Project #1: Interpret compliance with local, state, and federal labor regulation

Project #1: Interpret compliance with local, state, and federal labor regulations. Read the following 3 scenarios below and answer the questions for each of them. Be specific, cite federal and/or labor regulations to complete your project. Scenario 1 HIM Director: Welcome, Ms. Martin. I’m Sheila Reynolds, HIM Director. I see from your resume that you just completed the HIT program at Wentworth College. Tell me about your favorite class. Ms. Martin: I really enjoyed the three coding classes that I took. I found them to be challenging but fun. Those classes had me utilizing my anatomy and physiology knowledge as well. HIM Director: Indeed. As I reviewed your resume, I noticed there is a 10 year time lapse between your last job and returning to college. Can you explain that? Were you taking time to start a family? Critique the comments / questions asked by the HIM Director and identify any that are inappropriate to ask during the interview process and explain why. Scenario 2 – Equal Pay Act of 1963 Gertrude and Harry are both new coders at PVH. They have been hired at the entry level Coder 1 position which requires an associate degree, which they both recently earned. However, neither of them have previous HIM or coding experience. She will be working the first shift (day, 7 a.m.–3 p.m.), while he works second shift (evening, 3 p.m.–11 p.m.). Harry has achieved his CCS credential but Gertrude has not. The rate of pay for Gertrude is $14.21 per hour; Harry will be making $14.71. Is the pay difference a violation of Equal Pay Act of 1963? Assess Pine Valley Hospital’s compliance with the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Explain if they are in compliance or not and explain why. Scenario 3 – Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Selena is the HIM director at a 200 bed hospital. She has had exemplary performance evaluations each of her 35 years (15 of which have been as director of HIM), and is a well respected leader within the organization. Recent financial difficulties within the hospital have administration looking to cut costs. They have made a determination to dismiss Selena, and hire a new director at a reduced salary and fringe benefits. Assess Pine Valley Hospital’s compliance with the Employment Act of 1967. Explain if they are in compliance or not and explain why.

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