Attached is a pdf titled "MAIRS Thesis Manual" that provides guidance

Attached is a pdf titled "MAIRS Thesis Manual" that provides guidance for the structure/format and mechanics (i.e. margin size, etc) starting on page 7 of the guidance.<br /><br />Also attached is a guidance titled "Guidelines for Writing a Research Paper" that tells format for references and Bibliography starting on page 2, #2.<br /><br />General body of the thesis structure should be: <br />1. Introduction that sets forth the problems, issues, and/or questions that the thesis addresses. <br />2. Two distinct Chapters that trace the responses, including evidence of complete research on the topic (literature review).<br />3. Concluding chapter that summarizes and expands on the thesis by indicating its impact on the academic field and on the world.<br /><br />My thesis has been reviewed by my adviser and was told it is complete and all the research is there. It just needs to be tweaked and reorganized a little so that it flows better.<br /><br />I am attaching 2 word documents of the work: The main body of thesis, and second section (11 pages) that needs to be folded into the first part and made into its own chapter or parts of it folded into the existing Chapters in the first document.<br /><br />Also need to ensure all references are listed in Bibliography in correct format

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