analyze topics related to the ATC modernization plan NextGen. paper will include

analyze topics related to the ATC modernization plan NextGen. paper will include a title page, 3 pages of text, and a reference page, all APA formatted. will include the following current info regarding NextGen:
Time schedule and schedule issues
Funding issues
Cybersecurity aspects
Use data and give actual/estimated dates, milestones, and actual/estimated costs ($$).T
topic should about NextGen in Air Transportation.

Airport Security There are many incredible stories that came out of the tragedy

Airport Security There are many incredible stories that came out of the tragedy of September 11, 2001. In this class, we are currently studying CM Module 3 which is partly about Airport Security. This module highlights the events of 9/11 as well as the changes that have taken place in Airport Security since that day.
For this assignment, I want you to spend some time researching the events of September 11, 2001, and write the story of the individual that interests you. I am not limiting this assignment to people on board American Flight 11, 77, or United 175 or 93, although feel free to write about an individual from one of those flights if you find it to be of interest. You may write about an individual from the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, or any other related location or situation if it directly relates to the events of 9/11.
In 2500 words you need to do the following:
Give the context of the situation of the individual you choose, e.g., where were they? what was their background; their story? I expect you to go as in-depth as you possibly can in telling the story of the individual about whom you choose to write. Thoroughly describe this individual’s role in the events of 9/11.
In a final paragraph, you need to clearly detail how airport security failed and what changes occurred in Airport Security because of September 11, 2001.
The minimum word count should be 2000 words and a maximum of 2500 words. The paper should be written in APA 7 and include a cover page, an abstract, and a complete reference page.

Airport Security: Balancing Safety and Passenger Flow Examine the challenges and

Airport Security: Balancing Safety and Passenger Flow
Examine the challenges and considerations in integrating robust security measures without compromising passenger flow.
Evaluate case studies of airports with effective security design implementations.
Propose innovative solutions for enhancing security while maintaining a seamless passenger experience.
The full report should be 2000 words Referencing should be done correctly in APA style
The paper should be:
Background Introduction Main body Reasoning Conclusion Recommendation References

1- Make a minimum 5-minute presentation about Safety Assessment in the course av

1- Make a minimum 5-minute presentation about Safety Assessment in the course aviation safety, make sure to relate an event to the course material, you may use outside resources but make sure the main Source you’re using is the attached pictures. Use the attached pictures for the content and make a PowerPoint and a word document containing what I’ll be saying in class (flash cards). This is a significant portion of their grade and will require significant effort for max credit. We’re required to relate an event to the course material. Example: Boeing max 737
2- WRITE ONE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION that can be used for the exam, make sure to identify the correct response.

1- Make a minimum 5-minute presentation about Safety Assessment in the course av

1- Make a minimum 5-minute presentation about Safety Assessment in the course aviation safety, make sure to relate an event to the course material, you may use outside resources but make sure the main Source you’re using is the attached pictures. Use the attached pictures for the content and make a PowerPoint and a word document containing what I’ll be saying in class (flash cards). This is a significant portion of their grade and will require significant effort for max credit. We’re required to relate an event to the course material. Example: Boeing max 737
2- WRITE ONE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION that can be used for the exam, make sure to identify the correct response.

Hi, Choose an instrument that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by

Choose an instrument that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by air traffic controllers, pilots, or anyone else involved in aviation. Take a picture of the instrument (or draw it). Then write a 300+ word paper about how you would redesign that instrument to better improve the human-machine interaction. Explain what your changes would be and why you would make them. Finally, include a drawing of the new design.
APA format, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins
Thank you.

Choose a hand tool that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by mecha

Choose a hand tool that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by mechanics, pilots, or anyone else involved in aviation. Take a picture of the hand tool (or draw it). Then write a 300+ word paper about how you would redesign that tool to better improve the human-machine interaction. Explain what your changes would be and why you would make them. Finally, include a drawing of the new design.
APA format, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins