it secures all four. The CAV doesn’t distinguish
between tube ends, and trays may have tubes with different orientations.
The Analysis Unit (AU) of the CAV accommodates the trays and has three doors: LEFT,
TOP, and RIGHT. Only two doors can be open simultaneously. Doors can’t be closed
unless the centrifuge begins spinning, and all open doors automatically close when
spinning starts. The AU can sense and report the tube orientation, and it can also reverse
the orientation on command.
The centrifuge responds to “spin” and “stop” signals with delays of 10 to 1000
milliseconds. After a “spin” signal, it takes up to 5000 milliseconds to reach maximum
rotation speed due to inertia, and up to 3000 milliseconds to come to a halt after a “stop”
The controller of the AU is a Turing-machine equivalent processor, capable of executing
programs with standard control structures, assignment statements, and basic data
structures. Pseudo-code can be used to express algorithms for the programmers who will
be writing the final source code for the AU.
The scientific experiment’s validity hinges on ensuring that all four tubes within the
centrifuge tray have a consistent orientation, regardless of whether all tubes have their
cap-ends towards the center or all have their cap-ends towards the outer rim. The specific
orientation (center or outer rim) is not crucial; the key requirement is that they all match.
Only when this consistency in orientation is achieved can the 30-minute centrifuge cycle
commence, ensuring the experiment’s accuracy and reliability.
Your task is to design an algorithm for the AU controller that guarantees that all sample
tubes have the same orientation before initiating the 30-minute centrifuge cycle.
Additionally, you should perform an analysis of the worst-case time complexity using big-
O notation and attempt a proof of correctness for your algorithm. While not mandatory,
creating a simulation of the AU can be insightful for understanding the practical
implications of your algorithm.
Two autonomous vehicles are involved in conducting scientific exploration of an
astronomical object within our solar system (e.g., planet, moon, asteroid). One is a
Sampling Vehicle (SV), the other is a Collection and Analysis Vehicle (CAV).
Sampling Vehicle
The SV stops every kilometer and collects 4 samples at each location it stops. Each
sample is put in a tube that contains a reagent and the tube is sealed with a cap. The
sealed tube is then dropped on the surface for a collection vehicle to pick up. The sample
tubes may end up in any orientation on the surface, including all angular positions
between vertical and horizontal and with no regard for where the cap-end lies.
Collection and Analysis Vehicle
The CAV follows the track of the SV. It has sensors that can identify sample tubes. The
CAV also has a robot arm with which it picks up and loads sample tubes into centrifuge
trays. Each tray accommodates exactly 4 sample tubes. Once the CAV locates a single
sample, it searches the immediate area for 3 more samples. When the fourth
sample has been secured, the tray is closed and transferred to the Analysis
Unit (AU) of the CAV.
The collection portion of the CAV is very simple, designed to
pick up and load a sample tube into a tray. It does not have
the ability to distinguish between the two ends of the sample tube. The
centrifuge tray has been designed to accept tubes in either orientation:
cap-end towards the center or cap-end towards the outer rim. The tubes
in a closed centrifuge tray may thus not be oriented the same; that is, some may have the
cap-end towards the center while others may have the cap-end towards the outer rim.
The AU centrifuge accommodates the centrifuge tray. It also has three doors,
at most two of which may be open at the same time.
The doors are referred to as LEFT (at the nine-o’clock position), TOP (at the
twelve-o’clock position), and RIGHT (at the three-o’clock
position). When the centrifuge comes to a complete stop,
the LEFT door is automatically opened. Thus there are three possible
configurations of open doors: [LEFT], [LEFT and TOP], or
Once a door has been opened it cannot be closed except by
directing the centrifuge to begin spinning. All open doors are
closed automatically when the centrifuge is directed to begin spinning.
The AU has the ability to sense and report the orientation of any tube exposed by an open
door. The AU can also be directed to reverse the orientation of any exposed tube.
There is a delay of between 10 and 1000 milliseconds between when a command is
issued and when the centrifuge begins to respond.
The centrifuge will begin to spin or stop spinning in response to a “spin” or “stop”
command respectively. When a “spin” signal has been received, the AU closes any open
doors and the centrifuge spins until it receives a “stop” signal.
Due to inertia, there is a period of up to 5000 milliseconds before the centrifuge reaches its
maximum rotation speed following a “spin” signal. It may take up to 6000 milliseconds
before the centrifuge comes to a halt after receiving a “stop” signal.
Scientific Experiment Requirements
The validity of the scientific experiment requires all four tubes to have the same orientation
in the centrifuge tray and for the centrifuge to then run for a period of 30 minutes.
Consistency of orientation is all that’s important, not the particular orientation. Thus all
tubes may have the cap-end towards the center or all may have the cap-ends towards the
outer rim. The only constraint is that they must all have the same orientation before the 30
minute cycle can begin.
Programming Specifications
AU Controller Programming
The AU controller is a Turing-machine equivalent processor. It can execute programs that
use standard control structures (sequence, conditional, looping/recursion, subroutine/
function calls), assignment statements, and data structures (primitives, indexed
sequences, linked structures).
Pseudo-code expressing an algorithm is acceptable for the programmers who will be
writing the final source code for the AU controller.
Controller ⇄ Centrifuge
The centrifuge accepts the following commands from the controller and takes the action
BALANCED Reports whether or not the centrifuge tray is balanced (all tubes have
the same orientation); results are valid only while the centrifuge is
FLIP_LEFT Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the LEFT door (if and only
if the LEFT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
FLIP_RIGHT Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the RIGHT door (if and
only if the RIGHT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
FLIP_TOP Flips the orientation of the tube exposed by the TOP door (if and only
if the TOP door is open; otherwise shuts down)
OPEN_RIGHT Opens the RIGHT door (if and only if the LEFT door is open and the
TOP door is closed; otherwise shuts down)
OPEN_TOP Opens the TOP door (if and only if the LEFT door is open and the
RIGHT door is closed; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_LEFT Reports the orientation of the tube under the LEFT door (if and only if
the LEFT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_RIGHT Reports the orientation of the tube under the RIGHT door (if and only if
the RIGHT door is open; otherwise shuts down)
REPORT_TOP Reports the orientation of the tube under the TOP door (if and only if
the TOP door is open; otherwise shuts down)
SPIN Closes all open doors and starts the centrifuge spinning (if the
centrifuge is already spinning, this command is ignored)
STOP Applies brake to the centrifuge and automatically opens the LEFT
door when the centrifuge has come to a complete stop (if the
centrifuge is already stopped, this command is ignored)
CS4050 Assignment
Develop and deliver an algorithm for the AU controller that ensures all tubes have the
same orientation.
Your algorithm should not only fulfill the fundamental task of aligning tube orientations but
should also be efficient and error-resistant, as it’s intended for use in a scientific
experiment without human intervention.
Tube Orientation Strategy: Formulate a strategy for achieving uniform tube orientation.
Consider different algorithm development strategies and how each might be applied to
this situation.
Algorithm Development: Create a comprehensive algorithm outlining each step the AU
controller should follow. Be explicit about how the controller will inspect and potentially
modify tube orientations to align with your chosen strategy. Consider the possible 6 states for the problem that the algorithm must handle to achieve a balanced tray. You do not need a counter.
Worst-Case Complexity Analysis: Provide a detailed explanation of the algorithm’s
worst-case time complexity using big-O notation.
Proof of Correctness: Demonstrate the correctness of your algorithm. Present a
convincing mathematical or logical proof that your algorithm will reliably ensure consistent
tube orientation as required for the experiment.
For the algorithm part, use the attachment below to create it.

