Lateral Integration addresses many facets of collaboration, care coordination, and effective communication with all members of the team internal and external to your unit/microsystem.

Lateral Integration addresses many facets of collaboration, care coordination, and effective communication with all members of the team internal and external to your unit/microsystem. Choose one of the TeamSTEPPS tools from these AHRQ websites:
Lateral Integration addresses many facets of collaboration, care coordination and effective communication with all members of the team internal and external to your unit/microsystem. Choose one of the TeamSTEPPS tools from these AHRQ websites:TeamStepps Website (Links to an external site.)
TeamStepps Pocket Guide (Links to an external site.)
Consider your microsystem. Using the TeamSTEPPS tool, list 3 actions you can take to promote lateral integration and patient-centered care that reinforce best practices in communication.

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