Assignment 2 PRTM 3920 Attendance at one Special Event is required. Provide fir

Assignment 2 PRTM 3920
Attendance at one Special Event is required. Provide first, a description of the event, the date of the event, time of the event, place that the event held, to the instructor certifying your attendance. Submit a (1500 word report) SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of the event with your description, and then state the conclusions in a summary statement that you have concluded about whether the event will continue and whether it will be successful in the future (p. 44-47 in text). Due: November 5th.
Suggested Questions for you to consider when conducting your SWOT Analysis
Use SWOT Analysis to identify internal and external factors influencing and affecting performance. SWOT is used as an analysis tool to help you explore areas for change and growth, which can help with goal setting and/or strategic planning. Here are some questions to help you get started.
What do they do best?
What unique knowledge, talent, or resources do they have?
What advantages do they have?
What do other people say they do well?
What resources do they have available?
What is their greatest achievement?
What could they improve?
What knowledge, talent, skills and/or resources are they lacking?
What disadvantages do they have?
What do other people say they do not do well?
In what areas do they need more training?
What customer complaints have they had about their service?
How can they turn their strengths into opportunities?
How can they turn their weaknesses into opportunities?
is there a need in the event that no one is meeting?
What could they do today that is not being done?
How is their field changing? How can they take advantage of those changes?
What obstacles do they face?
Could any of their weaknesses prevent their event from meeting their goals?
Who and/or what might cause them problems in their future? How?
Are there any standards, policies, and/or legislation changing that might negatively impact them?
Are they competing with others to provide service?
Are there changes in their field or in technology that could threaten their success?
Your need to evaluate the event on each element of the event such as staff, vendors, promotion and marketing, food, security, covid-19 safety, parking, green practices, access, weather plans, and so on. Depending on the type of event some of the elements may not apply. So for each of the elements assessed by you each is assessed for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Your paper assessment should end with a summary of what your conclusions from your assessment were.

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