” Iraq’s Nuclear Program: A Cautionary Tale”.

I’ll prefer that you have knowledge about this topic ” Iraq’s Nuclear Program: A Cautionary Tale”. If you don’t, please cancel the work and assign it to someone who knows stuff about Iraq or you can make some research about it (Iraq’s Nuclear Program: A Cautionary Tale).
In an essay format, 1- Describe the key findings realized after the war about Iraq’s nuclear capability and explain how these findings may have been significant in justifying U.S. actions. 2- Describe what the term “mirror imaging” is and explain how it played a part in flawed intelligence leading up to the war. 3-Describe key judgments in the final intelligence estimate presented to the world by the U.S. to justify the invasion of Iraq. 4-Give your opinion on whether or not you think the intelligence to justify U.S. actions in Iraq was intentionally manipulated or analyst error and why. Please, I don’t want a long paper, I just need all those four parts to be answered in 500 or 600 words max.

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