Identify the specific issues being discussed and provide an overview of the issu

Identify the specific issues being discussed and provide an overview of the issue. NOTE, you must identify your source materials.
Discuss what makes this is a political issue, the reasons the topic has become politicized, identify the position of the major participants in this debate.
Discuss recommendations about how the matter could be approached by campus leaders as well as other constituencies, and perhaps be resolved.
What are the pros and cons (the opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls) of the resolutions and recommendations you are bringing forward or proposing.
Term Paper Questions (to be used for the term paper on the topic where you led the class discussion): NOTE: All questions, 5 through 13, should be addressed completely in the term paper.
What makes this a “political” issue? What definition is being used here to designate this matter as “political”? What are your sources as you analyze this issue, event, or topic?
Who are the major political actors in this case, what do they want and why?
Based on what you have read, which groups or individuals do you think will be more influential in determining short-term outcomes, what about long-term outcomes?
What is the genesis of the political polarization regarding this matter? Is it internal or external to higher education? Is it real or imagined?
How should leaders respond to these issues given the political crosscurrents and strong views? Do leaders have to be mindful of “backlash” from other groups with a vested interest in the outcomes?
What specific actions do leaders need to take/consider with respective groups and individuals who may be involved to resolve matters?
Given shared governance dictates, what role should internal constituencies play as this issue is discussed/resolved?
Can you discuss “both sides”; do you see any validity to opposing points of view? Could you defend those opposing points of view in any way? Are there any other source materials you would recommend to others who might study this issue? How did the course readings inform your opinion on this matter? Please be specific.
What are your personal thoughts and recommendations? How, if at all, do your personal thoughts/recommendation align with what you recommended in questions #9 and #10?

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