Describe in detail a data analytics problem that you find interesting from the f

Describe in detail a data analytics problem that you find interesting from the field of health care. Provide enough detail about the problem that others will understand the context fully.
Describe what information you would want to gain from analyzing the data related to this problem.
What challenges do you see with data loading and storage within your data analytics problem?
Describe in detail the process you would take during the data transformation process of your data analytics problem. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

clear. Data Structures & Algorithms for Placements This course is primarily for

Data Structures & Algorithms for Placements
This course is primarily for those preparing for placements or job interviews.
Time is limited when preparing for placements, so this course is structured to value your time. A 15-hour video on C with notes is available on the channel, which will be covered first. If you’re an advanced Java user or can program algorithms in Python, then it’s possible to do so. However, it’s recommended to learn C and C++ first.
Data structure is an arrangement of data in main memory, which refers to RAM (Random Access Memory) of 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 GB. The sequence of RAM usage is important when loading a program like “chrome.exe” for Windows. Fiddling with data occurs in main memory, which must be arranged optimally using data structures to minimize RAM usage.
The theory of databases is not covered in this course, but you should know their basic concepts. When opening a new tab, a large amount of data is stored in a database that must be retrieved and updated regularly. Data warehouses store data permanently for faster retrieval and updation for analysis purposes. Legacy data needs to be stored separately from the main system.
Sorting Algorithms
The example used here is sorting arrays in ascending or descending order. An algorithm is a series of steps to create a process. When sorting an array, steps must be taken to sort in ascending or descending order. The steps taken to sort an algorithm into an array define the algorithm.

