
  View the TEDTalk “My Philosophy for a Happy Life”Links to an external site. b

View the TEDTalk “My Philosophy for a Happy Life”Links to an external site. by Sam Berns (TEDx, 2013). Respond to the following questions:
What are your impressions of his talk?
Did his talk give you any new perspective on the process or skill of communication?
How does Berns’ perspective on life influence his communication competence? 
Be sure to respond to others. As a note, aim for full credit and connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk to show how the discussion ties to your studies in the course.
TEDx. (2013). My philosophy for a happy life.

After reading Chapters 1 and 2 and watching the videos on the Health Informatic

After reading Chapters 1 and 2 and watching the videos on the Health Informatics and informatics Systems:
2-3 pages (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below)

Address ALL below
1-Describe a scenario in your discipline(ICU nurse) where you used data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
2-Complete the self-assessment of informatics competencies presented in Table 1-1 and create an action plan for achieving these competencies. Your Action plan should be a minimum of ONE paragraph 4-6 sentences.
3-In health care, think about a typical day of practice and describe the setting. How many times do you interact with Information Science or Information Systems (ISs)? What are the ISs that you interact with, and how do you access them? Are they at the patient’s side, handheld, or station based? How does their location and ease of access impact patient care?
4-If you could meet only TWO (2) of the rights discussed in chapter 2, which one would you omit and why? Provide your rationale for both right you chose to meet.
5-You may cite the course required textbook and or other sources in which you have used content from. Make sure your references are in AMA format. 

  Domestic terrorism typically involves acts perpetrated by individuals or grou

Domestic terrorism typically involves acts perpetrated by individuals or groups within the borders of their own country, often motivated by grievances against their government or societal institutions, and international terrorism involves acts carried out by individuals or groups operating across national borders, often with transnational objectives or affiliations with foreign entities (Brine & Brine, 2021).
Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi, also known as Ahlam Tamimi, gained international attention for her involvement in a terrorist attack in Israel in 2001. Born in 1980 in Silwad, West Bank, Tamimi was convicted for her role in the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in Jerusalem, which resulted in the deaths of 15 civilians, including 7 children, and wounded over 130 others. Despite being sentenced to 16 life terms in prison, she was released in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. Tamimi’s case has sparked debates about terrorism, prisoner exchanges, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi has shown no remorse for her actions and has continued to advocate for violence against Israelis, garnering both support and condemnation from various groups (Individual Charged in Connection with 2001 Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem That Resulted in Death of Americans. 2017). She is considered a domestic terrorist, and her actions align with broader patterns of terrorist behavior, particularly in terms of ideological motivation, targeting of civilians, and association with extremist organizations. Her characteristics align with those of a domestic terrorist ideological ideation, targeting civilians, membership in a terrorist organization, and lack of remorse.
To assess the actions of Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi, the TRAP-18 indicators may help in identifying key characteristics or risk factors associated with individuals who engage in terrorist activities, including ideological motivation, past involvement in extremist groups, and patterns of behavior indicative of violent intent (Meloy et al., 2019). By identifying specific risk factors and behavioral indicators, professionals can better assess the level of risk posed by individuals like Al-Tamimi and develop appropriate intervention and prevention strategies to mitigate the threat of terrorism (Meloy et al., 2019).
Brine, I., & Brine, L. (2021). Homegrown and lone-actor terrorism Download Homegrown and lone-actor terrorism. In M. Roycroft & L. Brine, Modern police leadership (pp. 281–292). Palgrave Macmillan.
Meloy, J. R., Goodwill, A. M., Meloy, M. J., Amat, G., Martinez, M., & Morgan, M. (2019). Some TRAP-18 indicators discriminate between terrorist attackers and other subjects of national security concernLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 6(2), 93–110.

