n coming up with your term paper, you may consider the principles, concepts, the

n coming up with your term paper, you may consider the principles, concepts, theories, and best practices shared and discussed to you by the different reporters to the topics itemized in your course syllabus. You may also provide additional concepts and information that were not discussed during the reporting to make your report comprehensive.
In the same manner, in order to guide you in your paper, you may consider this suggested flow to make your output well-organized: Introduction, Discussion and Analysis, Conclusion, and Recommendation. However, you are not limited in coming up with your own organization or format based on your convenience and preference.
The rubric or the grading of your final output will be based on the form, tenor, substance of your term paper, and presentation and delivery of your answer to the question provided above, including the proper citation or references of your sources.
Output Requirement/s:
i. The above-mentioned paper has to be reduced in an A4 size paper observing the following: Font Size: 12; Font Style: Arial/Times New Roman; Margin: 1; an
The rubric or the grading of your final output will be based on the form, tenor, substance of your term paper, and presentation and delivery of your answer to the question provided above, including the proper citation or references of your sources.
Output Requirement/s:
i. The above-mentioned paper has to be reduced in an A4 size paper observing the following: Font Size: 12; Font Style: Arial/Times New Roman; Margin: 1; and, Spacing – 1.15. Also, you have to justify every written paper.
ii. Observe at least a minimum of ten (10) pages term paper.
iii. Final output must be saved in a PDF file format following this file name: Term Paper: Effective Human Resource Management (Dela Cruz, Juan).
iv. Submit your work by attaching the PDF files providing your complete name under the same thread (reply to this email).
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