clear. Data Structures & Algorithms for Placements This course is primarily for

Data Structures & Algorithms for Placements
This course is primarily for those preparing for placements or job interviews.
Time is limited when preparing for placements, so this course is structured to value your time. A 15-hour video on C with notes is available on the channel, which will be covered first. If you’re an advanced Java user or can program algorithms in Python, then it’s possible to do so. However, it’s recommended to learn C and C++ first.
Data structure is an arrangement of data in main memory, which refers to RAM (Random Access Memory) of 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 GB. The sequence of RAM usage is important when loading a program like “chrome.exe” for Windows. Fiddling with data occurs in main memory, which must be arranged optimally using data structures to minimize RAM usage.
The theory of databases is not covered in this course, but you should know their basic concepts. When opening a new tab, a large amount of data is stored in a database that must be retrieved and updated regularly. Data warehouses store data permanently for faster retrieval and updation for analysis purposes. Legacy data needs to be stored separately from the main system.
Sorting Algorithms
The example used here is sorting arrays in ascending or descending order. An algorithm is a series of steps to create a process. When sorting an array, steps must be taken to sort in ascending or descending order. The steps taken to sort an algorithm into an array define the algorithm.

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Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms
Course Introduction
This course is designed for placement preparation and will mainly cover data structures and algorithms using C and C++. Even if you do not know C++, you will still be able to follow along easily. The notes will be made available as a PDF in the description below.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data structures are used to arrange data in main memory for efficient usage while algorithms are a sequence of steps to solve a given problem. In this course, we will cover arrays, linked lists, and graphs as examples of data structures and dive into solving problems using different algorithms.
Programming Languages
C and C++ will be the primary languages used in this course but Java can also be used to implement the algorithms. I do not recommend Python or JavaScript for beginners but rather suggest learning C to get a solid foundation in programming.
Learning data structures and algorithms is a responsibility and I will teach this course in a way that is easy to understand for beginners. Don’t worry if you make mistakes or have trouble at first, just follow along step by step and everything will become clear.
Data Structures & Algorithms for Placements
This course is primarily for those preparing for placements or job interviews.
Time is limited when preparing for placements, so this course is structured to value your time. A 15-hour video on C with notes is available on the channel, which will be covered first. If you’re an advanced Java user or can program algorithms in Python, then it’s possible to do so. However, it’s recommended to learn C and C++ first.
Data structure is an arrangement of data in main memory, which refers to RAM (Random Access Memory) of 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 GB. The sequence of RAM usage is important when loading a program like “chrome.exe” for Windows. Fiddling with data occurs in main memory, which must be arranged optimally using data structures to minimize RAM usage.
The theory of databases is not covered in this course, but you should know their basic concepts. When opening a new tab, a large amount of data is stored in a database that must be retrieved and updated regularly. Data warehouses store data permanently for faster retrieval and updation for analysis purposes. Legacy data needs to be stored separately from the main system.
Sorting Algorithms
The example used here is sorting arrays in ascending or descending order. An algorithm is a series of steps to create a process. When sorting an array, steps must be taken to sort in ascending or descending order. The steps taken to sort an algorithm into an array define the algorithm.
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necessary when we will see linked list, array, and binary search tree. I recomme

necessary when we will see linked list, array, and binary search tree.
I recommend learning C and C++ to prepare data structures and algorithms for any product-based company.
I have made a 15-hour long video of C with notes the way I have given this video with notes. I hope you like this video. If you don’t know C properly, then I have a 15-hour long video. You must definitely learn this.
When you go for an interview, then the person in front of you will expect C, C++, or Java from you. You must know one of these three languages. You will be taken lightly over there. If you are only a Python and JavaScript programmer, then you will be at a disadvantage. You will still be down in front of a person who knows C, and I have written all these things in notes so you won’t have any problem.
I am telling this from experience. This is also a mindset, and you should do C and not to use Python and to be a programmer who knows it. I have also given their reasons in many more videos. I have said that you have to be careful about it. You have to use it. I’m not to be afraid of it.
If you want to use C and to understand it, it’s not to ignore it. In many of the most important to understand. You need to use the language. You need to understand what you need it. There is no need to be an expert. You should be aware of the problem.
You don’t know that you know that it’s not to make mistakes. You can be very aware of what you’ve got to understand the problem. Don’t be afraid to use a problem. You’re not to get to understand this. It’ll be very careful. It has to be aware that you are aware of it. It’s a very important. It’s a very good thing.