This is a Charter for my senior project only high lighted sections need to be co

This is a Charter for my senior project only high lighted sections need to be completed. Deliverables, Timeline, Project Research Approach, and Evaluation & Analysis Method
NOTES for the Charter (Delete once
TENSE. Complete the charter in present
tense. You will transfer this charter
into the project report later in BUS 495.
When you enter it into the project report, you will need to convert it
to past tense (By the time the report is finished, all of this will be in the
THIRD PERSON. Write in THIRD PERSON- no I, you, we etc.
section is only meant to provide the reader with a brief overview of the
project plan. Keep in brief and to the
point, yet provide enough detail so all stakeholders have a common
understanding of the project details. Later sections of the report will provide
details of the organization and project.
JUST THE FACTS. Keep your language just to the
facts. Do not use persuasive or flowery
language at any time throughout the charter or report. If needed, provide reference/citations to
back up anything that needs support.
FULL SENTANCES. While you may use bullet points if you wish, you must start all
sections as a paragraph and introduce any bullet point with a starting
sentence. Paragraphs must be indented.

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