  Terrorism, Domestic and International Terrorism Terrorism is described as cri

Terrorism, Domestic and International Terrorism
Terrorism is described as crimes committed by a person or group of people that have some form of hate towards something which they intend to distill fear or intimidation. According to the FBI (n.d.), international terrorism are violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored). While domestic terrorism is violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such of a political, religious, social, racials, or environmental nature. One example of an international terrorist group is the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS), while Eric Rudolph who bombed and killed the Olympic Games in 1996 would be considered as a domestic terrorist.
Elliot Rodger- Involuntary Celibacy (Incel) Terrorist
In Isla Vista, California, on May 23rd, 2014, Eliot Rodger killed six people in a violent shooting and stabbing rampage. According to BBC News (2018), “he planned his murderous rampage as a “Day of Retribution” and said he had “no choice but to exact revenge on the society” that had denied him sex and love”. He stabbed two of his roommates, shot 2 women outside of a sorority house, and then went on a rampage firing at a man and killing him. Eliot’s quote, “If I can’t have it, I will destroy it”, was his viewpoint for his outrage. Eliot wanted to purposely target the sorority house because he thought they had the prettiest females and that they were the types that would deny having sex with him. His lonely and insecure life led him to post various messages online about himself. During his younger years, his family would tease him because he was a virgin and never kissed a female. Rodgers has gained many supporters and people idolize him for the hate he showed against women and for committing the crime spree. Eliot Rodger committed suicide after posting a video about the act he just committed.
According to Witt (2020), These killers share a common connection through their participation and membership within an online subculture of the Men’s Rights Movement, MRM), known as the ‘involuntary celibate’ or ‘incel’ community”. Involuntary celibates (incels) are people or a person who may target women due to sexual frustrations. They are unlikely to find sexual partners in which they are attracted to and dislike rejection. While they mainly targeted women, they may also target men as well. Cottee (2021), “there are no female incels: women who invoke a master status based on the claim that men deprive them of sex and inherently demonic”. Incels desire a specific bond from the people they show resentment towards and in this case, he targeted women who look like the women who disregarded him. Within the articles, incels were described as loners and were socially isolated from the world. Some of the incels were known to have mental health issues, health issues, or even personal issues. Although Eliott did not have any mental health issues, after committing his criminal acts, many researchers believed he did. As mentioned by Witt (2020), “he described himself as separated from humanity, denied a normal life, and existing in a near-constant state of emotional distress”.
“Although the incel subculture draws on a reservoir of misogyny that finds validation in the wider culture, anyone who as spent even a moment inside an incel online forum will be stuck by its cultural specifities” (Cottee, 2021). Rodgers was known to be a frequent user in this community. After his rampage, members within the incel community praised him and even called him “Saint Eliott”. Members praised him because they believe that he wrote and conducted his manifesto of frustrations. As Eliot remains a hero within the incel community, his criminal acts remain symbol of how he perceived women whom he was unable to gain attention from.
BBC News. (2018, April 25). Eliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became ‘incel hero’.
Cottee, S. (2021). Incel (E)motives: Resentment, Shame, and Revenge. Studies in Conflicts & Terrorism, 44(2), 93-114.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (n.d.). What We Investigate. to an external site.
Sparks, B., Zidenberg, A. M., & Olver, M. E. (2023). One is the loneliest number: Involuntary celibacy (incel), mental health, and loneliness. Current Psychology, 1-15. to an external site.
Witt, T. (2020). ‘If I cannot have it, I will do everything I can to destroy it.’ The canonization of Elliot Rodger” ‘Incel’ masculinities, secular sainthood, and justifications of ideological violence. Social Identities, 26(5), 675-689. to an external site.

 Part 1: Proposed Research Questions  In 250-500 words, propose ethical researc

 Part 1: Proposed Research Questions
 In 250-500 words, propose ethical research questions for further study. Include the following:
Propose three research questions that would further the study on the health care problem or issue you have selected for your topic.
Discuss the parameters for developing ethical research questions. Describe potential ethical considerations for the questions you proposed.
Part 2: Incorporating a Theory or Model
Select a theory or model to assist with the implementation of your proposed evidence-based practice intervention. In 250-500 words:
Summarize the theory or model. Explain why this theory or model is best for your proposed evidence-based intervention.
Describe how you will apply the theory or model in the implementation of your evidence-based intervention.

Consider the professional and ethical codes related to section 2 for Behavioral

Consider the professional and ethical codes related to section 2 for Behavioral Analysis.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines and environments, you may search broadly. Post the article as a link or a document for your classmates and briefly summarize the news story;  give a behavioral interpretation of the occurrence or event. What was the human behavior(s) occurring?   Was this behavior ethical through the lens of the BACB Ethical code for Behavior Analysts?  If our Ethical Code were applied to this story, what would the violation be?